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of November 15, 2021 No. 646

About decrease in administrative loading and digitalization of ministerial procedures

(as amended on 16-11-2023)

Based on subitem 12.4 of Item 12 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 25, 2021 "About the ministerial procedures performed concerning subjects of managing" and for the purpose of ensuring step-by-step work on decrease in administrative load of managing subjects to enhancement of mechanisms of implementation of ministerial procedures concerning citizens the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 240

1. Provide to "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company creation of "Agency of Servisization and Reengineering" specialized agency (further, unless otherwise specified, – specialized agency) for preparation of offers on decrease in administrative load of subjects of managing, citizens by means of reducing and simplification of ministerial procedures, transfer of ministerial procedures in electronic form.

2. Determine that:

2.1. the specialized agency enters in accordance with the established procedure to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus the offers on decrease in administrative loading, transfer of ministerial procedures in electronic form approved with bodies regulators of the corresponding ministerial procedures and also:

with the Ministry of Economics – concerning subjects of managing;

with the Ministry of Justice – concerning citizens.

In case of approval of the offers requiring project development of legal acts, their approval is performed with the interested state bodies determined by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus within three working days, and also taking into account the features established by the legislation for urgent projects;

2.2. bodies regulators and authorized bodies have the right to attract on contractual basis specialized agency for the purpose of preparation of specifications (requirements) for the actions providing use of information technologies by authorized bodies in the course of implementation of ministerial procedures including by their transfer in electronic form (further – digitalization of ministerial procedures);

2.3. information resources (systems) created (upgraded) according to specifications (requirements) for digitalization of ministerial procedures shall provide interaction with other information systems (resources) for provision of electronic services and services in pro-active format (upon approach of life situation, as much as possible excepting need of personal participation of citizens and (or) subjects of managing in the course of collection and submission of data for their rendering).

Action of this subitem does not extend to information systems (resources) created (upgraded) under the agreements signed before entry into force of this resolution;

2.4. registers of metadata and electronic services, normative reference information (further, unless otherwise specified, - registers) are created and staticized in the form of the electronic database by means of inclusion of necessary data in the amount and procedure established by the Regulations on registers of metadata and electronic services, normative reference information approved by this resolution.

3. Approve:

The regulations on activities of "Agency of Servisization and Reengineering" specialized agency (are applied);

The regulations on registers of metadata and electronic services, normative reference information (are applied).

4. For the purposes of this resolution terms in the values established by the laws of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2008 No. 433-Z "About bases of ministerial procedures" and of November 10, 2008 No. 455-Z "About information, informatization and information protection", presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2019 No. 460 "About nation-wide automated information system" and of June 25, 2021 No. 240, the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2017 No. 637 "About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About entering of amendments and changes into the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures are used".

5. Financing of expenses on creation, upgrade and development of the state information resources (systems) for the purpose of digitalization of ministerial procedures is performed within the means provided in republican and local budgets on content of the bodies regulators which are owners (operators) of these resources (systems) and also at the expense of other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

6. Provide to "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company creation of specialized agency.

7. To specialized agency in three-months time in coordination with the Ministry of Communications and Informatization and the republican unitary enterprise "National Center of Electronic Services" to determine data representation form for creation and maintaining registers.

8. This resolution becomes effective in the following procedure:

subitem 2.4 of Item 2 and the paragraph third Item 3 - in three months after official publication of this resolution;

other provisions of this resolution - in ten days after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 15, 2021 No. 646

Regulations on activities of "Agency of Servisization and Reengineering" specialized agency


1. The "Agency of Servisization and Reengineering" specialized agency is created in the form of open joint stock company for the purpose of:

ensuring carrying out step-by-step work on the analysis, preparation of offers on reducing and simplification of ministerial procedures, business process reengineering of implementation of ministerial procedures *, digitalizations of ministerial procedures;

accomplishment of other tasks according to orders of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.


* For the purposes of this provision business process reengineering of implementation of ministerial procedures is understood as change of procedure of ministerial procedures and determination of the best methods of their implementation taking into account decrease in finance, time and labor costs for the purpose of improvement of quality of the rendered services.


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