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of February 21, 2022 No. 55

About approval of Fire safety regulations

(as amended on 15-08-2024)

According to subitem 70-41) of Item 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Fire safety regulations according to appendix to this order.

2. To provide to committee of fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yu. Ilyin

It is approved

Ministry of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan





to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 21, 2022 No. 55

Fire safety regulations

Section 1. General provisions

Chapter 1. Organizational and technical actions for ensuring fire safety

1. These rules of fire safety (further – Rules) are developed according to subitem 70-41) of Item 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection" (further - the Law) and determine procedure for ensuring fire safety for the purpose of protection of people, property, society and the state against the fires.

2. In case of operation of objects observance of requirements of these rules, the regulatory legal acts containing requirements of fire safety in case of operation of objects is provided.

3. Observance of requirements of fire safety on object is provided with owners, heads of the organizations, companies, irrespective of patterns of ownership, the individual entrepreneurs, physical persons, persons having the right to own, use or dispose of object or the room (further – the head of the organization) according to requirements of articles 16 and 18 of the Law.

4. Heads of the organizations for the purpose of ensuring fire safety on certain sites of works, can appoint the order persons responsible for observance of requirements of fire safety (on whom it is permanent, temporary or owing to the performed works (services) the obligation is assigned) according to requirements of Item 2 of Article 16 and Item 2 of article 18 of the Law.

5. The head of the organization concerning each object (except for individual apartment houses) the instruction about measures of fire safety including the fire prevention regime corresponding to their fire risk according to appendix 1 to these rules affirms.

6. The head of the organization provides availability, compliance of the project documentation and permanent stay in the serviceable working condition of installations of fire extinguishing and the fire alarm, warning systems and managements of evacuation of people in case of the fire, antismoke protection and fire-water supply, the fire-fighting equipment and the fire fighting equipment, fire-proof doors, valves and hatches, fillings of apertures in fire-proof barriers, rooms of buildings and constructions, individual protection equipment of respiratory organs and sight, individual and collective survival equipment of people, and also devices of lightning protection of buildings, constructions and external technological installations.

7. On objects according to the List of the organizations and objects on which the non-state fire service is without fail created, the approved order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 29, 2023 No. 281 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 32631), work of non-state fire service will be organized. The procedure for the organization of non-state fire services on objects is determined according to the Rules of implementation of activities of non-state fire services approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 7, 2014 No. 782 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 9931).

8. Employees of the organizations are allowed to work after training and instructing in questions of fire safety, and in case of change of specifics of work undergo additional training in the prevention and suppression of the possible fires. The procedure for training of employees of the organizations and the population in measures of fire safety and the requirement to contents of training programs for training in measures of fire safety are determined according to the Rules of training of employees of the organizations and the populations to measures of fire safety and the requirement to contents of training programs for training in measures of fire safety approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 9, 2014 No. 276 (it is registered in the register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 9510).

9. For ensuring effective operation of technical means and fire protection systems of buildings (installations of the fire alarm and fire extinguishing, antismoke protection, fire-water supply, the notification and management of evacuation of people in case of the fire and manual fire extinguishers, individual protection equipment of respiratory organs and sight, individual and collective survival equipment of people) the order of the head of the organization designates the official providing uninterrupted operation of fire protection systems, acquisition, repair, safety and readiness for action of emergency firefighting equipment, timely and high-quality carrying out maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance.

Operation and maintenance of fire extinguishers are performed according to requirements of documents for standardization.

10. In rooms of personnel on duty of the organizations at locations of phones, plans of evacuation, instructions about measures of fire safety plates with indication of phone numbers of fire service "101" and single service "112" on duty and dispatching are hung out.

The personnel on duty are provided with set of keys from all locks of doors of the building according to the functions assigned to it.

The reserve set of keys is stored in the room of personnel (protection) on duty on the first floor of the building.

Each key is provided with label with text about its belonging to the corresponding lock.

The personnel on duty are located in rooms in which the device reception and control the automatic fire alarm is located, there is phone and the register of the people who stayed overnight in the building is conducted in any form.

11. No. 55 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 01.02.2023

12. In buildings and constructions (except apartment houses) plans of evacuation according to form on scheduling of the evacuation given in appendix 2 to these rules are developed. Plans of evacuation contain actions of employees of the organization for carrying out safe evacuation of people, to challenge of fire service and the organization of fire extinguishing before arrival of fire divisions. Plans of evacuation are hung out on each floor of the building, at emergency exits from the floor at distance no more than through 20 meters (further - m) on corridor length.

