of October 30, 2021 No. PP-5270
About measures for further enhancement of system of continuous training of qualified personnel in spheres of tourism, cultural heritage and museology
For the purpose of further enhancement of system of life-long education in spheres of tourism, cultural heritage and museology in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to international standards, establishing process of preparation of highly qualified competitive personnel according to modern market requirements of work, and also ensuring integration of science, education and production:
1. Approve offers of the Ministry of tourism and sport, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducing poverty, the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education, Academy of Sciences and khokimiyat of the Samarkand region:
a) about renaming of the International university of tourism "Silk way" to the International university of tourism and cultural heritage "Silk way";
b) about transformation of the International university of tourism and cultural heritage "Silk way" (further - University) in basic highest educational institution of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on training in spheres of tourism, management of cultural heritage and museology, and also in scientific institution for scientific and innovative research in these spheres;
c) providing:
creation since 2022/2023 academic years based on Shakhrisabzsky, Margilan and Khivan colleges of tourism and service of Shakhrisabzsky, Margilan and Khivan technical schools of tourism and cultural heritage (further - Technical schools of cultural heritage) on training on the basis of the educational programs integrated with system of the higher education;
renaming of the Samarkand technical school of tourism and service into the Samarkand technical school of tourism and cultural heritage, and also Bukhara technical school of tourism into the Bukhara technical school of tourism and cultural heritage;
transfer of Institute of tourism development, Technical schools of cultural heritage, the Andijan, Zaaminsky and Bostanlyksky colleges of tourism and service from structure of the Ministry of tourism and sport in structure of University;
d) about creation based on the Tashkent college of tourism and service of the Tashkent branch of University;
e) about determination of University by the authorized body coordinating activities of the Samarkand archaeological institute under the Agency of cultural heritage in the field of scientific and innovative researches and the methodical directions;
e) about creation under University for research and demonstration of history, art and civilization of the states of "Silk way":
International research institute "Silk way";
museum "Silk Way";
art residences "Silk Way";
galleries of arts "Silk way";
Center of retraining and advanced training of restorers.
2. Approve:
organizational structure of the International university of tourism and cultural heritage "Silk way" according to appendix No. 1;
"Road map" on further enhancement of activities of the International university of tourism and cultural heritage "Silk way" according to appendix No. 2;
structure of the Board of trustees of the International university of tourism and cultural heritage "Silk way" according to appendix No. 3.
3. Determine that:
a) The board of trustees of University is granted the right:
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