of October 6, 2021 No. 561
About procedure for approval of outdoor advertizing and advertizing on the vehicle
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for approval of outdoor advertizing and advertizing on the vehicle it (is applied).
2. Make changes to resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix.
3. To make to the ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade explanations concerning application of this resolution.
4. This resolution becomes effective since October 8, 2021.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 6, 2021 No. 561
The list of the changes made to resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus
1. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 25.03.2022 No. 175
2. Appendix to the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2018 No. 740 "About the list of ministerial procedures, reception of applications and issue of decisions on which are performed through service "one window" to add with Item 169 of the following content:
"169. Approval of content of outdoor advertizing, advertizing on the vehicle Item 9.14 of the single list".
3. In the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 7, 2021 No. 395 "About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About change of the laws concerning advertizing":
to add the paragraph of the eighth of Item 2 of appendix 1 to this resolution after the words "I categories" with words ", the Minsk belt road";
subitem 29.1 of Item 29 of the Regulations on procedure for issue, prolongation of action, renewal and cancellation of permission to placement of the means of outdoor advertizing approved by this resolution to add with the words "and in case of issue of permission to its placement approval of the sketch of means of outdoor advertizing of the Ministry of Culture was not performed".
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 6, 2021 No. 561
1. This Provision determines procedure for approval of outdoor advertizing and advertizing on the vehicle.
3. For review outdoor advertizing, advertizing on the vehicle the advertiser personally or through the representative represents in Minsk city, city (the cities of regional subordination) or district executive committee (further, unless otherwise specified, – local executive and administrative organ) the statement for approval of outdoor advertizing or advertizing on the vehicle (further – the statement) and other documents, stipulated by the legislation about ministerial procedures, except for the case specified in part three of this Item.
The documents specified in part one of this Item are represented:
for review outdoor advertizing – in local executive and administrative organ on the location (distribution) of outdoor advertizing;
for review advertizing on the vehicle – in local executive and administrative organ in the location of the legal entity or the residence of the individual entrepreneur, being owners of this vehicle.
For review outdoor advertizing and advertizing on the vehicle of medicine, method of delivery of health care, work and (or) service constituting medical activities the advertiser personally or through the representative represents products of medical assignment, medical equipment, dietary supplement to food to the republican unitary enterprise "The Center of Examinations and Testing in Health Care" (further – The Center of Examinations and Testing in Health Care Unitary Enterprise) which performs acceptance, preparation for consideration of the applications, issue of the executive decisions made by the Ministry of Health, adoption of executive decisions on failure in adoption of statements, the statement and other documents, stipulated by the legislation on ministerial procedures.
4. The local executive and administrative organ, The Center of Examinations and Testing in Health Care Unitary Enterprise make the executive decision on failure in adoption of the statement in the cases and procedure established in article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About bases of ministerial procedures" and also if outdoor advertizing, the advertizing on the vehicle provided for review are not subject to approval of the relevant authorized body.
5. City (the cities of regional subordination) or the district executive committee, the Ministry of Health consider outdoor advertizing, advertizing on the vehicle regarding its compliance to requirements of the legislation on advertizing.
The Minsk city executive committee considers outdoor advertizing regarding its compliance to requirements of the legislation on advertizing and (or) counteraction to extremism.
The outdoor advertizing considered city (the city of regional subordination) or district executive committee, is subject to approval of the relevant regional executive committee regarding its compliance to requirements of the legislation on advertizing and (or) counteraction to extremism.
6. City (the cities of regional subordination) or the district executive committee within three days from the date of registration of a statement considers the application and other documents provided in Item part one 3 this provision and sends to the relevant regional executive committee inquiry for approval of outdoor advertizing to which it attaches copies of the application, prototype of outdoor advertizing (roller of outdoor multimedia advertizing), other documents and (or) data provided to authorized body by the interested person according to the legislation on ministerial procedures and also the conclusion about compliance of this outdoor advertizing to requirements of the legislation on advertizing.
The regional executive committee considers the documents and data specified in part one of this Item and within seven days from the date of registration of request directs in corresponding city (the cities of regional subordination) either district executive committee approval of outdoor advertizing or motivated failure in such approval if outdoor advertizing does not conform to requirements of the legislation on advertizing and (or) counteraction to extremism. Approval of outdoor advertizing by regional executive committee or motivated failure in such approval is made in the form of the letter signed by the chairman or person authorized by it.
Regional executive committees record the issued approvals of outdoor advertizing.
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