of September 13, 2021 No. 1547
About approval of Rules of connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution and about recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution.
paragraph two of Item 1 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2013 No. 1314 "About approval of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution, and also about change and recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 2, the Art. 137);
Item of 3 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 342 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning pricing on gas and connections (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 18, the Art. 2185);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2016 No. 1203 "About modification of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2016, No. 48, the Art. 6768);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2017 No. 713 "About approval of the standard document forms necessary for connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution, and about modification of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 26, the Art. 3844);
Item of 3 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of the gas supply and gasification approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2017 No. 727 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of gas supply and gasification" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 26, the Art. 3851);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2017 No. 924 "About modification of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 33, the Art. 5187);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2017 No. 999 "About modification of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 36, the Art. 5424);
Item of 3 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning enhancement of procedure for connection of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks and the increases in efficiency of energy infrastructure approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2018 No. 82 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning enhancement of procedure for connection of capital construction projects to gas distribution networks and increase in efficiency of energy infrastructure" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 6, the Art. 897);
Item of 6 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2018 No. 448 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 17, the Art. 2492);
Items 18 and 22 of changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2018 No. 1622 "About modification and recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 53, the Art. 8666);
Item of 3 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2019 No. 179 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2019, No. 8, the Art. 801);
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2019 No. 1611 "About modification of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution" (The Russian Federation Code, 2019, No. 50, the Art. 7395);
Item of 5 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2020 No. 305 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and recognition voided separate provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2020, No. 13, the Art. 1919);
Item 499 of the list of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts, separate provisions of regulatory legal acts and groups of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, legal acts, separate provisions of legal acts, groups of legal acts of executive and administrative organs of the government of RSFSR and USSR, the decisions of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies containing mandatory requirements to which provisions of parts 1, 2 and 3 articles 15 of the Federal law "About Mandatory Requirements in the Russian Federation" approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 No. 2467 (The Russian Federation Code, 2021, No. 2, the Art. 471) are not applied.
3. This resolution becomes effective after 30 days after day of its official publication and 6 years from the date of its entry into force are effective.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2021 No. 1547
1. These rules determine procedure for connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment, the projectible, under construction, reconstructed or constructed, but not connected to networks of gas distribution capital construction projects, including networks of gas distribution to other networks of gas distribution (further - capital construction project).
In the territory of subjects of the Russian Federation - of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol can be established by the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation) additional criteria of implementation of actions for connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution, and also other terms of implementation of actions for connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution, excellent from established by these rules.
These rules also determine procedure for provision and effective period of the specifications provided by part 5.1 of article 52.1 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution in cases planned by the builder, the technical customer, the owner of capital construction project of connection of capital construction project to networks of gas distribution, construction which reconstruction are provided by state programs of the Russian Federation, national projects, state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation, programs of complex development of systems of utility infrastructure of the settlement, city district, investing programs of persons planning to perform construction, reconstruction of the relevant networks of gas distribution, but are not complete at the time of the appeal of builder, the technical customer, the owner of capital construction project with request about issue of preliminary specifications if connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to perspective networks of gas distribution is provided by the programs and projects specified in this paragraph.
