of February 24, 2022 No. 18
About work of bank system during introduction of warlike situation
According to article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine" for the purpose of ensuring reliability and stability of functioning of bank system the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:
1. The board of the National Bank of Ukraine ensures functioning according to the Law of Ukraine "About National Bank", to the Regulations of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine in the conditions of the special period approved by board decision of the National Bank of Ukraine of August 21, 2019 No. 606-rsh, to normative and legal and administrative acts of the National Bank of Ukraine.
2. Banks continue work taking into account the restrictions determined by this resolution. Banks are forbidden to perform the operations breaking the restrictions determined by this resolution promoting or able to promote their avoidance.
2-1. Banks are considered as the authorized banks involved (making of transactions) in the conditions of the special period.
3. Forbid issue in Ukraine of cash in hryvnias from customer account in national currency in the amount exceeding 100000 hryvnias a day (without the commission of bank), except cash withdrawal of money in hryvnias:
1) for the purpose of salary payment and social payments;
2) from accounts of the companies and organizations providing accomplishment of mobilization plans (tasks), the Governments of Ukraine;
3) No. 12 is excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 01.03.2023
4) from accounts of the state bodies authorized according to the legislation to perform operational search, counterintelligence, intelligence activities or pre-judicial investigation;
5) from accounts of diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign states in Ukraine;
6) from accounts which manager is the customs authority, for the purposes of return of the money accepted by customs authority on storage or withdrawn to their owner;
7) from accounts of public institutions and/or public associations of sports orientation which provide accomplishment of the Single schedule of sports and improving, sporting events and sports competitions of Ukraine for the corresponding year, on implementation of expenses or compensation payments on business trips of the national teams of teams of Ukraine for participation in official international competitions and educational training camps on preparation for such international competitions held abroad;
8) from accounts of the non-bank financial institutions performing activities for trade in currency values in cash form based on the license of the National Bank of Ukraine for implementation of currency transactions for the purpose of reinforcement cash hryvnia of own cash desks and/or cash desks of separate divisions, exchange bureaus of foreign currency cash in hryvnias in the amount which is not exceeding the amount in hryvnias which was earlier enlisted by bank into such account:
from implementation of currency exchange transactions by collection of balances in cash or independent introduction of balances in cash by non-bank financial institution into the account through operational cash desk of bank (branch, department) in which this account is opened;
received as a result of sale of non-cash foreign currency from the account of non-bank financial institution in foreign currency which was enlisted into such account from implementation of currency exchange transactions or is received as compensation for the banknotes of foreign currency accepted for collection.
3-1. Predostaviteli of payment services which are granted the right to perform payments of the monetary assistance from International Humanitarian Organizations and other non-governmental organizations for citizens of Ukraine, injured fighting, acts of terrorism of the diversions caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine have the right to perform issue of the money transfers by cash in national currency connected with payment of such monetary assistance, without presentation by such person of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine or other document, proving the identity and according to the legislation of Ukraine it can be used in the territory of Ukraine for the conclusion of transactions, based on the certificate of submission of documents for execution of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine issued by the center of provision of administrative services, the state company relating to the sphere of management of the Public migratory service of Ukraine (further - VHI), its separate division, territorial authority or the VHI territorial subdivision, in form according to appendix 3 to the Procedure for registration and issue of the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 01, 2014 No. 509 (with changes), in the amount of, not exceeding 50 000 hryvnias a day on one person receiver.
4. Perfrom clearing settlements without restrictions, except the cases established by this resolution.
4-1. Ekvayra have the right not to provide to the user the document on transaction using electronic means of payment in case of use of electronic means of payment via the payment terminal of ekvayr.
Payment service providers shall provide implementation of clearing settlements with use of electronic means of payment and settle the matters of argument arising and/or connected with implementation of such transactions irrespective of document availability on transaction using electronic means of payment.
4-2. Predostavitelya of payment services on servicing of the account during the period from October 01, 2024 to March 31, 2025 inclusive to forbid to make transfer within Ukraine from all accounts of physical person user opened at this payment service provider in national currency, in the amount of the exceeding 150000 hryvnias inclusive in month into accounts of other physical persons receivers during which details of electronic means of payment of physical persons receivers are used.
4-3. The prohibition established in Item 4-2 of this resolution is not applied to implementation of the translations between own accounts of physical person user.
4-4. Payment service providers shall develop and approve internal documents concerning procedure for decision making on non-use of the prohibition determined in Item 4-2 of this resolution.
Internal documents shall provide:
1) the description of approaches, criteria and control procedures for determination of activities volunteer;
2) internal distribution of powers on recognition of activities volunteer;
3) procedures of implementation of further control (confirmation of the volunteer nature of activities);
4) procedure for receipt of confirmation of sources of the income of physical person user;
5) description of the management reporting.
4-5. The payment service provider on servicing of the account according to domestic situations has the right to make the decision on non-use of the prohibition determined in Item 4-2 of this resolution, in the following cases:
1) excess of the amount of the income from the confirmed sources of origin of means over the amount of the restriction determined in Item 4-2 of this resolution;
2) implementation of transactions on money transfer into accounts or from accounts of physical persons users which are not business entities and are engaged in volunteer activities (further - the volunteer).
