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of September 29, 2021 No. 476

About approval of Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of passenger suspended ropeways

(as amended on 14-07-2023)

According to the subitem 99) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701, I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of passenger suspended ropeways.

2. To provide to committee of industrial safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after sixty calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yu. Ilyin


"Is approved"

Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan


"Is approved"

Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2021 No. 476

Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of passenger suspended ropeways

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of the device and safe operation of passenger suspended ropeways (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 99) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 and determine procedure for the device and safe operation of passenger suspended ropeways.

2. These rules extend to the following passenger suspended ropeways and the equipment used together with them:

suspended one-rope with circular motion constantly fixed on it is not real - traction railway vehicles;

suspended one and two-rope with circular motion fixed on it is not real - traction traction) rope and the railway vehicles unhooked at stations;

suspended one and two-rope with pendular movement of railway vehicles;

towing for skiers with the towing devices which are constantly fixed on traction rope;

towing for skiers with the towing devices fixed on traction rope and unhooked at stations.

3. In these rules the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) the unhooked clip - the clip intended for automatic pritsepleniye (unhitching) to it is not real - traction to traction rope of railway vehicles at stations;

2) the one-ropeway with circular motion - the road with continuous circular motion constantly attached to is not real - traction railway vehicles;

3) bypass pulley - the pulley intended for bypass of railway vehicles of ring ropeways;

4) flight - distance across between support on trass of the road;

5) the lovitel of rope - the device preventing fall is not real - traction in case of its descent from the roller balance weight;

6) the directing pulley, the block, roller - the device intended for rope variation in the required direction;

7) management system - set of the control units ensuring functioning of the ropeway according to the set program;

8) the one-rope pendular road - the road with pendular movement constantly attached to is not real - traction railway vehicles;

9) the car - kind of railway vehicles of pendular ropeways for transportation of passengers;

10) lovitel of the car - the device on the car cart for capture by sponges of the bearing rope in case of break or weakening of tension of traction rope;

11) the two-rope pendular road - the road with pendular movement on the bearing rope of the railway vehicles which are constantly attached to traction rope;

12) the introduction device - the electrotechnical device for giving and removal of tension of the feeding lines;

13) the drive - the mechanism consisting of the engine and the device transferring mechanical energy from the engine to drive pulley;

14) drive pulley - the pulley transferring traction effort due to friction traction or it is not real - traction pulley in stream;

15) the passenger suspended ropeway - the construction serving for transportation of passengers in railway vehicles which move on the bearing rope or by means of is not real - traction;;;;;;

16) railway vehicles - means for accommodation of passengers in transit on the ropeway;

17) the capacity of railway vehicles - settlement number of people in railway vehicles;

18) cabin - kind of railway vehicles of ring ropeways for transportation of passengers;

19) tension rope - the rope connecting bearing it is not real - traction traction rope with the tension device;

20) the bearing rope - rope on which the railway vehicles move;

21) it is not real - traction - - - - - rope for movement of the railway vehicles attached to it;

22) chair - kind of railway vehicles in the form of open or half-closed seat for transportation of passengers;

23) clip - the node of suspension bracket of railway vehicles serving for its fixing on traction or it is not real - traction;;;;;;

24) the one-ropeway with the pulsing movement - the road with circular intermittent motion constantly attached to is not real - traction the railway vehicles, in case of pass of the station stopping or transferred to movement with small speed;

25) rated speed - the maximum motion speed of railway vehicles (rope) which the ropeway is expected;

26) handling capacity - the greatest possible number of the passengers transported in unit of time;

27) the roller balance weight - the system of rollers for maintenance is not real - traction;;;;;;

28) the station - the construction intended for landing disembarkation of passengers and placement of the drive and (or) the tension device;

29) towing track - path on which directly there is movement of the skier;

30) traction rope - rope for movement of railway vehicles on the bearing rope or skiers on snow;

31) support - construction for maintenance of ropes on the line of the road;

32) basic boot - the device for maintenance of the bearing rope on support and stations;

33) the towing ropeway - the construction intended for towage of skiers by means of the towing devices which are constantly attached to traction rope or with possibility of their unhitching at the station;

34) the towing device - means for movement of skiers on towing track;

35) the route - the site of the area between terminal stations of the ropeway with the equipment of the suspended ropeway located on it.

Chapter 2. Device and installation of passenger suspended ropeways

4. Installation of passenger suspended ropeways is carried out according to the project documentation taking into account requirements of these rules, national and (or) interstate standards and the state standard rates in the field of architectural, town-planning and construction activities for installation of metalwork and weight handling equipment.

Variations from the project documentation in case of production of passenger suspended ropeways are approved with the designer.

5. For calculation of railway vehicles loading from one passenger is accepted at least:

for single railway vehicles - 0,9 of kilonewtons (further - kN);

for two and triple railway vehicles - 0,85 of kN;

for four-seater railway vehicles - 0,8 of kN;

for railway vehicles with a capacity more than 4 passengers - 0,75 of kN.

6. For calculation of the road in general loading from one passenger is accepted by at least 0,75 of kN.

7. Margin of safety (the relation of temporary resistance of material to tension from the maximum static loads) all bearing elements of the mechanical equipment of passenger suspended ropeways is accepted at least five. The details perceiving dynamic loads are checked for fatigue durability.

8. The design and placement of the equipment on the route of passenger suspended ropeways provides possibility of free longitudinal swing of railway vehicles on corner of ±20 degrees.

9. The bases of constructions of passenger suspended ropeways tower over the Earth's surface m 0,2 at least.

10. On passenger suspended ropeways the steel not untwisted ropes of cargo-human appointment are applied. Compliance of rope is confirmed by the certificate issued by the organization manufacturer of rope.

In case of lack (loss) of the certificate the rope to hinge plate is tested at the kanatoispytatelny station and is supplied with the test certificate.

11. In case of construction passenger suspended rope roads again made ropes are applied.

12. In case of the choice ropes are checked by calculation for durability in case of stretching on formula

рис 1 476-21

whereрис 2 476-21 - the explosive effort of rope in general accepted according to the certificate of the organization manufacturer or the test certificate;

S - the greatest tension of rope;

k3 - the minimum coefficient of margin of safety according to appendix 1 to these rules.

If in the certificate of the organization manufacturer or the test certificate the total explosive effort of all provolok is provided, the explosive effort of rope in general is determined by total multiplication of explosive effort of all provolok on correction coefficient according to national and (or) interstate standards for each specific design of the chosen rope.

In case of lack of correction coefficient in national and (or) interstate standards the correction coefficient is accepted for kruglopryadny ropes - 0,83, for ropes of the closed design - 0,9.

13. In case of determination of tension of the bearing rope are considered the mass of counterbalance, in the presence of the hydraulic tension device - the effort developed by it, the constituting mass of rope, resistance in tension devices and on boots. In case of the rope anchored since two ends consider the mass of rope and its loading, resistance on boots, temperature, wind and ice impacts.

Forces of inertia and the brake effort which are transferred to rope in case of operation of lovitel of the car are not considered.


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