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of December 27, 2021 No. 512

About refining of separate indicators of the budget of state non-budgetary fund

1. Specify separate indicators of the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (further - the budget of fund) for 2021 regarding increase:

the minimum size of budget surplus of fund for means of professional pension insurance (part two of article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2020 No. 71-Z "About the budget of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus for 2021" (further - the Law) and appendix 1 to it) on 29 989 479, the 38th ruble (appendix 1);

the income (Article part one 1, Item 1 of article 2 of the Law and appendix 2 to it) for 580 039 400 rubles (appendix 2);

expenses (Article part one 1, article 3 of the Law and appendix 3 to it) on 550 049 920, 62 rubles (appendix 3).

2. Grant the right to Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to redistribute budget receipts of fund regarding amounts of means of subventions from the republican budget for the directions of use, and also expenses of the budget of fund on financing of pensions and benefits within general annual assignments.

3. Determine that in 2021 completion of transactions according to obligations assumed in case of budget implementation of fund in 2021 financial year is performed during 2021 and 31 calendar days after its termination.

4. This Decree becomes effective after its official publication and extends the action to the relations which arose since January 1, 2021.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko


Appendix 1

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2021 No. 512

Direction of use of budget surplus of fund


General financing

– 29 989 479,38

Internal financing

– 29 989 479,38

Change of remaining balance of budget funds

– 29 989 479,38

Appendix 2

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2021 No. 512

Budget receipts of fund


Fees on the national social insurance

 +602 607 500,00

Fees on the national social insurance

 +602 607 500,00

compulsory insurance premiums in state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus

 +569 507 500,00

fees on professional pension insurance

 +33 100 000,00

Non-tax income

– 22 568 100,00

Income from use of the property which is in state-owned property

– 17 140 700,00

 interest for using money of budgets

– 17 140 700,00

the percent paid by banks for use of money of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus

– 140 700,00

income from investment of funds of professional pension insurance

– 17 000 000,00

Penalties, deduction

– 5 500 000,00


– 5 500 000,00

penalties for violation of the law about the national social insurance and for violation of procedure for use of means of state non-budgetary fund of social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus or the organization of public procurements of goods (works, services) at the expense of the specified means

– 5 500 000,00

Other non-tax income

 +72 600,00

compensation of budget funds, losses, harm

 +35 000,00


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