13. In buildings for accommodation of people, and also buildings (constructions) with mass stay of people on electricity outage case in case of the fire the personnel on duty are provided with electric lamps in operating state. The quantity of lamps is determined by the head of the organization, proceeding from features of object, but at least 1 lamp on each person on duty.

14. The instruction about measures of the fire safety developed for buildings with the round-the-clock stay of people contains options for light and night-time on independent evacuation of people, and for not capable to independent evacuation - personnel of the organization.

On object with mass stay of people the head of the organization provides carrying out at least 1 time in half-year of practical trainings with indication of in the magazine of trainings constituted in any form.

15. Heads of the organizations with the round-the-clock stay of people provide daily transfer to fire brigade around which departure there is object, the information about the number of the people who are on each object.

16. Change of functional purpose, carrying out capital repairs, modernization, reconstruction and re-planning of buildings and constructions are performed according to the project documentation according to requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

17. For production and storage facilities, and also external technological installations categories are determined by fire and explosion and fire risk according to appendix 16 of the technical regulation "General Requirements to Fire Safety" approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 17, 2021 No. 405 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 24045) (further – the technical regulation "General Requirements to Fire Safety"), and also classes of zones according to requirements of the Regulations for electrical installation approved by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 20, 2015 No. 230 (it is registered in the register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10851) (further – PUE), which are designated by the corresponding signs on doors of rooms.

18. Buildings and constructions at all stages of their lifecycle are provided with operational emergency firefighting equipment. The minimum list of necessary emergency firefighting equipment are determined in appendix 3 to these rules.

Locations of emergency firefighting equipment and systems of fire automatic equipment are designated by signs of fire safety according to requirements of documents for standardization.

19. For self-closing of doors it is necessary to contain in buildings and constructions of the device in good repair.

Establish the devices interfering free closing of fire-proof doors, antismoke devices (curtains, screens, curtains) it is not allowed.

20. It is not allowed to carry out works on the equipment with defects which can lead to the fire.

21. Providing necessary limit of fire resistance and decrease in fire risk requires processing of building constructions of buildings and constructions and their finishing by fireproof means, with confirmation of the achieved results by carrying out testing in the laboratory accredited in the state system of technical regulation according to requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About technical regulation".

In buildings of all degrees of fire resistance (except for the V degrees of fire resistance) rafters and obreshetka of garret coverings from combustible materials are exposed to fireproof processing.

Work on drawing fireproof structures is performed according to requirements of technical documentation at the expense of fire protection.

22. The head of the organization provides elimination of damages of fireproof napylyaemy structures, fireproof plastering, plasters, facings with slabby, sheet and other fireproof materials of building constructions, combustible finishing and heat-insulating materials, air ducts, metal support of the equipment and platforms, and also performs check of condition of fireproof processing (impregnation).

The condition of fireproof processing (impregnation) after its carrying out is checked by the laboratories accredited in the state system of technical regulation, and in subsequent - according to requirements of documents for standardization.

23. In places of crossing of fire-proof barriers engineering and technological communications (including electric wires and cables) the formed openings and gaps are condensed with the nonflammable materials providing required limit of fire resistance and dymogazonepronitsayemost.

24. In buildings and constructions (except for individual apartment houses) it is not allowed:

1) to store and warehouse in cellars, first floors, attics, technical floors, technical rooms, air-ventilation chambers flammable and combustible liquids, explosives, pyrotechnic products, cylinders with combustible gases, goods in aerosol package, to celluloid, explosion-fire-hazardous, combustible substances and materials;

2) to use and apply cellars, first floors, attics, technical floors and rooms, air-ventilation chambers not on purpose, except the cases provided by the project documentation;

3) to operate lift halls not on purpose;

4) to remove the doors of emergency exits provided by the project from floor-by-floor corridors, halls, the foyer, platforms and staircases, and also the doors interfering distribution of dangerous factors of the fire on the ways of evacuation;

5) to make changes of space-planning decisions as a result of which conditions of safe evacuation of people worsen access to fire extinguishers, fireplugs, means of fire safety is limited or the action area of automatic fire protection systems decreases (the automatic fire alarm, stationary automatic installation of fire extinguishing, system of smoke removal, the warning system and management of evacuation);

6) to encumber doors, hatches, transitions to adjacent sections and exits to evacuation ladders, to dismantle interbalcony ladders, and also to make hatches on balconies and loggias of apartments;

