of May 31, 2021 No. 358
About approval of Rules of implementation of project management
According to part two of Article 43-1 of the Administrative procedural Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of implementation of project management.
2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing and is subject to official publication.
3. Suspend preamble of this resolution and Item 1 of Rules of implementation of project management till July 1, 2021, having determined that during suspension the preamble of the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Item 1 of Rules of implementation of project management are effective in the following edition:
"According to Item 2 of article 11-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About ministerial procedures" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:";
"1. These rules of implementation of project management (further - Rules) are developed according to Item 2 of article 11-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About ministerial procedures" and determine procedure of project management in activities of state bodies.".
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2021 No. 358
1. These rules of implementation of project management (further – Rules) are developed according to part two of Article 43-1 of the Administrative procedural Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and determine procedure of project management in activities of state bodies, except for Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
1) group of acceleration - employee group of project office of state body which performs coordination, consulting and methodological, information and analytical and organizational support of project personnel and the interested project participants requiring the accelerated realization and operational concentration of resources including the organization of joint operation of project office of state body with groups of realization of national priorities, groups of realization of the basic directions, heads of project groups, heads and project participants on the daily skram-schedule on methodology adzhayl;
2) authorized body in the sphere of informatization - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the sphere of informatization and "the electronic government";
3) information display - the electronic document placed in information system of project management for operational representation to the heads who are carrying out the corresponding project roles of curators of national priorities, program managers, heads of the basic directions, heads of project groups;
4) situational analytical center - the organizational structure created under project office of state body for the purpose of determination of the status of realization of projects/programs/portfolios of national priorities, monitoring of achievement of target indicators and development of offers on further realization of projects/programs / portfolios of national priorities;
5) the program - component of portfolio of national priority, the representing set of consistently dekompoziruyemy project groups, projects and actions (actions) grouped in the basic directions management of which is coordinated for receipt of the benefits unavailable in case of project management and actions (actions) separately;
6) the basic direction of the program - the program component including set of consistently dekompoziruyemy project groups, projects and actions (actions) grouped in signs of mezhsferny, cross-industry, interdepartmental nature;
7) the management plan the program is set of results of all planning processes of components of the program for creation of consecutive, related set of documents which is used for program management and control of its realization, and is created in information system of project management;
8) managing committee of the program - the collegiate organ performing functions of the center of decision making within the program realized by state body, providing the practical solution of problematic issues and tasks which are not resolved at the level of project office of state body and heads of the basic directions of the program;
9) managing documents - the documents regulating the main questions of implementation of projects/programs;
10) advisory council of the program - the collegiate organ created for ensuring expert and analytical support of program implementation;
11) the program manager - the first head of state body which is responsible for the state of affairs in industries (spheres) of public administration which are under authority of state body including for goal achievement and results of the program;
12) the head of the basic direction - the deputy first head of state body which within the basic direction is responsible for the state of affairs in industries (spheres) of public administration which are under authority of state body and provides goal achievement and results of the corresponding basic direction of the program;
13) initiative (measure) - set of the new purposes and tasks aimed at the development of the sphere/industry/region, not included earlier in documents of System of state planning (further - System) and/or other program documents;
14) the passport of initiative - the managing document containing the main information on initiative;
15) dashbord - the information panel in information system of project management on which data on results of implementation of projects/programs / national priorities are specified;
16) national priorities - set of system changes in certain sphere and (or) industry which need to be realized until the end of the period of implementation of the National development plan for the Republic of Kazakhstan;
17) management board of national priority - the advisory advisory body providing realization of portfolio of national priority;
18) the curator of national priority - the official supervising realization of priority of the National development plan for the Republic of Kazakhstan;
19) portfolio of national priority - set of programs, projects, actions (actions), initiatives (measures) directed to practical realization of national priority for goal achievement and indicators of the card is more whole than national priorities of the first and second levels in the respective spheres / industries / regions provided by documents of System, national actions plans on implementation of messages of the Head of state, and also other initiatives of portfolio level approved by the Supreme council in case of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on reforms;
20) the project - complex of the interconnected actions directed to achievement of effective objective, results in the conditions of temporary and resource restrictions;
21) the magazine of the learned project lessons - the managing document containing the overview of project management, and also any useful information for accounting and application in future projects;
22) project architecture - the set of elements of the program realized by project management, consisting of the basic directions of the program, and also projects grouped in the groups consolidated in the corresponding basic directions of the program;
