of July 15, 2021 No. ZR-302
About cinematography
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on June 30, 2021
The purpose of this Law - to provide development of the sphere of cinematography in the Republic of Armenia, to create sufficient legal guarantees and to promote creation, distribution, display and promotion of national movies, preserving and ensuring availability of film heritage and the film chronicle.
1. This Law establishes the principles of state policy in the field of cinematography, the purposes and forms of the state assistance, power of the state and other bodies, governs the legal, organizational and financial relations in cinema activities.
1. The relations connected with cinematography are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia (further - the Constitution), international treaties of the Republic of Armenia (further - the international agreements), this Law, other laws of the Republic of Armenia (further - the law) and other regulatory legal acts adopted according to this Law.
2. If international treaties establish other regulations, than are provided by this Law, then regulations of international treaties are applied.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the national movie - the movie meeting the conditions specified in article 13 of this Law;
2) the helping person - legal entity or physical person which gratuitously allocates money for the purpose of creation, distribution and preserving movies without intervention in these processes and acquisitions of valuable interests;
3) classification - differentiation of the movie on criteria of age restriction of the audience;
4) the capital - the inviolable capital which is created or replenished due to the assignments made from the government budget and the helping persons and also other means which are not prohibited by the law;
5) subtitration - carrying out in shot of words of characters of the movie or text containing explanations;
6) the feature film - the movie lasting 52 and more minutes;
7) the short film - the movie lasting less than 52 minutes;
8) cinematography - the sphere of culture and art including set of the professional, creative, productive, technical, scientific and educational activity connected with creation, distribution, display of the movie;
9) movie theater - the place with one or more halls for display of the movie the appropriate technical means on the screen for 50 and more viewers;
10) film heritage - initial material of the movie, the original of the movie or its copy, the accessories necessary for creation of the movie (scenic elements, furniture, clothes, the device, the equipment, subject, construction), the personal and real estate inherited, kept, transferred to the next generations and which are public property;
11) the film register - the database created for the purpose of the organization of the statistical recording of national movies;
12) the film chronicle - documentary material in which in chronological procedure the sequence of events or the facts for further use is reflected;
13) film festival - the event held according to the competitive or not competitive program and the approved regulations for the purpose of display of the movies chosen in one and more nominations;
14) dubbing-in - scoring of simultaneous interpretation of syllabic articulation of words of characters of the movie;
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