of October 18, 2021 No. 1764
About features of implementation by bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius of powers of the owner concerning the federal property transferred to the federal territory Sirius according to article 43 of the Federal Law "About the federal territory Sirius and about modification of Item 1 of the Regulations on Federal Agency for State Property Management
According to part 6 of article 43 of the Federal Law "About the federal territory the Government of the Russian Federation decides Sirius:
1. Determine that when implementing powers of the owner concerning the federal property transferred to the federal territory Sirius according to article 43 of the Federal Law "About the federal territory Sirius (further - property), bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius:
sign on behalf of the Russian Federation lease agreements, agreements of free use by property, the trust management agreements, other agreements which are providing assignment of rights of ownership and (or) use of property and not assuming property acquisitions or possibility of its alienation directly or indirectly;
sign on behalf of the Russian Federation the contracts assuming property acquisition according to procedure and conditions which are determined by regulatory legal acts of the federal territory Sirius in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about privatization of the state-owned and municipal property;
provide property to non-profit organizations which powers of the founder perform bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius, including without carrying out tenders or auctions on the right of the conclusion of such agreements;
make decisions on write-off of property, and also approve decisions on write-off of property subordinated to bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius of the companies and organizations accepted based on Regulations on features of write-off of the federal property approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834 "About features of write-off of federal property";
assign property on the right of economic maintaining, operational management to the companies and organizations subordinated to bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius, and also to the federal state companies and organizations subordinated to federal executive bodies, and also make in accordance with the established procedure withdrawal of the property assigned to the specified companies and organizations;
perform in accordance with the established procedure coordination of the transactions performed by the companies and organizations subordinated to bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius and also agree to the conclusion of agreements on establishment of the servitude;
exercise control of proper use and safety of the personal and real estate assigned to the companies and organizations subordinated to bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius and also of proper use and safety of the personal and real estate provided by body of the public power of the federal territory Sirius to the specified and other persons under the agreements providing assignment of rights of ownership and (or) use of property;
perform the order objects of housing stock of the Russian Federation according to the Housing code of the Russian Federation;
represent to the bodies performing state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it, documents for state registration of the property right of the Russian Federation, the corporeal rights and encumbrances for real estate;
perform on behalf of the Russian Federation legal acts on protection of property rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation concerning management and the order of property;
perform transfer of federal property to property of the subject of the Russian Federation or municipal property;
represent in accordance with the established procedure data on property, and also the documents containing data on property to Federal Agency for State Property Management for its accounting in the register of federal property;
will organize evaluating property for the purpose of implementation of property, other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, determine conditions of contracts for evaluating property;
perform powers of the owner of property of the debtor - the unitary enterprise when carrying out insolvency proceedings;
perform functions of authorized body of the power in cases, stipulated in Item 3 articles 77 of the Federal law "About Joint-stock Companies";
make in accordance with the established procedure decisions on provision of the parcels of land which are in federal property, decisions on the termination of the rights to the parcels of land which are in federal property if other is not established by the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;
approve decisions concerning the order property of the federal state companies and organizations, including on its transfer to lease, accepted by federal executive body under which authority such companies and organizations are.
1(1). Decisions on the questions specified in paragraphs six, the twelfth and seventeenth Item 1 of this resolution concerning property of the federal state companies and organizations are accepted by bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius in the presence of the consent of federal executive body under which authority such companies and organizations are.
2. Bring in Item 1 of the Regulations on Federal Agency for State Property Management approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 No. 432 "About Federal Agency for State Property Management" (The Russian Federation Code, 2008, No. 23, Art. 2721; 2009, No. 19, Art. 2342; 2012, No. 6, Art. 679; No. 27, Art. 3766; 2019, No. 27, Art. 3593), following changes:
add paragraph two with words "(except as specified when functions of authorized federal executive body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation perform bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius)";
third to add the paragraph with words "(except as specified when powers of the owner of property of the debtor - the federal state unitary enterprise when carrying out insolvency proceedings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation perform other federal executive bodies, bodies of the public power of the federal territory Sirius)".
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
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