Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 10, 2005 No. ZR-82

About environmental control

(as amended on 02-02-2024)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on April 11, 2005

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

This Law regulates tasks of the organization and control of execution of regulations of the ecological legislation of the Republic of Armenia and establishes legal and economic basis of the relations connected with features, procedures, conditions of control of execution of regulations of the ecological legislation and environmental control in the Republic of Armenia.

Article 2. Law coverage

Operation of this Law extends to the legal relationship which are subject to regulation for the purpose of observance of regulations of the ecological legislation.

Article 3. Legislation on environmental control

The legislation on environmental control consists of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this Law and other legal acts.

If international treaties of the Republic of Armenia establish other regulations, than are provided by this Law, then regulations of international treaties are applied.

Article 4. The basic concepts used in the Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

environmental control - the function performed by inspection body (inspector) exercising control in the sphere of ecology according to the procedure, established by the laws of the Republic of Armenia and this Law which is directed to environmental protection: the atmospheres, waters, soils, animal and flora, including the woods and especially protected natural territories and the territories of impact on the environment in the course of general use subsurface use (trees, bushes, parks and other green zones), their recovery, impact on the environment in the course of subsurface use of reasonable (effective) use of natural resources, and also biological safety, safe use of dangerous substances and waste, radioactive impurity, registration of payers of ecological tax and (or) payment for environmental management (except for subsurface use), calculation of bases for objects of ecological tax and (or) payment for environmental management, submission of administrative statistic reports and execution of other regulations established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;

the inspection body exercising control in the sphere of ecology - body which competence includes control of observance and execution of regulations of the ecological legislation in the procedure established by the laws;

the state ecological inspector - the official having powers to exercise control of observance and execution of regulations of the ecological legislation in the procedure established by the laws;

the checked subject - physical persons and legal entities (including foreign), individual entrepreneurs, state bodies and local self-government, for execution of functions and which actions by the ecological legislation are enshrined the provisions which are subject to execution for environmental protection and reasonable use of natural resources;

harmful effects on the environment - impact of the exceeded quotas established for the harmful elements which are thrown out, flowing down and placed in environment objects (the atmosphere, water, the soil, subsoil, bioresources, including the wood and especially protected natural territories);

overexploitation of natural resources - use of natural resources over the quotas established by the legislation;

thematic check - check according to requirements of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About the organization and conducting checks in the Republic of Armenia";

studying - the internal procedure performed in inspection body, warning in due form (official letter) and preventing offense cases for execution of requirements of the legislation in the course of comparison and information analysis about provided by the checked subjects of the administrative statistical reporting, data, and also permissions, recommendations of authorized body, other requirements established by regulations and data of monitoring and documents on impact on the environment;

environmental control - the functions performed by state bodies and local self-government and the organizations in the procedure established by the law which are directed to execution of requirements of the ecological legislation by structures subordinated to them or in the territories which are at their disposal including in the land territories of general use (streets, squares, parks and the other territories used by society);

self-supervision or production supervision - implementation by the organizations which are engaged in production, internal monitoring and data recording for the purpose of timely identification of harmful effects on the environment and elimination of consequences in the course of implementation by them of the functions and actions;

observation - set of the actions performed by the inspection body exercising control in the sphere of ecology for the purpose of prevention, identification and the prevention of violation of requirements of the ecological legislation;

the observed subject - physical persons or legal entities (including foreign), individual entrepreneurs, state bodies and local self-government, for execution of functions and which actions by the ecological legislation are enshrined the provisions which are subject to execution for environmental protection and reasonable use of natural resources and concerning which the inspection body exercising control in the sphere of ecology performs observation according to the procedure, established by this Law;

suspension of operations - process which in the cases established by this Law activities of the checked object for the purpose of protection of the rights and health of the person, interests of the state, and also the environment immediately temporarily stop.

Article 5. Tasks of environmental control

The main objectives of environmental control are:

1) ensuring environmental control in the territory of the Republic of Armenia for the purpose of environmental protection and reasonable (effective) use of natural resources, execution of regulations of the ecological legislation;

2) ensuring identification of offenses using the ecological legislation and adoption of relevant decisions;

3) contribution to prevention and decrease in harmful effects on the environment owing to economic activity;

4) prevention of overexploitation of natural resources.

Article 6. Principles of environmental control

Enters the principles of environmental control:


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