Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of March 20, 2022 No. 328
Some questions of providing the population with food products in the conditions of warlike situation
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Determine that:
1) for action of warlike situation for the purpose of satisfaction of compelling needs of functioning of the state providing the population of territorial communities of areas and Kiev in the territory of which active fighting continues (according to the list of administrative and territorial units in the territory of which the help within the epodderzhka Program is provided), including internally displaced persons from such areas and Kiev, socially unprotected persons living in the territories of territorial communities which are determined as the territories of possible fighting according to the List of the territories in which are conducted (were conducted) fighting or No. which are temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, Minreintegration approved by the order of December 22, 2022 309, by food products of long-term storage, bread and bakery products of short storage, which baking is provided by the subitem 3 of item 4 of this resolution, (further - food products) is performed free of charge;
2) amount of food products the, and also packaging goods for their packing at the rate on number of people needing providing with such goods, but no more than 10 million people for issue to the population is created by the Ministry of Economics;
3) for action of warlike situation for free providing the population with food products the goods which were purchased at the expense of the means of the government budget in particular provided according to the "Subvention from the Government Budget to Local Budgets on Ensuring Compelling Needs of Functioning of the State in the conditions of Warlike Situation" program and local budgets and also the goods received by other methods which are not prohibited by the legislation can be used.
2. Approve the list and amounts of the food products used for issue to the population, both the list and amounts of packaging goods for packing of goods which are used for issue to the population, according to appendix.
3. Determine regional, Kiev city military authorities receivers of goods which are determined in Appendix.
3-1. If necessary the goods determined in appendix can be transferred between regional, Kiev city military authorities according to the written appeal of military authorities.
4. Regional, Kiev city military to administrations:
1) in case of need to submit the Ministry of Economics the application with indication of the list and quantity (amount) of food products, and also packaging goods for their packing which are determined in appendix, taking into account the number of persons who need providing with such goods, within the established amount of the means provided for the respective area and Kiev according to the "Subvention from the Government Budget to Local Budgets on Ensuring Compelling Needs of Functioning of the State in the conditions of Warlike Situation" program according to the distribution approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 3, 2022 No. 528 "Some questions of financing of purchase of goods of long-term storage in the conditions of warlike situation" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 40, of the Art. 2160);
2) to provide storage of grain and/or its conversion on flour and grain with compensation to subjects of storage of grain and/or processors of cost of custodial services and/or conversions of grain at the expense of the means of the government budget provided according to the "Subvention from the Government Budget to Local Budgets on Ensuring Compelling Needs of Functioning of the State in the conditions of Warlike Situation" program and/or means of local budgets (including including the unregistered financial liabilities for the provided services in grain conversion, shipment of grain and products and storage of products in previous periods), and/or at the expense of part of products transferred to storage and/or conversion, and/or conversions of products which cost shall correspond to the cost of custodial service and/or conversion based on acts of subjects of storage of grain and/or the processors supported by the relevant source accounting documents;
3) in case of need to provide bakings of bread and bakery products of short storage with compensation to producers of bread and bakery products of short storage of cost of services from baking of bread and bakery products of short storage at the expense of part of products transferred to storage and/or conversion, and/or conversions of products transferred to baking of bread and bakery products of short storage which cost shall correspond to the cost of service of baking of bread and bakery products of short storage, based on the acts of producers of bread and bakery products of short storage supported by the relevant source accounting documents;
4) to approve procedure for free issue to the population of the food products determined by the subitem 1 of Item 1 of this resolution and to provide their issue with own resources taking into account the available need of the population for such providing;
5) during free issue of food products to the population to provide observance of the established amounts of each separate description of goods on the personality specified in appendix with acceptable deviation ± 20 percent (for tea/coffee acceptable deviation constitutes ± 25 percent) taking into account frequency rate of individual packaging of goods (in case of packaging availability);
To provide 6) if necessary interchangeability of the goods determined in appendix which are absent at the time of issue, at the expense of other available goods determined by such lists. No more than four descriptions of goods determined by the specified lists can be changed;
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