of February 18, 2022 No. 67
About assignment to non-commercial joint-stock company "Karaganda Technical University" of Abylkas Saginov
According to subitem 4-1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 5, 1996 No. 281 "About approval of Rules of assignment of the name to the airports, ports, railway stations, railway stations, stations of the subway, bus stations, bus stations, physiographic and other objects of state-owned property in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also renaming, amendments and changes of transcription of their names and assignment of own names of persons to the state legal entities, legal entities with participation of the state" DECIDES: the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1. Appropriate to non-commercial joint-stock company "Karaganda Technical University" name of Abylkas Saginov.
2. Approve the enclosed changes which are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Smailov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 18, 2022 No. 67
1. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 12, 1999 No. 405 "About types of state-owned property on the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations":
in the list of joint-stock companies and economic partnerships which state blocks of shares and shares remain in republican property, approved by the specified resolution:
in the Section "Karaganda region":
to state line, sequence number 214-22, in the following edition:
"214-22. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Karaganda Technical University of Abylkas Saginov".
2. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 27, 1999 No. 659 "About assignment of rights on ownership and use of the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations which are in republican property":
in the list of the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations of republican property, the right of possession and uses of which is transferred to the industry ministries and other state bodies:
in the Section to "Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan":
to state line, sequence number 222-33-34, in the following edition:
"222-33-34. NAO "The Karaganda technical university of Abylkas Saginov".".
3. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 6, 2000 No. 1021 "About approval of the List of the state higher educational institutions, not privatizeable":
in the list of the state educational institutions, not privatizeable:
44, to state line, sequence number in the following edition:
"44. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Karaganda Technical University of Abylkas Saginov".
4. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.08.2022 No. 581
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