of January 22, 2022 No. PP-98
About measures for development of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 - 2024
For the purpose of consecutive development of social and production infrastructure of the country, further improvement of villages and makhally, forming of the favorable entrepreneurial and investment circle on places, and also creations of new workplaces, improvements of level of living of the population and reducing poverty by broad investment attraction in industries of economy and the social sphere:
1. Adopt the Development program of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 - 2024 (further - the Program) developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent (further - local khokimiyats) interested in the ministries, departments and economic associations.
Key parameters of development of social and production infrastructure in 2022 and target reference points for 2023-2024 according to appendix No. 1 *;
Key parameters of the directions financed within development of social and production infrastructure in 2022 according to appendix No. 1a *;
Target indicators of commissioning of objects of social and production infrastructure and creation of new capacities in 2022 and target reference points for 2023-2024 according to appendix No. 2 *;
Address lists of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and equipment of objects in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent in 2022 according to appendices No. No. 3 - 16 *;
The address list of construction and reconstruction of administrative, engineering and infrastructure, especially important and categorized objects in 2022 according to appendix No. 17 *;
The address list of construction and reconstruction of law-enforcement and defense objects in 2022 according to appendix No. 18 *;
The list of objects which preproject and project documentation will be developed in 2022, according to appendix No. 19*.
Assign to the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent, heads of the ministries, departments and economic associations the personal responsibility for ensuring high-quality and complete realization of key parameters, target indicators and address lists of the Program at the scheduled time, and also target and effective expenditure of allocated funds.
2. Create the Republican commission on development of social and production infrastructure (further - the Republican commission) in structure according to appendix No. 20*.
* 1 - The 20th appendices are given in Uzbek.
The republican commission (A. N. Aripov) within coordination of program implementation:
perform coordination of activities and provide interaction of the ministries, departments, economic associations and local khokimiyats participating in the Program;
take measures for the operational solution of the problematic issues arising in case of projects implementation and establish system control of activities of responsible heads in this direction;
to monthly discuss execution of the Program and to hear reports of responsible heads on timely and high-quality projects implementation, providing target expenditure and effectiveness of means.
3. Establish procedure according to which:
By presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers changes and (or) additions can be made to the key parameters of the Program providing inclusion of additional projects (objects) having the approved preproject and (or) project documentation and financing sources, exception of unrealized projects (objects), and also redistribution of capital investments between customers (initiators);
By the Ministry of Economics and finance
within the set limits of capital investments of customers (initiators) corrections and amendments can be made to parameters of projects (objects) realized within the Program following the results of development and examination of their preproject and (or) project documentation and carrying out tender (tender).Determine that offers on modification and (or) amendments in key parameters of the Program are introduced in the Cabinet of Ministers by the Ministry of Economics and finance on the basis of relevant proposals of the interested local khokimiyats, the ministries, departments and economic associations.
4. Determine that:
the direction of the funds planned within development programs of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for covering of borrowed funds, the interest payments attracted at the expense of internal sources, the foreign loans and added on them, and also on allocation of the credits for construction of facilities is forbidden. At the same time the principal debt and interest payments on the credits within earlier made relevant decisions become covered at the expense of the means planned in the republican budget for servicing of public debt;
in case of insufficiency of limits of the main capital investments according to the project documentation of territorial projects (objects) included in the Program, reasonable additional costs connected with their construction, reconstruction and capital repairs become covered at the expense of means of additional sources of the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of areas and the city of Tashkent based on decisions of the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashy People's Deputies of areas and the city of Tashkent respectively;
address lists of works on designing, construction, reconstruction and equipment of departmental objects at the expense of off-budget funds of state-financed organizations annually till April 1 are approved with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty;
means (500 billion sum) necessary for work on construction of facilities of the social sphere within the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 9, 2021 No. UP-32 "About Measures for Construction of Arrays of "Yangi Uzbekiston" and Ensuring Social and Economic Development of Regions", are financed by the means provided on social and economic development of regions based on orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022.
prohibit for a period of two years inclusion in development programs of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan of again begun projects on construction and reconstruction of office buildings of the ministries, departments and local khokimiyats (except for the projects realized according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also placed in the created new cities and areas);
in the course of forming of development programs of social and production infrastructure by the next years step by step to reduce the number of the projects (objects) passing for the next years, and also to provide their commissioning in the corresponding financial year taking into account the available opportunities.
To the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty (A. M. Boboyev), to the Ministry of Finance (A. Ya. Haydarov) together with local khokimiyats, the ministries, departments and economic associations to provide unconditional execution of requirements of this Item.
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