To leave 7) untidy the oiled cleaning cloth;

8) to establish lattices at windows of all floors of the building and priyamka at windows of cellars (except for the rooms of objects of criminal executive system and special facilities providing temporary isolation from society, warehouses, cash desks, head stations of television, weapon rooms, confidential parts of organizations, storage and the address of precursors);

9) to glaze the balconies, loggias and galleries conducting to nezadymlyaemy staircases and also to establish on them lattices;

To arrange 10) in staircases, platforms and corridors storage rooms (utility rooms), and also to store under ladder marches and on landings of thing, furniture, combustible materials. Under ladder marches in the first and socle floors the device of rooms for nodes of management of central heating, water-measuring nodes and electropanel board, screened by partitions from nonflammable materials is allowed;

11) to arrange in production and storage facilities of buildings (except buildings of the V degree of fire resistance) the built-in rooms, except the cases provided by the project documentation;

12) to encumber and close passes to fire safety and fire extinguishing devices, and also to places of fixture of rescue devices.

25. Use of naked flame for detection of leakages of gas from gas pipelines, gas cylinders and devices, warming of the frozen pipelines, engineering communications is not allowed. The warming up of the frozen pipelines, the equipment, engineering communications, gas cylinders is made by hot water, vapor and heated sand.

26. External fire-escapes and barriers on roofs of buildings and constructions contain in good repair.

27. In the rooms intended for simultaneous stay more than 50 people, and also in rooms of the basement and first floors intended for simultaneous stay more than 15 people at least two emergency exits are provided.

In buildings and constructions of IV and V degrees of fire resistance simultaneous stay of 50 people is also more allowed only in rooms of the first floor.

28. Doors and hatches of garrets, and also technical floors and cellars in which under the terms of technology permanent stay of people is not required are closed on the lock. On doors and hatches of the specified rooms information on the storage location of keys to which if necessary the round-the-clock access is provided is hung out.

Are timely cleared by Priyamki at window openings of basement and first floors of buildings, constructions and structures. Locks at windows open without key from within.

29. The used cleaning cloths gather in containers from nonflammable material with the closed cover. Upon termination of working shift content of the specified containers is removed out of limits of buildings.

30. The special clothes of persons working with oils, varnishes, paints and other flammable and combustible liquids are stored in the suspended type in metal cases, places, established in specially allotted for this purpose.

31. In buildings with stained-glass windows more than 1 high the floor violation of designs of the smoke-tight nonflammable diaphragms established in stained-glass windows at the level of each floor is not allowed.

32. In case of operation of evacuation ways and exits observance of project decisions is provided (including on illumination, quantity, the sizes and space-planning solutions of evacuation ways and exits, and also availability on the ways of evacuation of signs of fire safety).

33. Opening of doors on the ways of evacuation is carried out in the direction of exit from the building, except for doors for which the direction of opening is not normalized, namely:

1) rooms of the classes F 1.3 and F 1.4;

2) rooms with simultaneous stay no more than 15 people, except rooms And yes B;

3) storage rooms no more than 200 sq.m;

4) bathrooms;

5) exits to platforms of ladders of 3rd type.

34. Locks on doors of emergency exits provide possibility of their free opening without key, except as specified, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from within.

35. Volume light signs of fire safety the "Exit", "Emergency (zapasny) exit", "Door of emergency exit" with autonomous power supply and from the power supply network used on the ways of evacuation contain in good repair with the included light indication.

Evacuation lighting is provided with automatic inclusion in case of the termination of power supply of working light.

36. In case of operation of evacuation ways and exits it is not allowed:

1) to arrange the obstacles narrowing the project sizes of evacuation ways and exits (including passes, corridors, platforms, gallery, lift halls, landings, marches of ladders, doors, evacuation hatches), and also to hammer (to make) doors of emergency exits;

2) to arrange on the ways of evacuation thresholds (except for thresholds in doorways), sliding and lifting and lowering doors and gate without opportunity to manually open them from within and to block abroach, revolving doors and turnstiles, and also other devices interfering free evacuation of people in the absence of other (duplicative) ways of evacuation or technical solutions allowing to open and block manually the abroach specified devices. Application of automatic or remote method of opening and blocking of devices is allowed in addition to manual method.

3) to apply the combustible materials which are not corresponding to class of fire risk for finishing, facing and coloring of floors, walls, ceilings, ladders and ladder marches on the ways of evacuation, except for buildings of the V degree of fire resistance;

4) to fix the self-closed doors of staircases, corridors, halls and platforms in open provision, and also to remove them;

5) to glaze or close air areas of nezadymlyaemy staircases;

6) to replace armored glass regular in ostekleniye of doors and transoms.