2. In these rules the following concepts are used:
"the state and investing programs" - the state programs of the Russian Federation, national projects, state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation, the program of complex development of systems of utility infrastructure of the settlement, city district, investing programs of persons planning to perform construction, reconstruction of networks of gas distribution providing construction, reconstruction of perspective networks of gas distribution, connection (technological accession) to perspective networks of gas distribution;
"dogazifikation" - connection implementation (technological accession), including the actual accession to gas distribution networks of the gas-using equipment located in the households belonging to physical persons on the property right or on the provided law other right intending to use gas for satisfaction of the personal, family, house and other needs which are not connected with implementation of business (professional) activity taking into account accomplishment of actions within such connection (technological accession) to borders of the parcels of land belonging to the specified physical persons on the property right or on other right provided by the law without collection of payment from physical persons provided that in the settlement in which households of physical persons are located gas distribution networks are laid and is performed gas transportation or the program of gasification of housing and communal services, industrial and other bodies current calendar year the construction of gas distribution networks to borders of such settlement is provided. The dogazifikation is also understood as connection implementation (technological accession), including the actual accession to gas distribution networks of the gas-using equipment located in capital construction projects in which also the medical and obstetrical centers, offices (departments) of general practitioners and medical out-patient clinics which are part of the medical organizations of the state health care system and municipal health care system having licenses for implementation of medical activities intending to use gas for heating and hot-water supply of the specified capital construction projects taking into account accomplishment of actions within such connection (technological accession) to borders of the parcels of land occupied with the specified capital construction projects without collection of payment provided that in the settlement are placed medical assistant's in which such capital construction projects are located, gas distribution networks are laid and gas transportation or the program of gasification of housing and communal services is performed, industrial and other bodies current calendar year the construction of gas distribution networks to borders of such settlement is provided. If the territory of conducting gardening by citizens for own needs (further - the gardening territory) is located in borders of the settlement in which gas distribution networks on which gas transportation is performed are laid, or the program of gasification of housing and communal services, industrial and other bodies current calendar year the construction of gas distribution networks to gardening territory borders, connection (technological accession), including the actual connection of the gas-using equipment to gas distribution networks located in the households belonging to physical persons on the property right or on the provided law other right intending to use gas for satisfaction of the personal, family, house and other needs which are not connected with implementation of business (professional) activity, and being in borders of the specified gardening territory is provided it is performed by the contractor to borders of the parcels of land occupied with the specified households without collection of funds from the applicant for rendering service in connection (technological accession);
"dogazifikation of boiler rooms" - connection implementation (technological accession), including the actual accession to gas distribution networks of the gas-using equipment located in belonging to legal entities on the property right or on other right of boiler all types provided by the law in which it is planned to use gas in fuel quality only for heating and hot-water supply of capital construction projects and the state or municipal general education organizations and (or) the preschool educational organizations and (or) the medical organizations of the state health care system and municipal health care system having the license for implementation of medical activities having the license for implementation of educational activities, taking into account accomplishment of actions within such connection (technological accession) to borders of the parcels of land are located, belonging to legal entities on the right provided by the law and occupied with the specified boiler rooms, without collection of payment provided that in the settlement in which the specified boiler rooms are located gas distribution networks are laid and gas transportation is performed;
"household" - object of individual housing construction or the apartment house of the blocked building and the outdoor constructions adjoining them and (or) separate on general with object of individual housing construction or the apartment house of the blocked building the parcel of land (garage, bath (sauna, the pool), the greenhouse (winter garden), rooms for content of livestock and bird, other objects);
"applicant" - legal entity or physical person, the individual entrepreneur, intended to perform or performing construction (reconstruction) of capital construction project with subsequent its connection (technological accession) to network of gas distribution or connection (technological accession) of capital construction project to network of gas distribution, and also in case of accession of network of gas distribution to other network of gas distribution - the legal entity performing construction of network of gas distribution or reconstruction of the existing network of gas distribution belonging to it on the property right or on other right provided by the law;
"applicants of the first category" - applicants whose maximum hour consumption of gas of the gas-using equipment does not exceed 42 cubic meters per hour inclusive taking into account consumption of gas of the gas-using equipment which is earlier connected in this drawn-off point provided that the distance from the gas-using equipment with the project working pressure of no more 0,3 of MPa to network of gas distribution of the gas-distributing organization to which the application about connection is submitted measured in a straight line (the smallest distance), makes no more than 200 meters and actions for connection (technological accession) assume construction the contractor to drawn-off point of gas pipelines (without the need for accomplishment of actions for laying of gas pipelines by trenchless method) and the device of Items of reduction of gas (if necessary), except as specified when the connection fee (technological accession) is established on special design;
