of June 8, 2021 No. 342-VIQD
About execution of the State Budget of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2020
Millie Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, being guided by Item 5 of part I of article 94 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, decides:
Article 1. Approve execution of the State Budget of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2020 with the income in the amount of 24 681 734, of 6 thousand manats, expenses in the amount of 26 416 297, of 5 thousand manats.
Article 2. To accept the performed income and expenses of the government budget of the Azerbaijan Republic for 2020 as follows:
№ |
Indicators |
The amount (in manats) |
1. |
Income |
24 681 734 586 |
1.1. |
The income tax from physical persons |
1 150 972 466 |
1.2. |
Income tax of legal entities |
2 351 721 775 |
1.3. |
The land tax for legal entities |
40 811 408 |
1.4. |
Property tax of legal entities |
186 771 789 |
1.5. |
Value added tax |
4 818 329 312 |
1.5.1. |
The value added tax in case of commodity importation to the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic |
2 741 485 079 |
1.6. |
The simplified tax |
308 877 530 |
1.7. |
Excises |
898 211 701 |
1.7.1. |
Excises on commodity importation on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic |
143 511 159 |
1.8. |
Road tax |
104 858 092 |
1.8.1. |
The road tax paid for the fuel imported on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and owners of vehicles of foreign countries |
36 637 113 |
1.9. |
Severance tax |
130 193 466 |
1.10. |
Customs duties |
1 016 609 076 |
1.11. |
Charges for difference between the contract (selling) price (without export expenses) and the internal wholesale price for products made in the Azerbaijan Republic and the prices on which are regulated |
144 024 494 |
1.12. |
Receipts on the credits to foreign countries |
332 453 436 |
1.13. |
The dividends received from the companies in which the state participates |
1 153 000 |
1.14. |
Receipts (transfer) from body (organization) determined by relevant organ of the executive authority |
12 200 000 000 |
1.15. |
Income from leasing of state-owned property |
10 300 336 |
1.16. |
Receipts from leasing of lands of state-owned property |
5 952 822 |
1.17. |
State fee |
149 001 447 |
1.18. |
Other receipts received through tax authorities |
19 091 691 |
1.19. |
Receipts from paid services of state-financed organizations |
596 118 371 |
1.20. |
Other receipts |
216 282 374 |
1.20.1. |
Difference amount, the foreign exchange position arising in case of revaluation in 2020 |
2 543 347 |
2. |
Expenses |
26 416 297 498 |
2.1. |
General public service |
3 533 028 191 |
2.1.1. |
legislative and executive power, activities of local government bodies |
917 630 433 |
2.1.2. |
International backgrounds |
289 094 632 |
2.1.3. |
foreign help |
22 532 930 |
2.1.4. |
science |
143 608 165 |
2.1.5. |
elections and statistical measurements |
57 712 089 |
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