37. In case of arrangement of the equipment of the room are provided with evacuation passes to staircases and ways of evacuation according to requirements of the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and construction.

38. Carpets, carpet paths, coverings of floors in rooms with mass stay of people reliably fasten to floor.

39. In case of operation of household gas appliances placement of furniture and combustible materials is performed at distance of at least 0,2 of m to the closest vertical surface of at least 0,7 of m down to the next horizontal surface of these products hanging over it across.

40. Refuse chutes in buildings and constructions are provided with the valves provided by the project which are in closed position, contain operational and are provided with consolidation in antechurch.

41. Elevators and elevators (except for fire elevators) in buildings and land constructions in case of the fire automatically fall by the main landing floor, and in underground constructions - rise in top by the floor of the main emergency exits from construction and are cut off power.

42. Drives of escalators (travelators) in case of the fire are automatically switched-off.

43. No. 55 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 01.02.2023

44. Inspection of lightning protection devices is performed annually before storm season.

45. In case of survey of lightning protection devices resistance of the grounding device is measured, and results of surveys and measurements are registered operation of lightning protection devices, filled in any form.

46. For protection against secondary manifestations of lightnings and charges of static electricity in all metal designs of the technological devices, reservoirs, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, devices located in buildings and on open space into whom flammable, or combustible liquids, and also combustible gases address, stored or processed, protective grounding is provided.

47. The grounding devices intended for protection of personnel against defeat by electric current or lightning protection are allowed to be used for withdrawal of charges of static electricity.

48. The processing equipment and pipelines located in buildings, constructions and also external technological installations and platforms are provided with protective grounding according to requirements of PUE.

It is not allowed to use technological pipelines of buildings and constructions as the grounding (zanulyayushchy) conductors.

49. Metal platforms and metal pipelines laid on them at the beginning and the end of platform, and also at least, than through 300 m on their length unite among themselves and with devices of protective grounding.

50. Connection of conductor cables among themselves, with the grounding devices and technological devices is carried out by means of welding.

51. The system of water disposal of industrial enterprises in which engineering procedures flammable and combustible liquids, and also combustible vapors and gases address is provided with hydraulic locks. Liquid layer height in each hydraulic lock is accepted by at least 0,25 of m. The design of hydraulic locks is provided with possibility of their periodic cleaning.

52. Hydraulic locks (siphons) excluding distribution of flame on pipelines of the storm, production and joint systems of water disposal of buildings and constructions in which flammable and combustible liquids are applied constantly contain in good repair.

Operation of systems of water disposal with the defective or incorrectly executed hydraulic locks is not allowed.

53. The production and joint systems of water disposal of the companies in which engineering procedures flammable and combustible liquids address and also combustible vapors and gases, throughout contain closed.

Viewing wells of systems of water disposal are closed by covers and filled up with sand m 0,1 layer.

54. Temperature of production sewage when dumping into the production and joint systems of water disposal of the companies in the territory of which buildings, constructions and (or) external technological installations of categories of AN, BN and VN on fire and explosion and fire risk are located shall not exceed 40 ° C.

Plums of flammable and combustible liquids in systems of water disposal (including in case of accidents) are not allowed.

55. At entrance to buildings (including individual apartment houses) or constructions in which cylinders with combustible gas are stored or used are placed the warning signs of fire safety with text "Flammablly. Cylinders with gas".

56. Devices of manual start-up of installations of fire extinguishing, the locking starting arrangement of fire extinguishers and door of fire cases are sealed up.

57. Fire cases are established in any of three options (hinged, added and built-in), with possibility of placement of fireplug equipment set in them and at least two manual fire extinguishers, with mass of charge of fire-fighting substance of the fire extinguisher at least 5 kilograms (further - kg), and also individual protection equipment and rescuing of people.

58. The head of the organization determines specially allotted smoking areas, except as specified, where smoking is not allowed (explosion-fire-hazardous objects). Specially allotted smoking areas are provided with emergency firefighting equipment, ballot boxes or ashtrays from nonflammable materials and text "Smoking area". Smoking in not allocated places is not allowed.

59. The territories of settlements, the organizations, irrespective of type of activity and patterns of ownership, within fire-proof gaps are timely cleared of combustible waste, garbage, container, dry grass, down, combustible materials.

Cultivation of fires, burning of waste and container are performed at distance at least 50 m from buildings and constructions.

