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of October 5, 2021 No. 381

About construction of distribution power networks

(as amended on 19-12-2023)

For the purpose of enhancement of procedure for construction of distribution power networks, its financing, and also creation of conditions for use of electrical energy by physical persons for needs of heating, hot-water supply and food preparation:

1. Determine that:

1.1. the power supplying organizations act as customers on:

to designing and construction of distribution power networks for electric utility service of the isolated apartment houses;

to designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations in individual apartment block and in gardening partnerships;

to designing, construction and reconstruction of distribution power networks for switching of electric units of the apartment houses connected to technological objects of power networks of the organizations which are part of the Belarusian railroad, to distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations;

1.2. financing of designing and construction of distribution power networks to the parcels of land provided to physical persons for construction and (or) servicing of the isolated apartment houses which electric units are connected to distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations is performed at the expense of means of these physical persons based on contracts for investment with the power supplying organization for the standard form approved by the Department of Energy.

Designing of the distribution power networks built for electric utility service of the isolated apartment houses and subjects to connection by the power supplying organizations to distribution power networks of data of the organizations is performed from the next drawn-off point having technical capability of such connection;

1.3. financing of designing and reconstruction of the operated distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations in individual apartment block and in gardening partnerships on which depreciation is added in the amount of:

100 percent, are performed at the expense of the means of the republican budget allocated for implementation of state programs, own funds of the power supplying organizations, other sources;

less than 100 percent, are performed:

70 percent of costs – at the expense of the means of the republican budget allocated for implementation of state programs, own funds of the power supplying organizations, other sources;

30 percent of costs – at the expense of means of physical persons which belong on the property right the one-apartment, blocked apartment houses (apartments in the blocked apartment houses), the garden lodges, economic constructions and other constructions necessary for collective gardening, or on the property right, the life inherited tenancy, lease the parcels of land provided for collective gardening, share in the right of common property on one-apartment, the blocked apartment houses (apartments in the blocked apartment houses), the garden lodges, economic constructions and other constructions necessary for collective gardening, or on such parcels of land, based on contracts for investment with the power supplying organization.

Designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations in individual apartment block and in gardening partnerships are performed based on approved by the power supplying organizations in coordination with regional executive committees (The Minsk Gorispolkom), the gas supplying organizations which are part of GPO "Beltopgaz", plans of designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks and taking into account the planned financing sources.

For designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks consumer cooperatives can be created;

1.3-1. financing of designing, construction and reconstruction of distribution power networks for switching of electric units of the apartment houses connected to technological objects of power networks of the organizations which are part of the Belarusian railroad to distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations is performed at the expense of the funds of the republican budget allocated for implementation of state programs, other sources;

1.4. the distribution power networks built, reconstructed with attraction of financial resources of physical persons according to this Decree are property of the Republic of Belarus and belong on the right of economic maintaining to the power supplying organizations;

1.5. in case of connection of electric units of new consumers of electrical energy to the distribution power networks of the power supplying organizations reconstructed with attraction of financial resources of physical persons according to this Decree, these consumers of electrical energy perform partial compensation of means to these physical persons according to the procedure, determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

2. The procedure for the organization of designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks in the part which is not settled by this Decree is determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

3. Operation of this Decree does not extend to financing of designing, construction and reconstruction of distribution power networks in case of placement and the organization of construction of apartment houses.

Action of subitem 1.3 of Item 1 of this Decree does not extend to the relations on designing and reconstruction of distribution power networks for use of electrical energy for needs of heating, hot-water supply and food preparation in the apartment houses which are in zones of radioactive pollution.

4. For the purposes of this Decree terms in the values determined in appendix are applied.

5. In three-months time to provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree and to take other measures for its realization.

6. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.

7. This Decree becomes effective in the following procedure:

Item 5 and this Item - after official publication of this Decree;

other provisions of this Decree - in three months after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko


to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 5, 2021 No. 381

Terms and their determinations

1. Construction of distribution power networks - set of construction, setup, and also other works and actions * of which creation of distribution power networks is result.



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