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of October 12, 1992 No. 576

About approval of the Regulations on authorization system

(as amended on 15-10-2024)

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve Regulations on authorization system which are applied and enact it since October 15, 1992.

Acting as

Prime Minister of Ukraine                          


V. Simonenko

Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

B. Infantry

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 12, 1992 No. 576

Regulations on authorization system

I. General provisions

1. The authorization system is special procedure for production, acquisition, storage, transportation, accounting and use of specially certain objects, materials and substances, and also opening and functioning of the separate companies, workshops and laboratories for the purpose of protection of interests of the state and safety of citizens.

2. Treat objects, materials and substances, the companies, workshops and laboratories to which the authorization system extends: firearms (cut military samples, ancient shooting, sports, educational, okholoshcheny, hunting cut and smooth-bore), ammunition to it, cold weapon, (arbalests, hunting knives and so forth), pneumatic weapon of caliber of more 4,5 of millimeter and the speed of flight of bullet more than 100 meters per second, devices of national production for shooting of the cartridges equipped with throwing shells not of deadly action, rubber or similar on the properties, and noted cartridges, explosive materials and substances, strong toxic agents III of class of safety, causative agents of infectious diseases of the I-II group of pathogenicity and toxins, storages, structures and bases where they are stored, shooting shooting galleries and shooting ranges, hunting-sports stands, and also the companies and workshops on production and repair of fire and cold weapon, pyrotechnic workshops, Items studying of equipment of weapon, special means, rules of the treatment of them and their applications, shops in which sale of weapon and ammunition to it is performed stamp and engraving workshops, seals and stamps, the organizations which are engaged in sale of strong toxic agents, and laboratories that carry out analyses of these means and substances work with causative agents of infectious diseases of the I-II group of pathogenicity and toxins *).

3. The ministries and other central bodies of the state executive authority, the company, organization, the organization, economic associations, and also citizens have the right in accordance with the established procedure to use, store, transport objects, materials and substances, to open the companies, workshops and laboratories to which the authorization system extends.

4. Right of possession officials and citizens and conditions of its application are determined by firearms according to the procedure, established by the legislation of Ukraine.

5. Execution of an employment agreement on performance of works, connected with production, acquisition, storage, accounting, protection, transportation, use of objects, materials and substances to which the authorization system extends, is performed in coordination with bodies of National police.

5-1. Accounting of objects, materials and substances to which the authorization system extends of their owners, objects, the documents connected with turnover of such objects, materials and substances, and also the facts of stealing and losses of objects, materials and substances to which the authorization system extends is performed in the corresponding functional subsystems of unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5-2. Electronic information exchange of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and GNS (further - subjects of electronic interaction) concerning confirmation of registration number of accounting card of taxpayers from the State register of physical persons - taxpayers or series (in the presence) and passport numbers of the citizen of Ukraine (for the physical persons having mark in the passport about the right to make any payments on series and passport number) persons addressing concerning receipt of services in the field of authorization system of law-enforcement bodies, is performed between functional subsystems of unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State register of physical persons - taxpayers with use of means of system of electronic interaction of the state electronic information resources or means of the central subsystem of unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with observance of requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "About information", "About electronic communications", "About information security in information communication systems", "About personal data protection", other regulatory legal acts.

In case of lack of technical capability of data transmission with use of the information systems determined by paragraph one of this Item, electronic information exchange of subjects of electronic interaction can be performed with use of other information and communication systems using in them the corresponding complex systems of information security with the confirmed compliance by results of state examination according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

The amount and structure of data which subjects of electronic information exchange via program interfaces of electronic information resources exchange (services) are determined by the agreements on information exchange signed according to Procedure electronic (technical and information) the interaction approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 8, 2016 No. 606 "Some questions of electronic interaction of electronic informatizatsionny resources" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2016, No. 73, Art. 2455; 2021, No. 52, Art. 3216; 2023, No. 11, Art. 721).

*) Further - objects of authorization system.

II. Procedure for production, acquisition, storage, accounting, protection, transportation, use of objects, materials and substances, opening of the companies, workshops and laboratories to which the authorization system extends

6. The ministries and other central bodies of the state executive authority, the company, organization, the organization, economic associations, and also citizens who are in accordance with the established procedure granted the right to make, acquire, store, transport and to use objects, materials and substances, to open the companies, workshops and laboratories to which the authorization system extends shall provide their proper protection and the correct use in economic activity.


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