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of December 2, 2021 No. 130

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for carrying out cash payment under derivative contracts, transactions on securities, other financial instruments "to the currency values and commodity transactions concluded in the organized markets and out of them with respect for the principles "delivery against payment", "delivery of securities against payment"

(as amended on 29-11-2024)

According to Articles 7, of 15, 56 Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About depositary system of Ukraine", for the purpose of settlement of procedure for carrying out cash payment under transactions concerning securities and other financial instruments the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for carrying out cash payment under derivative contracts, transactions on the securities, other financial instruments, currency values and commodity transactions concluded in the organized markets and out of them with respect for the principles "delivery against payment", "delivery of securities against payment" that is applied.

2. To management of corporate laws and depository activity of the National Bank of Ukraine (Andrey Suprun) after official publication to inform banks and clients of depositary of the National Bank of Ukraine information on adoption of this resolution.

3. The resolution becomes effective in 30 days from the date of its official publication.

Acting as Chairman


Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 2, 2021 No. 130

Regulations on procedure for carrying out cash payment under derivative contracts, transactions on the securities, other financial instruments, currency values and commodity transactions concluded in the organized markets and out of them with respect for the principles "delivery against payment", "delivery of securities against payment"

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", "About the capital markets and the organized goods markets", "About depositary system of Ukraine", other legal acts of Ukraine and regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank).

This Provision determines actions of National Bank, Central Securities Depository (further - the Central depositary), their clients, clearing organizations and banks for ensuring money transfer and/or display by clearing organizations, the Central depositary (in case of implementation of clearing activities by it from determination of obligations) in internal system of accounting of person performing clearing activities (further - system of accounting), scope changes of the rights and obligations concerning money between the parties of derivative contracts, the parties of transactions on securities and, financial instruments and rather currency values, and also the parties of commodity transactions with reflection of transition of right to claim to means, including discharge of means by results of netting, for the purpose of implementation of cash payment under derivative contracts, transactions on securities, other financial instruments, to the currency values and commodity transactions concluded in the organized markets and out of the organized markets with respect for the principles "delivery against payment", "delivery of securities against payment".

2. Terms in this Provision are used in such value:

1) No. 69 Is excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 23.05.2023

2) the serving bank - bank which is participant of electronic payment system of National Bank (further - SEP) and provides settlement services to clients of the Central depositary and/or depositary of National Bank and their depositors, nominee holders, and also National Bank and the Public treasurer service of Ukraine which serve accounts of issuers;

3) the receiver - the client of the Central depositary to which account in securities securities are transferred/are enlisted;

4) the supplier - the client of the Central depositary from which account in securities securities are translated/are written off;

5) calculations based on request from depositary of National Bank or the Central depositary (further - based on request from Depositary) - method of carrying out payment under transactions concerning securities by the principle "delivery of securities against payment on which cash calculations are perfromed by money transfer by the serving banks based on request for initiation of the payment instruction from depositary of National Bank or the Central depositary;

6) It is excluded according to the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 23.05.2023 No. 69

The term "identification code" is used in the value determined in Regulations on the implementation of depository and clearing activity and ensuring implementation of payment under transactions concerning securities the National Bank of Ukraine approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 21, 2017 No. 140 (with changes).

Other terms used in this Provision are used in the values determined by the Laws of Ukraine "About the capital markets and the organized goods markets", "About depositary system of Ukraine", other legal acts and regulatory legal acts of National Bank.

3. The National Bank provides carrying out cash payment under the bargains concerning securities concluded in the organized markets of the capital and out of them, with respect for the principle "delivery of securities against payment" according to the procedure, established by regulatory legal acts concerning depository and clearing activity of National Bank.

4. The National Bank, the Central depositary (on condition of receipt of the license for implementation of clearing activities for determination of obligations by it) during implementation of clearing activities by them from determination of obligations within the powers determined for them by the legislation of Ukraine provide implementation of cash payment under the transactions concerning securities made in the organized markets of the capital and out of them on condition of carrying out calculations for the principle "delivery of securities against payment".


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