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of March 14, 2018 No. UP-5379

About measures for enhancement of system of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 25.07.2019 No. UP-5773)

Reliable protection of state system, immunity of frontiers, strict observance of human rights and freedoms, interethnic concord, religious tolerance, peace in society are the most important conditions of creation of the democratic constitutional state, the accelerated social and economic development of the country.

The service of homeland security of the Republic of Uzbekistan holds specific place in system of protection of the constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic and defensive capacity of the country from external and internal threats.

At the same time, assignment on Service of national security of all aspects of ensuring national security in the absence of the legal act which is accurately determining its status, tasks and limits of powers promoted unreasonable intervention of this department in all fields of activity of state bodies.

The priority directions of development of the country at the present stage, successful realization of tasks on reforming of all spheres of the state and public life require forming of qualitatively new system of ensuring state security.

For the purpose of radical enhancement of activities for protection of the constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity and interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan from external and internal threats, and also according to tasks of Strategy of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021:

1. Transform Service of homeland security of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Determine that the Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan is legal successor of Service of homeland security of the Republic of Uzbekistan by its rights, obligations and agreements.

Determine Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan specially authorized body performing protection of the constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity and interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan against external and internal threats.

2. Determine the priority directions of the organization of activities of Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Service):

creation of the strong legislation which is accurately determining legal status, powers and activities of Service as specially authorized body of state security;

implementation of efficient forms and methods of counteraction to modern challenges and threats;

forming of the organizational structure allowing to use effectively available forces and means in the solution of tasks on ensuring state security taking into account the developing social and political and social and economic situation;

the organization of activities of Service on the basis of the principle of conspiracy excluding publicity of data on forms and methods of work on ensuring state security, and also departmental accessory of the military personnel of Service;

implementation of the efficient mechanisms guaranteeing strict observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;

creation of essentially new system of selection and the training aimed at attraction in Service of comprehensively developed and patriotic youth capable is worthy to protect interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

strengthening of social protection of the military personnel of Service by ensuring worthy compensation, improvement of domestic conditions and enhancement of system of health protection.

3. The main objectives and activities of Service to determine:

ensuring state security and protection of interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan against external and internal threats, strengthening of legality and rule of law, the prevention, identification and suppression of offenses in this sphere;

implementation of intelligence and counterintelligence activities according to the prevention, identification and suppression of infringement of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

protection and protection of Frontier of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

barrier of Armed Forces and defense industry complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan from challenges, risks and threats of state security, participation in realization of strategic initiatives on strengthening of defense capability of the country;

fight against terrorism, extremism, organized crime, arms trafficking, drugs and psychotropic substances;

the prevention, identification and suppression of the destructive activities directed to promotion of the race, ethnic and religious strife posing threat to state interests and to safety;

ensuring state security in economic, scientific and technical, social and information spheres, protection of cultural and historical and rich spiritual heritage of the people of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

counteraction to the manifestations of corruption in state bodies and other organizations posing threat to state interests and to safety;

ensuring state security in the sphere of telecommunications and transport, the prevention, identification and suppression of prerequisites to emergency situations;

implementation of operational search activities, conducting investigation verification and pretrial investigation on cases on crimes which investigation is referred to competence of Service;

control of ensuring safety of the state secrets, safety of special communication and the organization of cryptographic information security in state bodies and other organizations;

identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting making of the offenses posing threat to state interests and to safety;

enhancement and maintenance of condition of combat and mobilization readiness of Service, preparation of forces and means to actions in case of emergency situations and introduction of warlike situation.

4. Transfer functions on issue:

certificates of the admission of license applicants on designing, construction, operation and repair of sensitive defensive sites since April 1, 2018 to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

admissions to performance of works on designing, installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of technical means of protection on especially important and kategorirovanny objects of the Republic of Uzbekistan of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Take into consideration that according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 22, 2018 No. UP-5308 "About the State program on strategy implementation of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 in "Year of support of active entrepreneurship, the innovative ideas and technologies" group of deputies of Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is prepared the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About Service of homeland security of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Recommend to Legislative house of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan to finish the bill taking into account provisions of this Decree.


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