of March 1, 2022 No. PP-146
About the organization of activities of the State committee of family and women
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 1, 2022 No. UP-81 "About Measures for Enhancement of System of Work with Families and Women, Supports Waved Also the Senior Generation":
1. Support the offer of chambers of Oliy Majlis, Cabinet of Ministers and local representative bodies on formation of the Republican commission on questions of advancement of women in society, gender equality and family, and in local Kengashakh of People's Deputies - the territorial commissions on questions of advancement of women in society, gender equality and family.
2. Approve:
a) organizational structure of the State committee of family and women according to appendix No. 1;
b) with the total extreme number of the managerial personnel financed from the Government budget in quantity:
49 established posts - structure of central office of the State committee of family and women according to appendix No. 2;
168 established posts - standard structure of Committee of family and women of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, managements of family and women of areas and the city of Tashkent according to appendix No. 3;
621 established posts - standard structure of departments of family and women of areas (cities) according to appendix No. 4.
3. Provide to the deputy prime minister - the chairman of the State committee of family and women the right:
distribute specific objectives and functions between the deputies;
make changes to structures of central office and territorial subdivisions of the State committee of family and women (further - Committee) within the established general number of staff of managerial personnel and the salary fund;
attract as consultants of highly qualified specialists of state bodies and other organizations, the leading design institutes, scientific and educational institutions, the international organizations and the foreign companies, and also experts.
4. Form in executive structure of the Cabinet of Ministers within the total extreme number of workers the Secretariat of the deputy prime minister - the chairman of the State committee of family and women, consisting of 5 established posts of managerial personnel.
5. Determine that:
the deputy prime minister - the chairman of the State committee of family and women annually informs the Republican commission on questions of advancement of women in society, gender equality and family on activities of Committee, and also system problems in the sphere and their decision;
candidates for position of the female activist waved are employed on the basis of open tender by forming of the screening committees headed by deputies of hokim of areas (cities) - chiefs of departments of family and women;
to position of the female activist waved the self-sacrificing and betrayed to the case candidates having work experience with families and women whose personal qualities are sample for others are appointed.
Employees of central office of Committee under the terms of compensation are equated to employees of central office of the Ministry of support waved also the senior generation, employees of its territorial subdivisions - to employees of territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of support waved also the senior generation.
6. Determine sources of financing of activities of Committee and its territorial subdivisions:
means of the Government budget;
extrabudgetary funds of Committee;
other sources which are not forbidden by acts of the legislation.
7. To the Cabinet of Ministers in two-month time to approve Regulations on the State committee of family and women.
8. Form in organizational and regular structure of the Prosecutor General's Office due to optimization of established posts Department of supervision of execution of the legislation in spheres of providing the rights of women, and also protection them from oppression and violence, consisting of 18 established posts (of them 14 established posts - regional representatives).
To the Prosecutor General's Office to establish system supervision of execution of acts of the legislation in spheres of providing the rights of women, and also protection them from oppression and violence.
9. Provide to committee:
a) in two-month time:
completion of central office and territorial subdivisions by the highly qualified personnel capable at the professional level to carry out the tasks assigned to Committee, the having necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
approval of regulations on structural and subordinated divisions, including about the female activist waved, and also job descriptions of workers;
b) in three-months time together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications - connection of Committee and its territorial subdivisions to the high-speed Internet, and also necessary communication, in particular Committee - government communication.
10. Determine that the Committee and its territorial subdivisions according to the functions assigned to them in accordance with the established procedure have the right on:
attraction in Committee in need of heads and specialists of state bodies, scientific institutions and other organizations to realization of the corresponding tasks, and also forming of working groups;
requesting and obtaining from state bodies and the organizations of statistical and analytical materials, the conclusions and other data on the questions carried to competence of Committee;
introduction to heads of state bodies and organizations of representations, obligatory for consideration, for elimination of violations of acts of the legislation on protection of the rights and legitimate interests of women, and also strengthening of family, the reasons and conditions generating them;
entering into courts of statements (claims) and claims for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of women;
promotion of initiatives and introduction of offers on providing the rights and legitimate interests of women, and also to strengthening of family.
11. Since May 1, 2022 to establish the amount of monthly payment of work of the female activist waved in proportion to the number of houses (apartments) in the makhalla assigned to it, in particular:
in makhallyakh with the number of houses (apartments) to 500 - in 3, the 5-fold amount of minimum payment of work;
in makhallyakh with the number of houses (apartments) from 501 to 1 000 - in 4-fold amount of minimum payment of work;
in makhallyakh with the number of houses (apartments) more than 1 000 - in 4, the 5-fold amount of minimum payment of work.
Determine that for the purpose of support of female activists makhally, depending on performance indicators of their activities, in the amount of 15 percent from the salary fund the fund of material stimulation is created.
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