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The document ceased to be valid since  August 23, 2019 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 13, 2019 No. 93

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On May 17, 2001 No. 1032


of April 27, 2001 No. 38

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for stimulation of self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners for ensuring timely and complete payment with the population of utilities

(as amended on 30-03-2017)

In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 17, 2001 I order to No. UP-2832 "About New Stage of Deepening of Economic Reforms in the Sphere of Public Service":

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for stimulation of self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners for ensuring timely and complete payment with the population of utilities.

2. Enact this order after 10 days from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. With entry into force of this order to declare invalid the Procedure for stimulation of self-government institutions of citizens for ensuring completeness of payment by the population of housing and communal services approved on February 27, 1999. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 28, Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 227/03-1, Ministry of public service of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 014-0192 (reg. No. 683 of March 30, 1999).



M. Nurmuratov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 27, 2001 No. 38

Regulations on procedure for stimulation of self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners for ensuring timely and complete payment with the population of utilities

I. General provisions

This Provision is developed according to item 4 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 17.04.2001 No. UP-2832 "About New Stage of Deepening of Economic Reforms in the Sphere of Public Service".

1. Action of this provision is directed to stimulation of self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners, increase in their role in ensuring timeliness and completeness of payment by the population of the housing and communal services rendered by the companies suppliers of utilities (electric utility service, gas supply, hot water supply and central heating, water supply and the sewerage, sanitary cleaning) and compulsory contributions on content of common property.

2. Contracts for rendering assistance in collection of utilities from the population living in apartment apartment houses consist the companies and the organizations providing the specified services with partnerships of private homeowners.

Contracts for rendering assistance in collection of payments for the rendered utilities from the population living in individual apartment houses, the companies and the organizations providing the specified services can conclude with self-government institutions of citizens of the settlement, kishlak, the aul and waved.

3. Relations of the companies - suppliers of utilities with self-government institutions of citizens or with partnerships of private homeowners are under construction on the contractual basis determining the rights and obligations of the parties in questions:

establishments by suppliers of utilities of the forecast of payments of the population for utilities and finishing them to self-government institutions of citizens or partnerships of private homeowners;

providing citizens with self-government institutions or partnership of private homeowners of completeness of receipt of compulsory contributions on content of common property and payments for the provided utilities;

ensuring completeness of collection and timely transfer with partnership of private homeowners of the arrived payments of the population for the rendered utilities to the companies - suppliers of utilities;

stimulations of self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners;

other questions following from the joint mutual relations of the companies of public service, self-government institutions of citizens and partnerships of private homeowners.

II. Procedure for forecasting (establishment) for payment receipt from the population for housing and communal services

4. The forecast of payment receipt is monthly determined respectively by the municipal company and partnership of private homeowners for form according to appendix No. 1 to this Provision and includes:

a) receivable payments in settlement month for the rendered amounts of housing and communal services calculated on applicable fares in accordance with the established procedure;

b) the debt for housing and communal services which developed for the last month from the moment of the conclusion of agreements;

5. The forecast of payment receipt affirms the supplier of utilities and partnership of private homeowners to the 10th day of settlement month.

6. The forecast of payment receipt can be reviewed in case of change of zones of servicing due to increase (reduction) in dwelling stock, in case of the change of level of consumption of housing and communal services the population influencing amount of payment receipt, the prices (rates) for housing and communal services. At the same time owners and employers of housing are exempted from introduction of additional payments for the housing and communal services paid in the advance payment (for the period which is not exceeding twelve months) in case of increase during this period of the corresponding prices (rates).

III. Relations of the companies - suppliers of utilities, partnerships of private homeowners and self-government institutions of citizens

1. Obligations of the companies - suppliers of utilities and partnerships of private homeowners in case of joint operation with self-government institutions of citizens

7. Appoint the responsible representative of predpriyatiyapostavshchik of utilities and partnership of private homeowners (in the presence of the signed agreement) for joint operation with self-government institutions on ensuring completeness of fund raising.

8. Regularly perform delivery of receivable payments and actually arrived payments on front cards of payers (or books of accounting) with their reference to relevant organs of self-government of citizens.

9. The companies and the organizations rendering utilities make assignments into special accounts to partnerships of private homeowners on condition of accomplishment of forecast receipts on the current payments for utilities in the following procedure:

in case of 100 percentage accomplishment - 15% of the amount of the arrived payments;

in case of accomplishment it is higher than 75 percent - 7% of the amount of the arrived payments.


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