of May 28, 2020 No. 177
About measures for development of the southeast region of the Mogilev region
For the purpose of creation of additional terms for complex social and economic development of the southeast region of the Mogilev region *, improvement of quality and level of living of the population:
1. Determine that:
1.1. within terms of implementation of business plans of investment projects ** within the actions of the Program of social and economic development of the southeast region of the Mogilev region for the period till 2025 *** with attraction of the credits of JSC Development Bank Republic of Belarus (further - Development bank) the budget transfers from the republican budget on compensation of part of the costs incurred in case of implementation in 2021-2025 of these projects are provided to the organizations registered in the territory of the southeast region of the Mogilev region (further if other is not determined, - the organizations) in the amount of:
20 percent from the cost of capital expenditure excluding tax for value added according to the investment project - one-timely upon input of investee **** in operation in full;
15 percent from the cost of capital expenditure excluding tax for value added according to the investment project - monthly equal shares within three years from the date of investee exit to full design capacity.
* The term "southeast region of the Mogilev region" is applied in the value determined by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 8, 2015 No. 235 "About social and economic development of the southeast region of the Mogilev region".
** The list of investment projects is determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus based on offers of the Mogilev regional executive committee.
*** Affirms the decision of the Mogilev regional council of deputies.
**** The investee is understood as the object created by construction (construction, reconstruction, repair, restoration, improvement) capital structures (buildings, constructions) and (or) acquisition and commissioning of processing equipment, implementation of new technologies.
The budget transfers are not provided to the organizations which on the first of input of investee in operation in full, and also on the first within three years from the date of investee exit to full design capacity:
have debt on payments in republican, local budgets and budgets of state non-budgetary funds;
did not fulfill the obligations on earlier granted loans (credits) including issued under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs;
did not fulfill the obligations on the performed guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, budget advances, the budget loans or fulfilled the specified obligations at the expense of budgetary funds.
The budget transfers are transferred to the organizations into the special accounts opened in Development bank (further - special accounts) which features of functioning are determined in appendix 1.
Transfer of the budget transfers is performed by territorial authority of the Ministry of Finance based on represented by the organization to which such transfers are provided:
the calculation and documents confirming payment of capital expenditure for date of input of investee in operation in full and corresponding to the investment project;
information on investee exit to full design capacity;
1.2. the organizations in case of realization in the southeast region of the Mogilev region of investment projects on creation (expansion) of production of goods (works, services) are exempted from:
compensations of the losses of agricultural and (or) forestry and landscape production caused by withdrawal (temporary occupation) of farmlands and (or) lands of forest fund, located in borders of this region;
compensation payments of cost of the deleted objects of flora growing in settlements of the specified region.
2. Determine that:
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