of February 8, 2022 No. PP-122
About measures for further enhancement of expert and criminalistic activities of law-enforcement bodies with broad implementation of achievements of modern science
In recent years in our country effective work on ensuring rule of law and further reforming of judicial system of law, reliable protection of human rights and freedoms, respect of his honor and advantage, implementation of international standards and the best foreign practices is carried out to this sphere.
At the same time the growing popularity of use around the world of modern technologies and methods when making crimes requires further enhancement of processes of proof in court, with use of the mathematical evidences proved from the scientific and technical point of view, fault of person for socially dangerous act.
Removal on the new level of practice of application of the advanced achievements of modern science and technology, in particular criminalistic scientific methods and means is necessary, during investigation and search operations on fight against crime, collection of proofs in the course of investigative and judicial actions.
For the purpose of timely identification and disclosure of committed offenses in short terms using modern information and communication technologies, further enhancement of criminalistic research of physical evidences, and also increases in opportunities of expert and criminalistic divisions of law-enforcement bodies in this direction:
1. Determine the priority directions of further enhancement of expert and criminalistic activities of divisions of law-enforcement bodies:
implementation of mechanisms of application of the advanced achievements of modern science and technology, digital technologies, new scientific methods and means of criminalistics, creation of the automated criminalistic information retrieval systems and databases conforming to modern requirements;
broad use of opportunities of digital examination on the offenses made by means of information technologies, conducting criminalistic accounting in this direction;
implementation of mechanisms of coordination of use of the automated identification systems on the basis of biometric personal data (genomic information, the image of person, fingerprints of hands);
widespread introduction of new types of research of physical evidences, innovative criminalistic approaches, methods and technical means when conducting investigation and search operations, investigative and judicial actions, reduction of activities of laboratories in this direction in compliance with requirements of international standards;
carrying out on permanent basis of research and development works on increase in reliability of physical evidences in case of proof and implementation of practice of their application in judicial and expert activities;
the organization of cardinally new effective educational and practical process of target preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the expert and criminalistic sphere, increase in the status of forensic experts and comprehensive ensuring their objectivity and independence in judicial and expert activities.
2. Approve offers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about:
creation in structure of the Main expert and criminalistic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of departments of genetic researches and state registration of genomic information of person, within established posts of law-enforcement bodies;
creation in case of establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of public institution on certification of fire, pneumatic, gas, alarm, cold, throwing and other weapon, ammunition to them, special means, bulletproof special remedies, electroconvulsive devices, pyrotechnic products and explosive materials;
provision to expert and criminalistic divisions of law-enforcement bodies (further - expert and criminalistic divisions) it is right on rendering expert, biometric identification, research, information and other paid profile services to physical persons and legal entities in the expert and criminalistic sphere on contractual basis;
implementation of practice of attraction on contractual basis of persons having special scientific and technical and intellectual potential in expert and criminalistic divisions as specialists or technical workers.
3. Determine that for the purpose of expansion of scale of judicial and expert activities and implementation of practice of application in our country of the advanced achievements of modern science and technology by expert and criminalistic divisions the following new types of examinations and researches will be carried out:
a) until the end of 2022:
video and phototechnical expertize, including examination by determination of the speed of movement of vehicles fixed in videos;
examination of weapon of electric impact;
examination of gas weapon;
examination of physical explosions and gas-air mixtures;
examination of explosions of the gas cylinders established on vehicles;
biological examination of DNA of the person;
examination according to the special equipment and vehicles;
examination of food products;
b) until the end of 2023:
examination of digital databases;
examination of cloud services on the Internet;
phonoscope examination.
To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ya. Abdulkhakov, A. Ikramov) to take measures for development of techniques for the new types of examinations and researches implemented in activities of expert and criminalistic divisions and the organizations of training of employees for this directions.
4. Approve:
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