of December 27, 2021 No. 514
About refining of separate indicators of the republican budget for 2021
1. Specify indicators of the republican budget for 2021 in part:
1.1. increases:
the income of the republican budget (Article part one 1, paragraph two of article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2020 No. 73-Z "About the republican budget for 2021" (further - the Law) and appendix 2 to it) on 3 110 885 871, 83 rubles (appendix 1);
expenses of the republican budget on financing of the state investing program (without reserve fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus, republican road fund, means provided on preserving and expansion of farmlands, forest management) (the paragraph of the sixth article 4 of the Law) on 74 261 184, 52 rubles;
the means transferred from the republican budget to consolidated budgets of areas and the budget of Minsk (Item 1 of article 6 of the Law) (appendix 2);
the income of republican centralized innovative fund (paragraph two of part one of article 7 of the Law) for 73 574 095 rubles;
expenses of republican centralized innovative fund (the paragraph third parts one of article 7 of the Law) for 73 574 095 rubles;
the income of republican road fund (part one of Item 1 of article 11 of the Law and appendix 9 to it) for 19 999 471 rubles (appendix 3);
expenses of republican road fund (part two of Item 1 of article 11 of the Law and appendix 9 to it) on 19 999 471 rubles (appendix 3);
limit of internal public debt of the Republic of Belarus on 1, 35 billion rubles (paragraph two of part one of article 12 of the Law);
limit of the internal debt guaranteed by the Republic of Belarus on 1, 9 billion rubles (the paragraph third parts one of article 12 of the Law);
1.2. reduction:
expenses of the republican budget for functional classification of expenses of the budget for Sections, subsections and expense types (Article part one 1, the paragraph third article 4 of the Law and appendix 3 to it) on 33 161 106, 23 rubles (appendix 4);
the extent of deficit of the republican budget on 3 144 046 978, the 06th ruble and change of sources of its financing (part two of article 1 of the Law and appendix 1 to it) (appendix 5);
the income of republican fund of civil aviation (article 9 of the Law and appendix 8 to it) for 5 200 000 rubles (appendix 6);
expenses of republican fund of civil aviation (article 9 of the Law and appendix 8 to it) on 660 000 rubles taking into account the direction of remaining balance of the means of republican fund of civil aviation formed for January 1, 2021 in the amount of 4 540 000 rubles (appendix 6);
1.3. changes:
expenses of the republican budget on scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities regarding implementation of innovative projects, the organization of activities and development of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure in functional classification of expenses of the budget for Sections, subsections and expense types (the paragraph of the seventh article 4 of the Law and appendix 6 to it) (appendix 7);
the list of external state loans which servicing and repayment are performed with attraction of financial resources of the republican budget (the paragraph of the sixth part one of article 12 of the Law and appendix 10 to it) (appendix 8).
2. Determine that in 2021:
2.1. the funds of funds of the precautionary (preventive) actions for separate types of compulsory and voluntary insurance created in 2021 according to Item 66 of the Regulations on insurance activity in the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 25, 2006 No. 530 which are not used in 2021 are allocated for expenses of the republican budget;
2.2. The Ministry of Finance in the course of execution of the republican budget has the right:
make changes to expenses of the republican budget for functional classification of expenses of the budget regarding assignments for compensation (compensation) and interest payment for use of bank loans and provision of subsidies for interest payment (part of percent) for use of bank loans in the expense limits on the specified purposes provided in the republican budget on other nation-wide questions, other questions in the field of agricultural industry, fuel and power, other questions in the field of the industry, constructions and architecture, other industries of national economy;
according to the petition of Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to redistribute in the directions of use established in paragraphs second and third Item 2 of article 6 of the Law, amount of the subvention transferred from the republican budget to the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus within general annual assignments;
2.3. execution with reduction of the minimum extent of surplus (or with deficit) consolidated budgets of the Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev regions established in Item 2 of article 21 of the Law and also with excess of the maximum extent of budget deficit of Minsk established in Item 1 of article 21 of the Law in connection with financing raskhodov* is allowed:
due to use of remaining balance of means of the local budgets formed for January 1, 2021 on salary payment with fees (assignments) on social insurance in health sector and social protection, including allowances according to presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of April 16, 2020 No. 131 "About material stimulation of workers of health care" and of May 18, 2020 No. 169 "About material stimulation of employees of the organizations rendering social services" and other expenses of healthcare institutions;
due to use of remaining balance of means of the local budgets formed for January 1, 2021, means from placement of issued securities of local executive and administrative organs, and also means of the budget credit granted from the republican budget including on:
to the consolidated budget of the Brest region - for 12 000 000 rubles;
to the consolidated budget of the Vitebsk region - for 51 650 000 rubles;
to the consolidated budget of the Gomel region - for 53 920 000 rubles;
to the consolidated budget of the Grodno region - on 1 732 137, 4 rubles;
to the consolidated budget of the Mogilev region - on 68 964 771, the 49th ruble;
* In addition to determined in Item 3 of article 21 of the Law.
2.4. the direction of funds of local innovative funds for financing of expenses in health care is allowed.
The remaining balance of means of local innovative funds formed for January 1, 2022 is subject to transfer in the form of the interbudget transfers in republican centralized innovative fund during completion of transactions for the budget obligations assumed in case of execution republican and local budgets in 2021 financial year according to subitem 2.6 of this Item;
2.5. the direction of means of reserve fund of the Minsk regional executive committee created in the regional budget, in the amount of 1 000 000 rubles on accomplishment of repair work in the territory of military unit of 3310 internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is allowed;
2.6. completion of transactions according to the budget obligations assumed in case of execution republican and local budgets in 2021 financial year is performed during 2021 and 31 calendar days after its termination;
2.7. the balances in cash from carrying out in 2020 republican community work day which are on the separate current (settlement) bank account of the Ministry of Finance on accounting of means of republican community work day in National Bank, in the amount of the 112th 136, of the 05th ruble and also the amount of the added percent on this remaining balance formed for date of money transfer go to the income of the state trust budget fund of national development;
2.8. the reserve fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus specified in Item 1 of article 23 of the Law is created in the amount of no more than 343 997 981 ruble;
2.9. for office use.
3. For office use.
4. In 2022 to increase expenses of republican centralized innovative fund on the amounts of the means transferred into the republican budget according to part two of subitem 2.4 of Item 2 of this Decree.
5. To allocate to the Ministry of Finance in 2021 at the expense of remaining balance of the means of the republican budget formed for January 1, 2021:
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