Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 22, 2016 No. PP-2691

About further enhancement of activities of executive bodies on places

(as amended on 20-12-2024)

For the purpose of increase in efficiency of activities of executive bodies on places, further enhancement and strengthening of their organizational structure, ensuring complex development of regions, further stimulation of development of the social sphere, optimum placement of production capacities, rational use natural and raw, land and water, production and the labor capacity of regions, dialogue with the population, consecutive improvement of quality and level of his life on the basis of studying of requirements and requirements of the population for protection of its interests, the effective organization of carrying out the state youth policy:

1. Accept the offer of khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, the Ministry of Economics, and also Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan about:

introduction of positions of the first deputy of hokim of areas, the city of Tashkent, cities and areas concerning economy and entrepreneurship, and also the deputy for youth policy, social development and spiritual and educational work;

abolition of structural divisions concerning complex development of regions in khokimiyats of areas, the city of Tashkent, cities and areas.

2. Establish the personal responsibility of first deputies of hokim of areas, the city of Tashkent, cities and areas concerning economy and entrepreneurship for ensuring the following main objectives:

developments of offers on complex development of regions according to the most important priority tasks in the social and economic sphere and area of entrepreneurship established in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers. Ensuring execution of the target programs developed and approved at the republican level;

developments and the organizations of effective fulfillment of macroeconomic indicators of the areas, cities and areas including based on annual forecast parameters of gross regional product, the industry, investments, rendering services, retail business volume, export, inflation, employment and the local budget, implementation of system work on the prevention of formation of receivables and payables and implementation of effective methods of debt repayment;

coordination of economic problems in activities of territorial subdivisions of the relevant ministries, departments, committees, commercial banks, development and unconditional execution of programs of preferential crediting by the recommendation to each family of complex of banking and financial services for establishment of dialogue between commercial bank and the population for the purpose of its attraction to entrepreneurship;

establishing close cooperation of industry and territorial authorities of management, development of measures for development of all industries of economy, including to harmonious development of its key branches, and also production and rational placement of manpower by areas, the cities and areas, carrying out upgrade, structural transformation and diversification of production for production of competitive products, attraction including direct foreign investments in the form of financial resources and modern technologies;

developments and ensuring unconditional accomplishment of the main programs for deepening of economic reforms, complex development of economy and the social sphere of regions, including the industries, investments and localization, all industries of agricultural industry, in particular, target programs of conversion of cotton fiber, fruit and vegetables, development of service industry with determination of the guaranteed financial sources in interrelation with parameters of local budgets of areas, the cities and areas;

expansions of profitable base of local budgets by development and program implementation on support of development of small business and private entrepreneurship, providing guarantees of protection of their rights and freedoms, forming of favorable business environment, to creation of the new companies, including in the sphere of small business and private entrepreneurship, to creation of new workplaces and the solution of questions of employment of various segments of the population, step-by-step reducing amount of subventions of local budgets and its elimination due to increase in amount of receipts in republican and local budgets;

developments and implementation of special programs of sharp expansion of conversion and export of all types of products of agricultural industry for the purpose of further deepening of reforms in the sphere of agricultural industry, financial support of multi-profile farms, transformations of this sphere into the industrialized industry;

developments of programs of export made and also the regional industrial output, development and realization of package of measures for studying and the analysis of price environment in the world and to development of new types of products, and also ensuring their export in the new markets;

implementations of the new mechanism and system of timely cash payments for the account of creation of modern bank and financial infrastructure, and also sources of steady increase in pensions, benefits and real incomes for ensuring interests of the person, in particular increases in level and quality of life of the population in the rural zone.

3. Establish the personal responsibility of deputies of hokim of areas, the city of Tashkent, cities and areas on youth policy, social development and spiritual and educational work for ensuring the following main objectives:

in the sphere of youth policy:

implementation of measures for full support of youth, that is persons is not more senior than thirty-year age, in particular, of the youth covered by education, unorganized youth, young specialists, young entrepreneurs, young farmers and young families;

the organizations of system works on professional orientation of graduates of the 9th classes of comprehensive schools with their complete scope further training in system of secondary vocational, professional education, to employment of graduates of vocational schools;

realization of package of measures, the academic lyceums directed to increase in efficiency of activities, in particular their optimum placement by regions, scope of gifted youth, improvement of quality of educational process;

developments of reasonable offers on optimum distribution of indicators of regions in the directions of the higher education and the training with the higher education, implementation of measures directed to mastering graduates of profound professional knowledge;

acceptances of specific measures and control of quality assurance of educational process and ensuring attendance of pupils and students at all stages of education system, coordination of works in this direction on interaction of educational institutions, non-state and non-profit organizations, prevention inspectors and parents;

increases in culture of reading population, in particular youth, broad promotion of the best samples of the national and world literature, management of spiritual scheduled maintenance on fight against manifestations of "mass culture";


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