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of February 4, 2022 No. 113

About approval of the list of means of communication, the subject obligatory certification, and recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

According to Item 3 of article 41 of the Federal law "About Communication" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed list of the means of communication which are subject to obligatory certification.

2. Determine that:

a) the means of communication specified in the list approved by this resolution are subject to obligatory certification if such means of communication are used:

in communication network public;

in the part of technological communication network attached to communication network public;

in communication networks of special purpose in case of their accession to communication network public;

b) means of communication concerning which conditions of application of the certificates of conformity issued before entry into force of this resolution provide use in quality:

the international centers of switching, it is allowed to use as the international telephone exchanges;

transit long-distance nodes of automatic switching, it is allowed to use as long-distance telephone exchanges;

long-distance telephone exchanges, it is allowed to use as zone telephone exchanges;

city automatic telephone exchanges, subscriber digital concentrators, rural automatic telephone exchanges, it is allowed to use as local telephone exchanges;

the channel-forming equipment of plesiochronous digital hierarchy, the equipment of temporary gruppoobrazovaniye of plesiochronous digital hierarchy, the equipment of cross switching of plesiochronous digital hierarchy, terminal and intermediate points of linear path of plesiochronous digital hierarchy, it is allowed to use as the equipment of digital systems of transfer of plesiochronous digital hierarchy;

the equipment of management and monitoring of radio relay communication systems, it is allowed to use as the equipment of automated control systems and monitoring of networks of telecommunication;

analog and digital radio relay communication systems, digital radio relay communication systems of synchronous digital hierarchy, digital radio relay communication systems of plesiochronous digital hierarchy, analog radio relay communication systems, it is allowed to use as the equipment of radio relay communication.

3. The certificates of conformity issued on means of communication before entry into force of this resolution are effective before the termination of effective period of such certificates.

4. Recognize invalid:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2009 No. 532 "About approval of the list of the means of communication which are subject to obligatory certification" (The Russian Federation Code, 2009, No. 26, the Art. 3206);

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 No. 64 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding providing challenge of the emergency field services in the territory of the Russian Federation according to single number "112" (The Russian Federation Code, 2015, No. 6, the Art. 954).

5. This resolution becomes effective since September 1, 2022 and is effective within 6 years from the date of its entry into force.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2022, No. 113

The list of the means of communication which are subject to obligatory certification

I. The means of communication performing functions of systems of switching

1. The equipment which is part of transit, terminal and transit and terminal communication centers of network of the fixed telephone communication:

a) international telephone exchanges;

b) long-distance telephone exchanges;

c) zone telephone exchanges;

d) local telephone exchanges;

e) the combined telephone exchanges.

2. Office and production automatic telephone exchanges.

3. The equipment realizing functions of switching and management of services.

4. The equipment for rendering services of intra-zone, long distance and international telephone communication by means of the operator.

5. Equipment of nodes of servicing of challenges of the emergency field services.

6. Equipment of call centers of directory servicing.

7. Equipment of call centers of the emergency field services.

8. Equipment of cable communication:

a) cable stations and substations;

b) centers of switching of messages.

9. Equipment of switching of networks of mobile radiotelephone communication.

10. Equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio communication.

11. Equipment of switching of networks of mobile satellite radio communication.

II. The means of communication performing functions of digital transport systems

12. Equipment of switching and routing of packets of information of data transmission networks.

13. Equipment of digital systems of transfer of synchronous digital hierarchy.

14. Equipment of digital systems of transfer of plesiochronous digital hierarchy.

15. Equipment of linear path of communication lines.

16. The equipment with the asynchronous mode of transfer of information.

17. Equipment of digital systems of transfer of television and sound broadcasting.

18. Equipment of clock network synchronization.

III. The means of communication performing functions of management systems and monitoring

19. Equipment of automated control systems and monitoring of networks of telecommunication.

IV. The means of communication with measuring functions considering amount of the rendered communication services telecom operators in communication networks public

20. The automated settlement systems.

21. Equipment of time accounting of duration of connection.

V. Radio-electronic means of communication

22. Terrestrial stations of satellite communication and broadcasting.

23. Equipment of radio relay communication.

24. Equipment of base stations and repeaters of networks of mobile radiotelephone communication.

25. Equipment of base stations and repeaters of networks of mobile radio communication.

26. Equipment of television broadcasting and broadcasting.

27. Equipment of base stations and repeaters of networks of radio access.


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