of December 30, 2021 No. 454-FZ
About seed farming
Accepted by the State Duma on December 22, 2021
Approved by the Federation Council on December 24, 2021
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the author of grade of agricultural plant - the citizen whose creative activity framed, removes or reveals selection achievement;
2) approbation of crops (landings) - crop inspection (landings) of grades of agricultural plants by representative selection of crops (landings) of agricultural plants or their individual survey for determination of varietal or specific purity, high-quality typicalness of plants, contamination of crops (landings) by quarantine objects, degrees of the harm to agricultural plants caused with harmful organisms;
3) bank of standard samples of seeds of agricultural plants - genetic collection of grades and hybrids of the agricultural plants included in the State register of grades and hybrids of the agricultural plants allowed to use;
4) specific purity of agricultural plants - the attitude of number of the approved agricultural plants of certain type and other agricultural plants having typical signs of type, towards total number of the approved plants;
5) the genetic passport - the document created on the basis of molecular genetic research of seeds of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant;
6) hybrid of agricultural plant - the type of agricultural plant which resulted from crossing of genetically differing forms of agricultural plants;
7) hybrid standard of agricultural plant - the hybrid of agricultural plant determined as control by indicators hozyaystvenno of useful signs and (or) properties in specific regions of the admission (light zones);
8) DNA of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant - the deoxyribonucleic acid determining the sequence of genes of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant;
9) quality characteristics of agricultural plants - set of characteristic properties and signs of the agricultural plants allowing to evaluate the tested grades or hybrids;
10) molecular genetic research of seeds of agricultural plants - the analysis of DNA sample of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant;
11) measure definition of sowing (landing) qualities of seeds of agricultural plants - actions for identification of the signs characterizing suitability of seeds of agricultural plants for production of seeds or reproduction of agricultural plants;
12) measure definition of high-quality qualities of seeds of agricultural plants - actions for establishment of belonging of crops (landings) of agricultural plants or seeds of agricultural plants to certain grade, and also for determination of their varietal purity, high-quality typicalness or hybridism;
13) the originator of grade or hybrid - the physical person, including the individual entrepreneur, or the legal entity who created, removed, revealed grade or hybrid of agricultural plant and (or) provide its preserving;
13. 1) domestic selection of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant (further - domestic selection) - the selection performed completely in the territory of the Russian Federation by the Russian physical person, including the individual entrepreneur, or the Russian legal entity at the same time for reproduction of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant is not required import of genetic material of agricultural plants to the territory of the Russian Federation;
14) indicators of sowing (landing) qualities of seeds of agricultural plants - set of the expressed signs characterizing suitability of seeds of agricultural plants for crops (landing);
15) planting stock - fruits, compound fruits, parts of aggregate fruits of agricultural plants which are not seed grain, the agricultural plants or their parts used for reproduction in the vegetative way;
16) production (cultivation) of seeds of agricultural plants - the activities relating to farm-production for the purpose of receipt of seeds of agricultural plants, performed taking into account requirements of distance isolation, including preparation for crops (landing), crops (landing), care of agricultural plants, cleaning of seeds of agricultural plants, processing of seeds of agricultural plants, cultivation of seedlings, saplings and excavation of agricultural plants;
16. 1) distance isolation - the actions directed to prevention of intraspecific allogamy of agricultural plants including establishment of distance between crops (landings) of different grades or hybrids of cross-pollinated agricultural plants and use of the isolating devices, for production of seeds of agricultural plants and agricultural products;
17) agricultural plants - plants and their parts, including the seeds relating to crops, except for decorative and flower cultures;
18) seeds of agricultural plants - parts of plants, actually seeds, the planting stock applied to reproduction of grades of agricultural plants;
19) seed farming - the set of the types of activity relating to production (cultivation), storage, transportation, realization of seeds of agricultural plants determined based on the all-Russian qualifier of types of activity including rendering services in the specified area;
19. 1) selection of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant (further - selection) - the activities directed to creation (obtaining) of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant;
20) grade of agricultural plants (grade) - the group of agricultural plants which is determined by degree of expressiveness of the signs characterizing data genotype or combination of genotypes differs from other groups of agricultural plants of the same botanical taxon in one or several signs or degree of expressiveness of signs and is stable;
21) varietal purity of agricultural plants - the relation of number of agricultural plants of this grade to number of all plants of this crop. Varietal purity is checked for compliance to characteristic morphological features of this grade by means of approbation of crops (landings);
22) high-quality qualities of seeds of agricultural plants - the expressed signs (their set) characterizing belonging of seeds to certain grade or hybrid of agricultural plant;
23) high-quality typicalness of agricultural plant - indicator of varietal purity perekrestnoopylyayushchegosya agricultural plant;
24) grade standard of agricultural plant - the grade of agricultural plant determined as control by indicators hozyaystvenno of useful signs and (or) properties in specific regions of the admission (light zones);
24. 1) special seed-growing zone - the territory which is characterized by favorable phytosanitary and technology conditions for production of seeds of agricultural plants;
25) hozyaystvenno useful signs and (or) properties of grade or hybrid of agricultural plant - the productivity, quality characteristics, resistance to penetration and (or) distribution of harmful organisms and adverse factors of the environment, including to natural hazards and natural disasters which are shown in certain edaphic-climatic conditions in comparison with grade standard of agricultural plant or hybridomas standard of agricultural plant.
The legislation in the field of seed farming of agricultural plants consists of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and also the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation accepted according to them.
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