of November 30, 2021 No. 678
About implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 No. 327
Based on paragraph one of part one of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 "About development of pharmaceutical industry" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 327
1. Approve Regulations on procedure and conditions of provision to the pharmaceutical organizations of subsidies it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 30, 2021 No. 678
1. This Provision establishes procedure and conditions of provision of the subsidies provided in Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 No. 327 (further - subsidies), to the pharmaceutical organizations * according to appendix 1.
* For the purposes of this provision the pharmaceutical organization is understood as the organization irrespective of form of business performing the type of economic activity relating according to the nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity" to subsection of CF "Production of the Main Pharmaceutical Products and Pharmaceutical Medicines".
2. Subsidies can be provided at the expense of the means of the republican budget provided to the Ministry of Health on other questions in the field of the industry within the amounts approved by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year.
3. Manager of the means of the republican budget provided on payment of subsidies is the Ministry of Health.
4. In case of observance of the condition established in the paragraph the second part two of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 No. 327, of subsidy for compensation of part of interest for using the credits obtained under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for implementation of investment projects on creation, technical retrofitting and reconstruction of the production capacities directed to creation of new productions and (or) extension of the nomenclature of medicines (further - subsidies for compensation of part of percent), are provided to the pharmaceutical organizations for the credits obtained:
in Belarusian rubles, - in the amount of 50 percent of the refunding rate of National Bank established for date of compensation of percent;
in foreign currency, - in the amount of 50 percent of rate on the credit with payment of subsidies in Belarusian rubles on the official rate of National Bank for date of transfer of subsidies.
5. Subsidies for compensation of part of the costs connected with performance of works (actions) according to paragraphs the fourth - the sixth part one of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 No. 327 (further - subsidies for compensation of part of costs), are provided to the pharmaceutical organizations in the amount of 50 percent of these actual costs.
For provision of subsidies for compensation of part of costs indicators on profitability of sales in the industry and to growth rates of commodity export are led up annually:
the republican unitary enterprise "Managing company of Belfarmprom holding (further - Managing company of holding) - to the pharmaceutical organizations - members of Belfarmprom holding;
the republican state bodies, other organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, National academy of Sciences of Belarus in coordination with the Ministry of Health - subordinated to them (which are part, system) to the departmental pharmaceutical organizations;
The Ministry of Health on representation of holding to Managing company - to the pharmaceutical organizations without departmental subordination.
6. The Ministry of Health annually when forming the republican budget for the corresponding financial year based on the requests of the pharmaceutical organizations wishing to receive subsidies, generalized by Managing company of holding sends to the Ministry of Finance of the offer on amounts of subsidies for their inclusion in the draft of the republican budget for the corresponding financial year.
7. For receipt of subsidies for compensation of part of percent by the pharmaceutical organizations the following documents are submitted to Managing company of holding annually till January 15:
the statement for provision of subsidies for compensation of part of interest for using bank loans in form according to appendix 2;
copy of the positive conclusion of the state complex examination of the investment project;
copy of the credit agreement.
8. For receipt of subsidies for compensation of part of costs by the pharmaceutical organizations the following documents are submitted to Managing company of holding annually till January 15:
the statement for provision of subsidies for compensation of part of costs in form according to appendix 3;
the list of works (actions) approved by the head of the pharmaceutical organization, the provided in paragraphs four - pole of part one of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2021 No. 327, in form according to appendix 4.
9. The managing company of holding no later than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the documents specified in Items 7 and 8 of this provision performs check of completeness and reliability of the submitted documents. By results of this check the Managing company of holding sends documents to the Ministry of Health or returns them to the applicant without consideration in case of non-compliance with requirements to their registration or submission of documents (data) not in full or their unauthenticity.
10. The Ministry of Health within 10 working days after consideration of documents of the pharmaceutical organizations directed by Managing company of holding determines amount of the provided subsidies by adoption of the resolution.
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