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of December 29, 2021 No. 1424

About approval of inventories which export and import is subject to licensing, and quotas for 2022

(as amended on 25-11-2022)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve for 2022:

1) amounts of quotas of goods which export is subject to licensing, according to appendix 1;

2) the list of controlled substances (ozone-depleting substances and the fluorinated greenhouse gases) which export and import is subject to licensing, according to appendix 2;

3) the inventory and the equipment which may contain controlled substances (ozone-depleting substances and the fluorinated greenhouse gases) which export and import is subject to licensing (except the goods and the equipment transported in containers with personal belongings), according to appendix 3;

4) the inventory which import from the Republic Northern Macedonia is subject to licensing within the tariff quota according to provisions of the Free-trade agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Macedonia of January 18, 2001, according to appendix 4;

5) the inventory which export is subject to licensing, according to appendix 5.

2. Determine that:

1) not used in 2021 by subjects of foreign economic activity of the export license (import) of goods, determined in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 28, 2020 No. 1329 "About approval of inventories which export and import is subject to licensing, and quotas for 2021" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2021, No. 4, Art. 221), are valid till March 1, 2022 if other is not provided by the corresponding international treaties of Ukraine;

2) according to article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "About foreign economic activity" for customs clearance of goods which are loaded with pile and export (import) of which is licensed, the limiting difference of the actual value of their cost, quantity or weight cannot exceed 5 percent of the value fixed in the corresponding license.

3. To the Ministry of Economics:

1) to provide export licensing and commodity import, specified in the resolution;

To bring 2) in the single state information web portal "Edinoye Okno Dlya Mezhdunarodnoy Torgovli" of the data on the granted export licenses (import) of goods which licensing is provided by this resolution, in electronic form in day of issue of such licenses;

3) monthly to inform the Ministry of environment protection and natural resources on the export licenses which are drawn up to subjects of foreign economic activity (import) of goods specified in appendices 2 and 3.

4. To the State Customs Service:

To bring 1) in the single state information web portal "Edinoye Okno Dlya Mezhdunarodnoy Torgovli" of the data on amounts of the export (import) of goods performed by subjects of foreign economic activity which licensing is provided by this resolution, in day of implementation of export or commodity import;

To represent 2) monthly and annually to the Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of the data on amounts of the export (import) of the goods specified in appendices 2 and 3, according to the licenses granted by the Ministry of Economics performed by subjects of foreign economic activity.

5. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2022.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal


Appendix 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 29, 2021 No. 1424


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