Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 8, 2022 No. PP-123

About measures for acceleration of reforming of public institutions

(as amended on 19-04-2024)

For the purpose of increase in efficiency of use of state-owned property, implementation of modern methods of management, the principles of openness and transparency, creation of ample opportunities for participation of private equity in activities of public institutions, and also reducing the state participation and creation of competitive environment in economy:

1. Determine that:

a) the public institutions performing activities in industries with the developed competition where five and more subjects of private entrepreneurship in one goods market function are subject to abolition or realization to private sector with transformation to economic societies;

b) public institutions without fail shall have treasurer personal accounts on the Single treasurer account;

c) since April 1, 2022:

the ministries, departments and public authorities on places post on the official websites and provide updating on permanent basis of data on the name, types of activity, functions and powers, and also heads of the public institutions which are their part;

data on public institutions by regions and higher bodies are posted on the website of the Agency on management of the state assets (further - the Agency);

practice of publication on the Portal of open these data on superior organizations, real estate units, objects of construction in progress and vehicles, structure of the planned and made expenses of organizations and other data (except for information of limited distribution or containing trade secret) with creation of access in the format convenient for users takes root;

d) in the decision on creation and the charter (provision) of public institution its form of business - "public institution" is specified;

e) shares and shares in authorized capital (authorized capital) of economic societies belonging to state bodies, public authorities on places, to the state unitary enterprises, public institutions, the Central bank, and also Fund of reconstruction and developments are the state shares;

e) shares and shares in authorized capital (authorized capital) of economic societies belonging to economic societies with the state participation are not the state shares.

2. Approve offers of the Agency, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty and the Ministry of Finance about:

carrying out during the period from March 1, 2022 to August 1, 2023 according to the procedure of experiment of external audit inspection, including regarding studying of availability of property, current status and consequences of obligation fulfillment, public institutions, receipts from sales of products (works, services) of which exceed the hundred-thousandfold size of basic settlement size;

you will lock to public institutions on organization and participation in authorized capital (authorized capital) of economic societies, except as specified, the provided decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers.

To provide to the Ministry of Justice and Central Securities Depository strict observance of the requirements determined in paragraph three of this Item.

3. Provide to State commission on privatization of the state assets and coordination of processes of privatization (further - State commission) the right to transformation of public institutions (except for public institutions, not privatizeable) in economic societies, and also on introduction to founders of instructions and offers on decision making about abolition of public institutions.

4. State commission:

a) in a month to approve the list of the public institutions which are subject to abolition owing to activities non-realization and also the schedule of their abolition;

b) till September 1, 2022:

carry out inventory count of all public institutions, study compliance of form of business to acts of the legislation with consideration of their activities, revenue-producing;

take measures for privatization or abolition in accordance with the established procedure of the public institutions performing activities in industries with the developed competition where five and more subjects of private entrepreneurship in one goods market and also belonging to them non-core assets function.

5. To committee on development of the competition and consumer protection together with the relevant ministries and departments since 2023 annually till May 1 to carry out the analysis of activities of public institutions, to regularly make in State commission offers on privatization or abolition of the public institutions performing activities in industries with the developed competition where five and more subjects of private entrepreneurship in one goods market function.

6. Provide to the Ministry of Finance:

in two-month time - integration of management information system public finances (further - ISUGF) with the program complex intended for complex automation of conducting by state-financed organizations of the budget accounting and the reporting (further - "UzASBO"), and publication on the Portal of open these data from ISUGF and "UzASBO" provided by the subitem "v" of Item 1 of this resolution;

in three-months time - opening on the Single treasurer account of treasurer personal account of each public institution;

till April 1, 2022 together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications - integration with ISUGF and "UzASBO" of databases of the Agency on the inventory under the State Tax Committee, the Ministries of employment and employment relationships, the Ministries of Internal Affairs, the Agencies and the Agencies of the state services.

7. To provide to the ministries, departments and public authorities on places:

till April 1, 2022 registration in the centers of the state services of public institutions in the structure according to the procedure established by the legislation without collection of the state fee;

placement in information system of the Agency of financial performance of public institutions in the structure including information on receipts from sales of products (works, services), following the results of every quarter - within a month, following the accounting period, following the results of year - till February 25 of the following financial year.

8. To the Cabinet of Ministers in two weeks to approve the list of blocks of shares in the authorized capital of the joint-stock companies belonging to the liquidated public institutions and the companies, donated to the Agency and the Ministry of Finance on the basis of the right of operational management.

9. To the agency to bring in the Cabinet of Ministers:

till October 1, 2023 together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty - the offer on feasibility of carrying out external audit inspection of public institutions with carrying out the careful analysis of results of experiment, proceeding from paragraph two of Item 2 of this resolution;

till May 1, 2022 together with the interested ministries and departments - the project of regulations on public institutions, and also offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this resolution.


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