of January 19, 2022 No. PP-92
About measures for cardinal enhancement of system of work with youth in махаллях
For the purpose of implementation of new controling mechanisms of work with youth, creation of vertical system of work with it, the problem resolution of youth it is direct in махаллях, and also further increase in efficiency of spiritual and educational and educational work in educational institutions:
1. Enter position of the leader of youth in each town, mudflow, the aul, and also in each makhalla of the cities, settlements, villages and auls (further - махалля).
2. Determine the main objectives of the leader of youth in the makhall (further - the Leader):
forming of "Balance of youth", entering of necessary information on youth into the electronic platforms "Yoshlar of Daftara" and "Yoshlar Portal", organization of effective work with youth;
the informative organization of free time of youth in махаллях, promoting of national national games and sports among youth, projects implementation on Five important initiatives, holding youth festivals and other cultural and educational actions;
increase in social activity of youth, stimulation of her talents, capabilities and initiatives, rendering assistance in finding of the place in life;
education of youth in the spirit of patriotism, and also ensuring its intellectual and spiritual development;
implementation of system work with the youth inclined to making of offenses, rendering assistance in social and pedagogical rehabilitation and adaptation of the young people exempted from the organizations of execution of the punishment and also which came back from specialized teaching and educational agencies.
3. Leaders in assigned to them махаллях perform activities for the following main directions:
promotion of culture and art - holds review competition "Sanjat of gunchalara", tenders on maky, bakhsh and platform "Yoshlar of ovoza", the tender "Young Artists", festivals of children's creativity "Kamalak of yulduzlara", and also will organize youth and children's theater companies;
promoting of healthy lifestyle and sport - will organize five-a-side football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, cycling, run competitions, to chess, checkers, badminton, archery, carries out marathon of "5 000 steps for health" and the share "Young Ecologist";
the organization of effective use of information technologies - realizes the projects "Million Programmers", "First Step in Programming", holds the cybersport championships and the tender "Expert on Information Technologies";
promotion of spirituality and reading the book - will organize competitions Zakovat, the tenders "Cheerful and Resourceful", "Erudite Bibliophile", "Young Bibliophile", "Young Family of Bibliophiles", "Expert on Foreign Languages" and "Young Polyglot", and also the intellectual and national national games "Munozara";
education in the spirit of patriotism and increase in legal literacy - will organize the competitions "Young Frontier Guard", "Young Rescuer", "Cheerful Starts", "Temurbeklar", "Tumaris of Malikalara", "Shunkorlar", "Young Jurist", "Young Voter", "Young Deputy", the shares "I Will Become Soldier Too" and visits of military units;
support of the entrepreneurial ideas - will organize the competitions "100 ideas for Uzbekistan" and "Young Entrepreneur Waved", the grant project "The First Step in Business" and meetings with successful entrepreneurs.
4. Provide to leaders daily holding the actions provided in Item 3 of this resolution taking into account interests of youth waved.
5. To fund for support of public work of veterans of Uzbekistan Nurony (Turdiyev) and to Agency on cases of youth (Sajdullayev):
in each makhalla to realize projects "To one veteran - ten young wards" and "Meetings of three generations";
together with National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan and National news agency of Uzbekistan to provide preparation and broadcast of cycle of programs of the heading "Youth — in Attention of the Senior Generation";
take measures for the organization of cycle of the actions directed to education of youth waved in the spirit of commitment to the Homeland, respect of national values, participation with the transformations which are carried out in the country, and also religious tolerance and interethnic concord.
6. To the ministry of tourism and sport, and also heads of sports federations (associations) of Uzbekistan:
approve annual scheduled plans of carrying out at least one competition quarterly by regions, provide their realization;
take measures for full support of the young people who achieved positive results in competitions for their sports on permanent basis and their forming as professional athletes.
It is regular to Ministry of Culture, Ministry of tourism and sport, Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, Ministry of Defence and other interested organizations to give practical help in holding actions by Leaders in the makhall.
7. Determine that:
quarterly 100 most advanced Leaders of the country who are trying to obtain high effectiveness in effective realization of youth policy in the makhall are awarded with one-time cash bonus in the amount of, equal to monthly payment of work of Leaders;
The leaders who are effectively organizing the activities who the personal qualities are example for youth lead it, are awarded with the breastplate of "Yangi ÷zbekiston of islokhotchisa".
8. Establish procedure according to which since March 1, 2022:
the help types specified in appendix No. 1, are provided according to the recommendation of the Leader;
The leader in questions in realization of the entrepreneurial ideas of youth, attraction in its activities of the credits, subsidies and other measures of support interacts with the assistant to hokim concerning development of entrepreneurship, employment of the population and reducing poverty in the makhall;
The leader carefully studies efficiency and feasibility of each address providing the above-stated types of the help, represents the recommendation to the bodies and the organizations responsible for their provision;
The leader bears responsibility for justification, reliability and justice of the recommendations.
To agency on cases of youth together with the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty and the Ministry of Justice in three-months time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the government decision on optimization and simplification of mechanisms in the regulatory legal acts regulating provision of the types of the help specified in appendix No. 1 to this resolution.
9. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 12.06.2023 No. UP-92
10. Appropriate to the vice rector (deputy director) concerning youth and spiritual and educational work in the public highest educational institutions and their branches the status of the first vice rector (the first deputy director).
Assign to the deputy director on spiritual and educational work of the public general high educational schools responsibility for interdepartmental interaction concerning youth and rendering assistance of activities of Leaders.
11. Determine that:
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