The payment service provider in the case determined in the subitem 1 of Item 4-5 of this resolution applies restriction in the amount of the amount of the monthly income of the user from the confirmed sources of origin of means.
4-6. The payment service provider has the right to determine activities of physical person user volunteer according to the internal documents specified in Item 4-4 of this resolution on condition of observance at the same time at least two of the following requirements:
1) physical person user it is officially registered as the volunteer;
2) carrying out volunteer charges is typical activities for accounts of physical person user in predostavitel of payment services;
3) physical person user submitted the letter from the state body / military part / charity foundation about cooperation within the organization of fund raising;
4) physical person user provided information on the planned amounts and terms of fund raising with indication of the purpose of such collection and further use of the raised funds;
5) information from open sources, social networks and the Internet by comparison to other information which is available for the payment service provider confirms implementation by physical person user of volunteer activities and the purpose of the charges which are carried out within volunteer activities.
The payment service provider shall consider any negative information about goodwill, and also unfair volunteer activities of physical person user concerning reality and transparency of volunteer charges or discrepancy of stated purpose of fund raising to actual expenses of the raised funds.
Availability at the payment service provider of any negative information, including information from open sources, rather unfair volunteer activities of physical person user can be the basis for refusal further to make transfer in the amount exceeding the amount determined in Item 4-2 of this resolution.
5. Forbid issue in Ukraine of cash in foreign currency from customer account in foreign currency in the amount exceeding in equivalent of 100000 hryvnias a day (without the commission of bank), except cash withdrawal in foreign currency from accounts:
1) the companies and organizations providing accomplishment of mobilization plans (tasks), the Governments of Ukraine;
2) No. 12 is excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 01.03.2023
3) on implementation of compensation payments on long-term business trips and payments on ensuring activities of workers of devices of military attaches and offices of representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine to foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine;
3-1) on implementation of expenses or compensation payments on business trips of the national teams of teams of Ukraine for participation in official international competitions and educational training camps on preparation for such international competitions included in the Single schedule of the sports and improving, sporting events and sports competitions of Ukraine for the corresponding year held abroad;
4) Financial management of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for ensuring activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
5) on implementation of operating expenses by the state air enterprise for providing, the organization and accomplishment by aircrafts of warranty aviation flights;
6) the state bodies authorized according to the legislation to perform operational search, counterintelligence, intelligence activities or pre-judicial investigation;
7) diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign states in Ukraine;
8) which manager is the customs authority, for the purposes of return of the money accepted by customs authority on storage or withdrawn to their owner;
9) on implementation of payments on business trip to persons who are part of the official delegations headed by the President of Ukraine for visits abroad, and/or structure of the forward parties providing preparation of visits of the President of Ukraine abroad;
10) on implementation of payments on business trip to employees of the state companies, being contractors of public contracts (agreements) on defensive procurements which are conducted according to the legislation of Ukraine;
11) bodies and divisions of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations on implementation of payments for accomplishment of the tasks to destination sent for mitigation of consequences of emergency situations or humanitarian assistance to other states;
12) the non-bank financial institutions performing activities for trade in currency values in cash form based on the license of the National Bank of Ukraine for implementation of currency transactions for the purpose of reinforcement cash foreign currency of own cash desks and/or cash desks of separate divisions, exchange bureaus of foreign currency in the amount which is not exceeding foreign currency amount which was earlier enlisted by bank into such account:
from implementation of currency exchange transactions by collection of balances in cash or independent introduction of balances in cash by non-bank financial institution into the account through operational cash desk of bank (branch, department) in which this account is opened;
it is received as compensation for the banknotes of foreign currency accepted for collection.
5-1. Issue of bank metals from customer accounts of banks is performed without restrictions within remaining balance of bank metals on the account in the presence of bank metals in cash desk of branch/bank department.
5-2. Forbid issue outside Ukraine of cash:
1) from all customer accounts of bank opened in national currency, in amount which exceeds in equivalent 12500 hryvnias for each seven calendar days;
2) from customer account of the bank opened in Ukraine in foreign currency, in total amount which is determined in paragraph one of Item 5 of this resolution (in total amount the cash amount in foreign currency which are issued from this customer account in foreign currency within Ukraine on the same day is considered);
Action of subitems 1 and 2 of Item 5-2 of this resolution does not extend to issue of funds from accounts:
workers of devices of military attaches and offices of representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine to foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine;
to persons who are part of the official delegations headed by the President of Ukraine for visits abroad and/or structure of the forward parties providing preparation of visits of the President of Ukraine abroad;
the employees of the state companies who are contractors of public contracts (agreements) on defensive procurements which are conducted according to the legislation of Ukraine;
police officers who are sent as representatives (officers of communication) to the General secretariat / global complex of innovations of the International organization of criminal police - the Interpol, the European police office;
staff of the bodies and divisions of Public service of Ukraine for emergency situations performing actions for assistance for liquidation of emergency situation or humanitarian assistance in the territory of other states;
employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine who are sent to business trips for participation in the actions connected with realization of foreign policy of Ukraine, protection of national interests of Ukraine in the sphere of the international relations, and also rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of Ukraine abroad.
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