Burning of waste and container in places, specially allotted for these purposes, is made under control of service personnel.

60. In case of operation of module containers change of the design data provided by manufacturing plant is not allowed. Use of combustible heat-insulating materials for internal finishing of module containers, and also installation of module containers on the combustible basis is not allowed.

Separate module containers and household cars are located groups with number no more than 10 in group and no more than two floors high. The distance between groups of these constructions and from them to nearby buildings and constructions is accepted by at least 18 m.

In case of consolidation in groups from two and more containers intended for accommodation of people and the organization of office rooms, these containers are provided with the automatic fire alarm and emergency hatches.

61. In buildings and constructions uncontrolled leaving of the preparing food is not allowed.

Chapter 2. Procedure for ensuring fire safety in case of content of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment of buildings, rooms and constructions

62. Buildings, rooms and constructions are provided with systems and installations of fire automatic equipment according to the list of the objects determined in requirements of CH PK 2.02-02-2023 "Fire automatic equipment of buildings and constructions".

63. Operation on installation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment are made according to the project documentation.

64. For qualified operation and content in technically serviceable condition of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment on object the order of the head appoints the following personnel:

1) person providing uninterrupted operation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment;

2) specialists for performance of works in maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment in the absence of the service agreement of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment. Training of specialists is provided by person responsible for operation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment, according to the program approved by the head of object.

65. Person providing uninterrupted operation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment performs:

1) fulfillment of requirements of these rules;

2) control and acceptance of works on maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance according to the schedule and the job schedule under the agreement;

3) correctness of carrying out maintenance, scheduled preventive maintenance and check on operability of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment according to technical documentation of manufacturing plant;

4) training serving and personnel on duty, and also instructing of persons working in the protected rooms in actions in case of operation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment;

5) development of necessary operational documentation and its maintaining.

66. Accounting of works on maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of technical means of fire protection systems, verifications of presence and condition of emergency firefighting equipment is reflected in the operational magazine of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment according to appendix 4 to these rules or the automated system.

67. Maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment are carried out by persons having electrical safety group according to requirements of User Safety Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment approved by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2015 No. 222 (it is registered in the register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10889).

68. Maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment include:

1) carrying out planned scheduled maintenance;

2) elimination of defects and carrying out running repair.

69. Frequency of maintenance, periodic testing, scheduled preventive maintenance and amounts of works are established according to requirements of operational documentation of technical means of the served systems, installations of fire automatic equipment, documents on standardization and are specified in the agreement.

70. On the object equipped with systems and installations of fire automatic equipment, the head of the organization provides availability of the following documentation:

1) the project documentation on systems and installations of fire automatic equipment;

2) acts of the hidden works (in case of their availability), testing and measurements;

3) the acceptance act in operation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment in form according to appendix 5 to these rules;

4) the passports of technical means which are part of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment;

5) sheets of the mounted devices and the equipment of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment in form according to appendix 6 to these rules;

6) passports of charging of cylinders of gas extinguishing installations (in case of their availability) fire-fighting structures;

7) maintenance instructions of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment, job descriptions of on duty and service personnel, the responsible person for carrying out maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance, the copy of the contract with the organization for carrying out maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance (on the objects served by the organizations);

8) schedule and regulations of works of maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance;

9) the operational magazine of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment in form according to appendix 4 to these rules.

71. Systems and installations of fire automatic equipment constantly contain in (project) operating mode on duty.

72. During performance of works on maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance which carrying out is connected with shutdown of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment the administration of object ensures fire safety of the objects protected by systems and installations of fire automatic equipment acceptance of the additional technical and organizational actions aimed at safety of people.

73. After the expiration of service specified engineering certification of these systems and installations for the purpose of determination of possibility of their further use to destination is carried out to documentation on the technical tool which is part of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment, and also in case of refusal works of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment.

74. Engineering certification of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment is carried out each five years with participation of customer representatives and the assembly and adjustment (commissioning) organization.

75. Results of survey are drawn up by the act of survey of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment in form according to appendix 7 to these rules.

76. The cylinders of gas extinguishing installations and other vessels working under pressure before installation check and will examine according to requirements of the Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of the equipment working under pressure approved by the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 358 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10303). It is not allowed to accept under installation cylinders with expired for surveys.

77. The works performed on installation of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment are drawn up according to requirements of CH PK 1.03-00-2022 "Construction production. Organization of construction of the companies, buildings and constructions".

