Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 21, 2021 No. 735

About the state information system "Register of Ministerial Procedures"

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 16.11.2024 No. 849)

Based on part two of Item 1 of article 23-4 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 "About bases of ministerial procedures" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 433-Z

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the register of the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of managing it (is applied).

2. No. 849 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 16.11.2024

3. Determine that access to the state information system "Register of Ministerial Procedures" (further - the register) the official of body regulator, authorized body and other interested subject or person (further if other is not provided, - other bodies), responsible for entering of data into the register, their change and exception of it, is performed with use of the electronic digital signature of this worker developed with use of personal key which certificate of public key is published in the State management system by public keys of verification of the electronic digital signature of the Republic of Belarus.

4. For the purposes of this resolution terms in the values established by the laws of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures" and of November 10, 2008 No. 455-Z "About information, informatization and information protection" and also the following term and its determination are used:

other interested subjects or persons – the state bodies, other organizations performing acceptance, preparation for consideration of the applications of subjects of managing and (or) issue of the executive decisions made by authorized bodies and also adoption of executive decisions about failure in adoption of statements of subjects of managing.

5. Grant the right to the Ministry of Economics to explain questions of application of this resolution.

6. To the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom to take measures for implementation of this resolution.

7. This resolution becomes effective in the following procedure:

Item 1 - since March 27, 2022;

other provisions of this resolution - after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 21, 2021 No. 735

Regulations on procedure for forming and maintaining the state information system "Register of Ministerial Procedures"

1. This Provision determines procedure for forming and maintaining the register.

2. Forming and maintaining the register are performed on the following principles:

completeness and reliability of the data containing in it, openness and their availability to general acquaintance;

information exchange with other state information resources (systems);

automation of forming of the register.

3. The register represents the state information system containing data on the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of managing, providing provision of data from the register on demand by means of global computer network the Internet through the single portal of electronic services of nation-wide automated information system (further - OAIS).

The register is created in the form of the electronic database and staticized by means of inclusion, change and exception of it of necessary data according to the procedure, established by this Provision.

Inclusion by bodies regulators, authorized bodies and other bodies of data in the register, their change and exception of the register are performed by means of OAIS on technology system - system or through the single portal of electronic services OAIS.

The data included in the register shall be stored and be processed in the conditions providing prevention of their plunder, loss, misstatement and counterfeit of information (its carriers).

4. In the register the Republic of Belarus provided in Item 2 of article 23-4 of the Law "About bases of ministerial procedures" is subject to inclusion of the data (further – data). These data:

can take place in the form of addressings (hyperlinks);

are entered in the register by bodies regulators. On written specifying of body regulator the specified data are entered by authorized bodies and other bodies, including not subordinates (who are not part, system) to body regulator, within their competence.

5. Bodies regulators, authorized bodies and other bodies determine the officials responsible for entering into the register of data, their change and exception of the register (further – authorized officers).

Bodies regulators, authorized bodies and other bodies notify on assignment (replacement) of the authorized officer within five working days from the date of its assignment (replacement) the Ministry of Economics, and also the operator of the register for gaining access to the register (access cancellation). In case of the direction of the notification authorized bodies and other bodies to the notification attach the copy of the corresponding specifying of body regulator.

6. Inclusion of data, their change and exception of the register are performed by bodies regulators, authorized bodies and other bodies within 10 days after receipt of parameters of access to the register and (or) acceptance of the regulatory legal act providing change of the corresponding ministerial procedure, data on which are included in the register, its exception or introduction of new ministerial procedure, but no later than the date of entry into force of this act.

If inclusion of data, their change and exception of the register cannot be executed in time, provided in parts one of this Item, bodies regulators, authorized bodies and other bodies place in the register information on regulatory legal act according to which inclusion of data is performed, their change and exception of the register, and also no later than the last day of term of inclusion of data, their changes and exceptions of the register notify the Ministry of Economics on the reasons for which inclusion of data, their change and exception of the register cannot be executed in this time. At the same time inclusion of data, their change and exception of the register shall be executed no later than 10 days after the direction of the notification in the Ministry of Economics.

7. In the register are implemented:

7.1. information search by means of global computer network the Internet through the single portal of electronic services OAIS in the following details:


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