23) project management - method of management of projects/programs/portfolios in the conditions of temporary and resource restrictions for achievement of the declared results and effective objectives;
24) information system of project management - the single information automated platform used for creation, storage, transfer of up-to-date and reliable information about initiatives, projects, project groups, the basic directions of programs, programs, portfolios of national priorities providing implementation of project activities by all participants and also providing to concerned parties information access for acceptance of management decisions;
25) authorized body on project management - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the sphere of project management;
26) the initiator of the project - physical person, the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who is the author of the idea of the project, its preliminary reasons and offers on implementation of the project, including when this person is the head of the legal entity;
27) the project manager - the project role assigned by the head of project group to person having the necessary level of competences of the respective sphere;
28) the project budget - the requirement plan of the project in resources in terms of money, necessary for obtaining of the planned results;
29) the sponsor of the project - the project role providing the organizational party of the project and confirmation of correctness of project objectives under which authority the budget and resources of the project is;
30) the project charter - the managing document containing information characterizing the project: content, project budget, project deadlines, schedule of the project and other information necessary for project implementation;
31) project team - the project participants including the project manager, the manager and other members into whose project role direct execution of tasks within the project gets;
32) project activities - the activities performed using knowledge, skills, methods and instruments of project management;
33) project lifecycle - period from the initiation moment before project completion;
34) project personnel - the set of participants of project activities including project personnel of office, project personnel of project offices of state bodies, participants of project teams, contractors of detailed designs and other participants of project activities to which project roles are assigned;
35) project resources - the resources used for goal achievement of the project, including human, financial, material, information and temporary;
36) project role - set of the certain powers, functional obligations and the personal responsibility assigned to the participant of project activities in managing documents;
37) the detailed design - the task created by participants of project activities which accomplishment is assigned to state bodies, their structural divisions / other (third) persons whose participation is necessary for implementation of the corresponding projects / programs / portfolios;
38) the project orderer - the project role providing forming of requirements to the project and accepting project deliverables;
39) project risk - uncertain event or condition which in case of origin has impact (positive or negative) on one of project objectives;
40) project group - component of the basic direction of the program in the form of set of projects and actions (actions) grouped in certain signs for ensuring achievement of the target indicators and indicators included in zone of responsibility of the relevant structural division or subordinated organization of state body;
41) the curator of project group - the deputy manager of state body supervising the head of project group in the basic direction;
42) matrix structure - the organizational structure of management based on the principle of double subordination of project personnel, project team members in case of which the employee in case of part-time/full employment in project/program/portfolio of national priority submits to the head of the structural division and other head within project activities;
43) project office of state body - the organizational structure created by state body with participation of concerned parties, on the basis of the principles of matrix structure of management, providing interaction and coordination of project activities of all her participants;
44) the communication center of project office of state body - the organizational structure created by state body under project office of state body for the organization of works on forming of public opinion about the program implementation course, to implementation and development of project-oriented organization culture, development of internal and external communications of participants of project activities on the basis of implementation of modern models and instruments of transformation of the organizations;
45) interested persons are any persons interested in achievement/not goal achievement of the project;
46) cross-functionality is combination of several separate functions in single whole;
47) the development plan for areas, cities of republican value, the capital (further - the development plan for the region) - set of the plans, projects and programs realized in the territory of areas, the cities of republican value, the capital within portfolios of national priorities including the development plan for the region and other project groups, projects, actions (action), initiative (measure) aimed at the development of the region;
48) online mode - the activities performed in the remote mode on means of video conference;
49) offline mode - the activities performed as a result of direct presence on the place;
50) national system of project management - the complex infrastructure of management necessary for ensuring achievement of strategic objectives of social and economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan representing single ecosystem of project management;
51) Project office (further - Office) - the collegiate working organ created and operating in the form of matrix organizational structure, providing realization of portfolios of national priorities, implementation and development of project management in public sector;
52) the head of the standard basic direction - the chief of staff of state body;
53) training in operation (action learning) - the training method based on actually received knowledge as a result of practical experience, providing certain new skills;
54) adzhayl (agile) - the generalized term in project management determining values and the principles of "flexible" methodology of management;
55) big data (big-data) - designation of the structured and unstructured these huge amounts and their considerable variety which are effectively processed by horizontally scaled program tools;
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The document ceased to be valid since August 21, 2023 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 17, 2023 No. 691