78. No. 55 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 01.02.2023

Chapter 3. Procedure for ensuring fire safety in case of content of electroinstallations of buildings and constructions

79. All current carrying parts, distributing devices, devices and measuring devices, and also safety devices of explosive type, knife switches, starting devices and devices of electroinstallations are mounted only on the nonflammable bases.

80. Connections, okontsevaniye and branches of veins of wires and cables in order to avoid dangerous transitional resistance in the fire relation are made by means of pressure testing, welding, the soldering or special clips.

81. Junctions and branches of veins of wires and cables, and also connecting and otvetvitelny szhima are isolated, is equivalent isolation of veins of the whole places of these wires and cables.

82. Connection and branch of wires and cables, except for the wires laid on the isolating support are carried out in connecting and otvetvitelny boxes, insulating cases of connecting and otvetvitelny szhim, special niches of building constructions, in cases of electroadjusting products, devices and machines. When laying on the isolating support connection or branch of wires are carried out directly at the insulator, klitsa or on them, and also on roller. Connecting and otvetvitelny boxes are provided with protective covers.

83. Electrical units and electric devices in rooms upon termination of working hours (change) are cut off power.

There are energized emergency lighting, installations of fire extinguishing and fire-water supply, fire and the security fire alarm. It is allowed to leave electrical units and electrotechnical products (including) in premises energized if it is caused by their functional purpose and (or) it is provided by requirements of the maintenance instruction of manufacturing plants.

84. Laying and operation of air-lines of electricity transmission over combustible roofs, canopies, and also ground storages (stacks, ricks) of combustible substances, materials and products, external technological installations on fire and explosion and fire risk of categories A, B, B1-B4 are not allowed.

85. Electric motors, lamps, postings, distributing devices are cleared of combustible dust at least two times a month, and in rooms with considerable release of dust - at least four times a month.

86. In case of operation of electrical units it is not allowed:

1) to use power networks and receivers of electrical energy with violation of the safety requirements stated in instructions of manufacturing plant, electric receivers with defects which can lead to the fire (to cause sparking, short circuit, superadmissible heating of isolation of cables and wires, refusal of automatic management systems, antiemergency and fire-proof protection), and also to operate electric wires and cables with the isolation damaged or lost protective properties;

2) to use receivers of electrical energy with violation of design and the systems of protection provided by manufacturing plant, including the damaged and loose electroadjusting products;

3) to use electric heaters in case of absence or defect of the temperature regulators provided by design;

4) to use electroirons, rangettes, electric kettles and other electric heaters without special supports (the socles of food, heating disks) excluding risk of fire if their availability is provided by the instruction of manufacturing plant;

5) to use non-standard (self-made) electric heaters, to use not calibrated fusible inserts, self-made devices of protection against overload and short circuit;

To place 6) (to warehouse) flammable and (or) explosion-fire-hazardous substances and materials at electric boards, electric motors and the starting equipment;

To apply 7) in explosive and fire hazardous zones the electric equipment which does not have designations of level and appearance of protection against explosion and (or) the fire of manufacturing plant.

87. Check of condition of the stationary equipment, electrical wiring of power and lighting network, testing and measurement of resistance of isolation of wires, cables and the grounding devices are carried out to the terms established by requirements of User Rules for Operating Electrical Equipment approved by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 30, 2015 No. 246 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 10949).

88. In case of installation and operation of spotlights use of combustible materials as fixing designs and the svetozaderzhivayushchy and reflecting screens is not allowed.

Searchlights and spotlights are placed at distance at least 0, of m from combustible designs and materials, and lens searchlights - at least 2 m.

Light filters for searchlights and spotlights are manufactured of nonflammable materials.

89. Lighting searchlights in the territory of the building site are established on separate support.

It is not allowed to establish searchlights on roofs from combustible materials and buildings with polymeric heaters.

90. In rooms and corridors of the closed distributing devices placement of rooms for storage, and also storage of the electrotechnical equipment, spare parts, reservoirs with combustible liquids and cylinders with various gases are not allowed.

91. Doors of section partitions of cable constructions are provided self-closed, opening on the evacuation course from the building and are provided with consolidations in antechurches.

In case of operation of cable constructions the specified doors are and fixed in closed position.

It is allowed to fix under the terms of ventilation of cable rooms the self-closed doors in open provision if for their closing the automatic devices working in case of the fire from impulse of the fire alarm in the corresponding compartment of construction are used.

