of November 30, 2021 No. 1915-IX
About Service of military kapellanstvo
This Law governs the relations in the field of realization of constitutional right on freedom of outlook and religion of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine of other military forming, the State Border Service of Ukraine and also determines legal and organizational basis and the principles of activities of Service of military kapellanstvo.
1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in such value:
1) military kapellansky activities - activities which are performed by military chaplains for the purpose of assistance of realization of constitutional right of the military personnel, workers and members of their families on freedom of outlook and religion by satisfaction of their spiritual and religious requirements;
2) the military chaplain - person who in the procedure established by this Law received the mandate on the right of implementation of military kapellansky activities which signed the contract on passing of military service on positions of faces of officers (it is exclusive on positions of Service of military kapellanstvo) and performs military kapellansky activities in divisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine of other military forming, the State Border Service of Ukraine on the bases and according to the procedure, provided by this Law;
3) the spiritual centers - the constructions belonging to military property, rooms, etc. in the territory of military units (organizations, institutions, the organizations) intended for satisfaction of spiritual and religious needs of the military personnel, workers and members of their families, determined by written orders of commanders (chiefs) of military units (organizations, institutions, the organizations);
4) spiritual and religious requirements - awareness by person of need for ideal internally incentive motives of activities, personal development and social interaction which are shown in religious views, representations, feelings, practicians and ceremonial actions;
5) dushpastyrsky guardianship - the direction of military kapellansky activities aimed at providing religious, ethical, moral, spiritual support and assistance to forming of personal stability and proper spiritual condition of staff;
6) satisfaction of spiritual and religious requirements - system of the measures aimed at providing realization of constitutional right of the military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine of other military forming, the State Border Service of Ukraine and members of their families on freedom of outlook and religion by implementation of vicarial guardianship, religious and educational work, social charity and consultation of command on religious questions;
7) quota of confessional representation of military chaplains - ratio of number of military chaplains of separate faith to total quantity of military chaplains in the relevant service;
8) consultation of military command on religious questions - the direction of military kapellansky activities for provision to command of professional information on influence of spiritual and religious factors on accomplishment of certain tasks, and also offers and consultations concerning organization of events of satisfaction of spiritual and religious needs of staff and informing command on religious situation in division, religious situation in the place of permanent deployment and around accomplishment of tasks to destination;
9) the mandate on the right of implementation of military kapellansky activities - the document of the state sample which is made by the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of the international relations, religion and protection of the rights of ethnic minorities in Ukraine and grants to the priest the right to perform military kapellansky activities in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine other military forming and the State Border Service of Ukraine;
10) religious and educational work - the direction of military kapellansky activities directed to acquaintance of the military personnel with bases of religious outlook, with ethical principles of military service and civic duty on protection of the state and also on education at staff of patriotic spirit, brotherhood and mutual respect;
11) Service of military kapellanstvo - the separate structure as a part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine of other military forming, the State Border Service of Ukraine which consists of governing bodies of Service of military kapellanstvo of military chaplains and is formed for the purpose of organization of events concerning satisfaction of spiritual and religious needs of the military personnel, employees and members of their families in peace and wartime;
12) social charity - the direction of military kapellansky activities directed to care of social needs of the military personnel and developing partnership with representatives of religious, charitable (volunteer), public organizations for the purpose of rendering full support, providing caring attitude to military personnel, employees and members of their families;
13) the representative from the religious organization - the priest of the religious organization determined by the leading center (management) who performs cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, National guard of Ukraine formed according to the laws of Ukraine other military forming and the State Border Service of Ukraine in the field of organization of events concerning satisfaction of spiritual and religious needs of the military personnel, employees and members of their families.
1. The legal basis of activities of Service of military kapellanstvo are the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, the laws of Ukraine "About liberty of conscience and the religious organizations", "About conscription and military service", "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families", other laws of Ukraine adopted in their execution regulatory legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, other public authorities, the international agreements of Ukraine which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
1. Operation of this Law extends on:
1) Armed Forces of Ukraine;
2) National guard of Ukraine;
3) other military forming formed according to the laws of Ukraine;
4) State Border Service of Ukraine.
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