of October 11, 2021 No. 1070
About approval of the Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget for provision of the state support to the agricultural producers using the reclaimed lands and to the organizations of water users
According to part seven of Article 20 of the Budget code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget for provision of the state support to the agricultural producers using the reclaimed lands and to the organizations of water users which is attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 11, 2021 , No. 1070
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of use of the funds provided in the Government budget of Minagropolitiki according to the budget program "Financial Support of Agricultural Producers" which are allocated for the state support of the agricultural producers using the reclaimed lands and the organizations of water users (further - budgetary funds).
2. In this Procedure the term "agricultural producer" is used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About the state support of agricultural industry of Ukraine", other terms - in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About the organization of water users and stimulation of hydrotechnical land reclamation".
3. Budgetary funds are allocated for provision of the state support in type of the budget grant to agricultural producers who use the reclaimed lands and perform agricultural activities using hydrotechnical melioration (further - producers), for increase in efficiency of agricultural industry in the conditions of climate changes, stimulation of increase in the areas of the reclaimed lands and increase in gross production of agricultural products, and also to the organizations of water users for recovery of the idle pumping points and/or pumping points transferred by it to the possession which performance measures are lower than the level determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (further - pumping points).
4. The main manager of budgetary funds and the executive in charge of the budget program is Minagropolitiki.
5. Receivers of budgetary funds (further - receivers) are:
1) producers:
against which proceedings on bankruptcy and/or which are not declared by bankrupt and/or which are not at liquidation stage are not initiated;
not having on 1 date in which the decision on inclusion in distributions of budgetary funds of producer, the debt on payments delayed more than six months, control of which collection is imposed on bodies of GNS, is made;
to which personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) according to the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" are not applied;
which are not registered and do not perform economic activity in temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine (The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol) or in the territories which are included in the list of the territories in which are conducted fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, Minreintegration approved by the order and for which date of completion of fighting or temporary occupation is not determined (was conducted);
2) organizations of water users:
which are not at liquidation stage;
which conform to requirements to the non-profitable organization, certain subitem 133.4.1 of Item 133.4 of article 133 of the Tax Code of Ukraine;
to which personal special economic and other rationing measures (sanctions) according to the Law of Ukraine "About sanctions" are not applied;
which are not registered and do not perform economic activity in temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine (The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol) or in the territories which are included in the list of the territories in which are conducted fighting or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, Minreintegration approved by the order and for which date of completion of fighting or temporary occupation is not determined (was conducted).
6. Budgetary funds are allocated for the state support in type of the budget grant:
1) to producers for reconstruction existing and/or constructions of new meliorative systems;
2) to the organizations of water users for recovery of pumping points.
Distribution of budgetary funds in the directions provided by this Item, and their redistribution within year affirm Minagropolitiki.
7. The information about the receiver determined by the list of data of the State agrarian register approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 2, 2021 No. 573 “About functioning of the State agrarian register” (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2021, No. 46, Art. 2869), shall be entered in the State agrarian register (further - the Register).
The receivers registered in the Register submit the application for receipt of budgetary funds and documents to it through private electronic office of the Register on which the qualified digital signature of the receiver is imposed.
The commitment form on receipt of budgetary funds is approved by Minagropolitiki.
In case of impossibility of automatic introduction (loading) of information the receiver has the right to introduction of the corresponding data independently (in the manual mode).
The receiver bears responsibility for reliability entered by him independently this.
Requests for receipt of budgetary funds are accepted after promulgation on the official website of Minagropolitiki of the announcement of the beginning of order taking for receipt of budgetary funds.
Registration of requests for receipt of budgetary funds is confirmed automatically by the sent electronic message with indication of date and number of registration.
In case of impossibility to the organizations of water users to file documents through the Register the request for receipt of budgetary funds and documents in it can be filed to Minagropolitiki in paper form.
8. The amount of the budget grant provided within one budget period to producer and the related persons in the value given in subitem 14.1.159 of Item 14.1 of article 14 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, or the organization of water users cannot exceed 10 thousand sizes of the minimum wage established for January 1 of the corresponding year.
9. For provision of the budget grants of Minagropolitiki forms the commission which is permanent body, approves its structure, regulations on it, form of requests for receipt of budgetary funds and lists which are created according to this Procedure.
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