92. The cable lines laid in metal boxes are condensed with nonflammable materials, and the box is divided by partitions with limit of fire resistance of at least EI 45 in the following places:

1) in case of entrance to other cable constructions;

2) on horizontal sites of cable boxes through each 30 m, and also in case of branches in others of box with electric cables;

3) on vertical sites of cable boxes through each 20 m.

When passing through overlappings the same fire-resistant consolidations are in addition carried out on each mark of overlapping.

Places of consolidation of the cable lines laid in metal boxes are designated by red strips on external walls of boxes. In necessary cases the additional explaining texts are carried out.

93. The corrosion-resistant coatings applied to protection of metal covers of cables and metal surfaces on which they are laid, provided nonflammable.

94. It is not allowed to store the combustible materials and products which are not relating to this installation in rooms of the devices providing supply (feed) of oil in oil-filled cables.

95. In case of detection of defects of electroinstallations and electrical household appliances the de-energization is made. Their repeated inclusion is allowed after elimination of defects.

96. The device and operation of power supply networks temporary barracks is not allowed.

97. Portable lamps are equipped with protective glass caps and grids. Flexible cables and wires with copper veins are applied to these lamps and figurative electrical accessories.

98. For power supply of fire protection systems, emergency lighting the independent power network on the first category of reliability according to requirements of PUE is provided, beginning from the introduction distributing device to the consumer of electricity.

99. The temporary electrical wiring on the building site is carried out by the isolated wire, suspended on cables and 3 m over passes and 6 m over drives are established on reliable support at height of at least 2,5 of m over workplaces.

100. Power networks are protected from currents of short circuit according to requirements of PUE.

Chapter 4. Procedure for ensuring fire safety in case of content of systems of heating of buildings and constructions

101. The fire chamber of furnaces is made by persons instructed about measures of fire safety in case of operation of heating devices.

102. The fire chamber of furnaces in buildings and constructions (except for apartment houses) stops at least in two hours prior to completion of work, and in objects with the round-the-clock stay of people in two hours prior to withdrawal to dream.

In child care facilities with day stay of children the fire chamber of furnaces comes to an end not later than one hour before receipt of children.

103. Owners of objects make whitewashing of chimneys and walls on attics in which there pass smoke channels.

104. Before heating season heads of the organizations and physical persons will organize carrying out servicing of heating devices and systems. Defective furnaces and heating devices are not allowed to operation.

Chimneys, flues, elements of heating furnaces and systems are cleared just before the beginning, and also during the heating season at least:

1) once in three months - for heating furnaces;

2) once in two months - for furnaces and the centers of continuous action;

3) at least once a month - for stoves, furnaces of continuous (long-term) fire chamber.

105. Dribble of liquid fuel or leakage of gas from system of fuel feeding is not allowed.

106. Placement and operation of heatgenerators is performed according to technical documentation of manufacturing plant.

107. In case of operation of the heatgenerating devices it is not allowed:

1) to work at the device with the broken hermeticity of fuel-supply lines and in case of the defective locking valve on it, leaky connections of the case of nozzle with the heatgenerating device, defective flues, electric motors and devices of protection, and also in the absence of thermal protection of the electric motor and other defects;

2) to work at the device with open fuel tanks;

3) to arrange barriers from materials of groups of combustibility GZ-G4 about the device and account tanks;

4) to warm fuel-supply lines open flame;

5) to light working mix through viewing peephole;

6) to regulate gap between electrodes of candles in case of the working heatgenerating device;

7) to leave the working heatgenerating devices unguarded or to charge supervision behind them to children.

108. The devices using liquid fuel are established in the metal pallet containing all amount of the fuel which is in fuel tank in case of emergency flood. The specified pallet is filled with sand or other nonflammable adsorbent which after absorption of fuel liquid is removed.

109. In premises use of the heatgenerating devices using liquid fuel with temperature of flash below 61 °C and also combustible liquids as the heat carrier in systems of heating is not allowed.

110. The heatgenerating devices using liquid, solid and gaseous fuel are provided with operational doors and the fire-proof cutting (otstupka) established by regulations from combustible designs.

On fuel-supply line about each nozzle of heating coppers and heatgenerating installations at least two gates are established: one - at fire chamber, another - at reservoir with fuel.

