Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 1, 2022 No. UP-81

About measures for enhancement of system of work with families and women, supports waved also the senior generation

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 11.01.2025 No. UP-1)

For the purpose of raising on the new level of system of work with families, women and representatives of the senior generation, further enhancement of support to the makhally, effective organization of activities and ensuring interaction of persons responsible for work "makhallabay":

1. Determine the main directions of state policy by strengthening of institute of family and support of women:

comprehensive assistance to women and girls in education and finding of professional skills, search of decent work, support of female entrepreneurship, identification of gifted young women and girls, right direction of their capabilities;

continuation of policy of ensuring gender equality, increase in social and political activity of women, realization of reforms on their support;

improvement of quality of the medico-social services rendered to women in regions, especially in villages, overall performance on ensuring their familiarizing with healthy lifestyle;

determination of system measures for provision of housing for the women needing housing, to improvement of conditions of their life and work, increase in the income;

rendering social and legal, psychological assistance to the women and girls who got into difficult social position, their targeted support by means of "Female notebook";

creation in the society of the atmosphere of intolerance to oppression and violence against women, providing the rights and legitimate interests of women;

strengthening of educational and educational potential of family, preserving family values in society, improvement of the spiritual and moral atmosphere in families and increase in level of their welfare.

2. For the purpose of removal on the new public policy level on family support and women in the republic, search of ways of the system solution of their problems, the effective organization and coordination of activities of competent authorities to form the State committee of family and women (further - Committee), its divisions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, the city of Tashkent and areas (cities).

3. Determine the main objectives and activities of Committee:

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of women, increase in their role and activity in social and political life of the country, providing guarantees of gender equality, broad involvement of women in scientific activities;

timely identification of problems of family and women, rendering social and legal, psychological assistance to the families and women who got into difficult social position;

creation of necessary conditions for mastering women and girls knowledge and skills by the professions demanded in the labor market, broad involvement of women in the rural zone to family and private entrepreneurship, workmanship;

realization of address measures for forming of healthy lifestyle among women, to strengthening of spiritual and moral values in family;

rendering assistance to the non-state non-profit organizations performing activities for support of women.

4. Agree with the following offers of the Cabinet of Ministers about:

reorganization of the State trust fund on support of women in the State trust fund on family support and women, and also its transfer to structure of Committee;

reorganization of Makhalla Va Oit Research institution in Oila Va Hotin-kizlar Research institution, and also its transfer to structure of Committee;

to transfer to structure of Committee of the Republican center of rehabilitation and adaptation of women, the Commissions on the State award of Zulfia, the newspaper "zhamiit Oil va", the Saodat magazine, the international scientific magazine "Markazy Osiyoda Zhamiit, Va Oit Gender";

reforming and enhancement of activities of "Centers of entrepreneurship of women".

5. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 11.01.2025 No. UP-1

6. Abolish:

in structure of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan - position of the vice-chairman of Council of Ministers - the minister of support also families waved;

in structure of khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent - positions of deputies of hokim - chiefs of managements on support waved also families;

in structure of khokimiyats of areas (cities) - positions of deputies of hokim - chiefs of departments of support waved also families.

7. Instead of position of the vice-chairman waved concerning family, women and to social and spiritual questions, and also to enter positions of the specialist in questions of family and women in each town, mudflow, the aul, and also in each makhalla of the cities, settlements, villages and auls on one unit of position of the female activist with preserving procedure for financing at the expense of means of the local budget.

8. Determine waved the main objectives of the female activist:

realization of target measures for social and legal support of women in family, makhall and labor collectives, to increase in their social and political activity and spirituality, training of youth for family life, forming of modern model family, strengthening of its spiritual and moral atmosphere and traditional family values;

interaction with the assistant to hokim of the area (city) concerning development of entrepreneurship, employment of the population and reducing poverty in the makhall on realization of the entrepreneurial ideas of women and girls, attraction in their activities of the credits, subsidies and other measures of support;

in close interaction with "Advisory boards of women" training in entrepreneurship of the women needing social protection, rendering to them assistance in development of standard business plans and receipt of the credit, implementation of address work with the women included in "Female notebook";

timely identification of problems of women, carrying out individual and purposeful work with the women who got into difficult social position including women with disability, the organization of work on rendering social and legal, psychological and financial support to them.

9. Determine that:

The committee is authorized body of public administration on development and realization of single state policy in the sphere of family support and women, protection of their rights and legitimate interests;

drafts of regulatory legal acts concerning family and women are subject to coordination with Committee without fail;

execution of the decisions of Committee made within its powers is obligatory for bodies of the public and economic board, executive bodies on places, other organizations and their officials, and also citizens;

The committee is responsible for comprehensive assistance to primary organizations for women and increase in efficiency of their activities;

the female activist waved in the activities submits to Committee and its territorial subdivisions, and also it is accountable before them.

10. To committee to introduce the following drafts of regulatory legal acts to the Cabinet of Ministers:

in week time together with the interested ministries and departments - about the organization of activities of Committee;

in two weeks - about further acceleration of works on system family support and women;


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