111. In case of operation of the central boiler rooms intended for heating of the organizations and apartment houses in settlements it is not allowed:

1) to store liquid fuel in the rooms which are not intended for these purposes;

To apply 2) in fuel quality the combustible substances (firm, liquid, gaseous) which are not provided by maintenance instructions of the equipment;

3) to operate the heatgenerating installations in case of dribble of liquid fuel or leakage of gas from systems of fuel feeding;

4) to kindle installations without preliminary purge of toplivnik and to give fuel in case of not burning nozzles or gas torches;

5) to dry combustible materials on coppers and steam lines.

112. In case of operation of oven heating it is not allowed:

To leave 1) unguarded the burning furnaces, and also to charge observation of them to children;

2) to place the fuel prepared for burning, and also other combustible substances and materials on prefurnace leaf;

To apply 3) to ignition of furnaces on solid fuel flammable and combustible liquids;

4) to heat furnaces other types of fuel which application is not provided for specific type of the furnace;

5) to heat furnaces in rooms during in them meetings and other mass actions;

6) to perekalivat furnaces;

7) No. 321 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 15.08.2024

8) to use latches (gate) without the openings provided by regulations of designing;

9) to use ventilating and gas channels as flues, to lay transit flues through premises.

113. The ashes and slag containing heated and the smoldering materials, after emptying from fire chambers are removed to the place, specially allotted for them, excluding possibility of the fire and spill water.

114. It is not allowed to place combustible substances, materials, products and the equipment at distance of less 1,25 of m to furnace openings of furnaces of less 0,7 of m to other heated parts of furnaces.

115. Chimneys of the boiler installations using solid fuel are equipped with spark arresters.

116. Fuel (coal) is stored in the rooms which are specially adapted for this purpose or on specially allocated platforms located not closer than 8 m from combustible structures.

117. In case of installation of furnaces of factory production in rooms of hostels, office, public and household buildings of industrial enterprises, in apartment houses requirements of the instruction of manufacturing plants of these types of products, and also the requirement of the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and the constructions shown to systems of heating are fulfilled.

118. In case of installation of temporary metal furnaces observance of the following requirements of fire safety is provided:

1) metal furnaces are provided with legs height of at least 0,2 of m;

2) metal furnaces are established at distance at least:

1 m - from wooden designs, furniture, goods, racks, show-windows, counters and other equipment;

0, m - from the designs protected from ignition;

1, m - from furnace openings to wooden designs and other equipment.

119. In case of removal of metal chimney through window the leaf replacing cutting from roofing iron, at least three diameters in size chimney is inserted into it.

The pipe is removed for building wall on distance of at least 0,7 of m and at least 0,5 of m goes up to height.

The branch pipe removed from window of upper floor acts above eaves 1 m at least. On branch pipe the cap is established.

120. No. 321 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 15.08.2024

121. In case of operation of systems of ventilation and air conditioning it is not allowed:

1) to leave doors of air-ventilation chambers open;

2) to close exhaust channels, openings and lattices;

To connect 3) to air ducts gas heating devices;

4) to burn out the fatty deposits which accumulated in air ducts, dust and other combustible substances.

122. Operation of processing equipment in rooms with explosive and fire-dangerous productions (installations) in case of the defective and switched-off hydraulic, dry filters, dust removal and other devices of systems of ventilation (aspiration) is not allowed.

123. For prevention of hit of solid bodies in the fans deleting combustible dust, fibers and other waste with solid impurity before them kamneulovitel, and for extraction of metal objects - magnetic separators are established.

124. On pipelines of pneumatic transport and air ducts of systems of local suctions densely closed hatches for periodic survey, cleaning of systems and fire extinguishing in case of its origin are provided.

125. Viewing hatches are located no more than through 15 m from each other, and also at tees, on turns, in places of pass of pipelines through walls and overlappings.

126. Electroheaters are allowed to application with the operational alarm system and blocking excluding supply of electricity on heating elements in case of the idle fan and automatic equipment of control of temperature of the coming-out air and its regulation provided by electric and thermal protection.

127. In case of operation of heaters it is not allowed:

1) to switch-off the alarm system or blocking;

2) to apply combustible materials to flexible insert between the case of electroheater and the fan;

3) to exceed the maximum permissible air temperature at the exit from electroheater established by manufacturing plant;

4) to include electroheater in case of the idle fan (blocking is checked before each start-up of installation);

5) to place combustible materials and the equipment on electroheater or near it.

128. The structure of the smoke canal is provided with technological openings for their periodic cleaning of soot.

129. Floor from combustible materials under furnace door of the heatgenerating devices using solid fuel is protected by prefurnace metal leaf the size at least 0, 5kh the m 0,7 without openings located before furnace opening along the furnace.


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