"applicants of the second category" - applicants for whom the extent of the under construction (reconstructed) network of gas distribution to drawn-off point measured in a straight line (the smallest distance), constitutes no more than 500 meters for the rural territory (beyond the borders of the cities and settlements) and (or) no more than 300 meters for the territory of the city or the settlement and (or) the specified network of gas distribution lies on the territory no more than one municipality, except for the applicants belonging to the first category and cases when the connection fee (technological accession) is established on special design;
"applicants of the third category" - applicants for whom the extent of the under construction (reconstructed) network of gas distribution to drawn-off point measured in a straight line (the smallest distance), constitutes more than 500 meters for the rural territory (beyond the borders of the cities and settlements) and (or) more than 300 meters for the territory of the city or the settlement and (or) the specified network of gas distribution lies on the territories of 2 and more municipalities, except as specified, when the connection fee (technological accession) is established on special design;
"contractor" - the gas-distributing organization owning on the property right or on other right provided by the law network of gas distribution to which connection (technological accession) of capital construction project or network of gas distribution of applicants is planned, and also performing construction of perspective networks of gas distribution to which connection (technological accession) of perspective capital construction projects is planned and if connection is possible to the existing networks of gas distribution or gas consumption of the main subscribers, - the gas-distributing organization with which networks networks of gas distribution or gas consumption to which connection of capital construction projects of applicants, including through networks of other main subscribers is planned are technologically connected;
"personal account of the applicant (the perspective applicant)" - the separate Section of the official site of the single operator of gasification, the regional operator of gasification, the contractor. In the cases provided by these rules, the personal account of the applicant (the perspective applicant) can be used for realization by the applicant, perspective applicant of the rights and obligations established by these rules;
"perspective networks of gas distribution" - networks of gas distribution which construction, connection (technological accession) to which are provided by the state and investing programs, but are not complete at the time of the address of the perspective applicant with request about issue of preliminary specifications;
"the perspective applicant" - the builder, the technical customer, the owner of perspective capital construction project planning to perform connection of perspective capital construction project to perspective networks of gas distribution, who made inquiry about issue of preliminary specifications;
"perspective capital construction project" - capital construction project, connection (technological accession) to which perspective networks of gas distribution is provided by the state and investing programs and is planned by the perspective applicant who made inquiry about issue of preliminary specifications;
"connection (technological accession)" - set of organizational and technical actions, including insert and start-up of gas, giving chance to use gas for satisfaction of personal, family, house and other needs, implementation of business (professional) activity;
"preliminary specifications" - the specifications provided by part 5.1 of article 52.1 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation on connection (technological accession) of perspective capital construction projects to perspective networks of gas distribution in cases of the connection of perspective capital construction project to perspective networks of gas distribution planned by the perspective applicant, construction which reconstruction are provided by the state and investing programs, but are not complete at the time of the address of the perspective applicant with request about issue of the specifications specified in this paragraph, issued if connection (technological accession) of perspective capital construction projects to perspective networks of gas distribution is provided by the state and investing programs;
"the situational plan" - the graphical scheme constituted by the applicant on which are specified arrangement of the capital construction project planned to connection and lot lines, on which such capital construction project, the name of the settlement or municipality (in case of arrangement of capital construction project out of the settlement) or the graphical scheme constituted by the applicant with use of fragment of the public cadastral map or card of search engines of the Internet on which are specified by the applicant in case of lack of the image of capital construction project and (or) lot lines on this fragment the capital construction project planned to connection and lot lines, on which such capital construction project is located or will be located is located or will be located;
"the main subscriber" - legal entity or physical person which does not render gas transportation service, owning on the property right or on other right provided by the law network of gas distribution and (or) gas consumption;
"drawn-off point" - position of joint of network of gas distribution of the contractor or network of gas distribution and (or) gas consumption of the main subscriber with network of gas consumption or gas distribution of the applicant, and in case of the address of the applicant to the contractor with request to perform actions for connection (technological accession) within borders of its parcel of land according to Item 12 of these rules - external (external) wall of capital construction project;
"the actual accession" - complex of the technical actions providing physical connection (contact) of network of gas distribution of the contractor or network of gas distribution and (or) network of gas consumption of the main subscriber with network of gas consumption of capital construction project of the applicant with implementation of start-up of gas in the gas-using equipment of the applicant, and in case of accession of network of gas distribution to other network of gas distribution - in network of gas distribution of the applicant.
3. Connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment or capital construction projects to network of gas distribution is performed in the following procedure:
a) the direction the applicant addressed to the single operator of gasification or the regional operator of gasification of the request about the conclusion of the agreement on connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to network of gas distribution in standard form according to appendix No. 1 (further - the request about connection);
b) the conclusion of the agreement on connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment and capital construction projects to network of gas distribution in standard form according to appendix No. 2 (further - the agreement on connection) with appendix of the specifications which are integral part of the agreement on connection;
c) accomplishment by the applicant and contractor of terms of the contract about connection;
d) creation of the act of readiness of networks of gas consumption and the gas-using equipment of capital construction project to connection (technological accession) in standard form according to appendix No. 3 (further - the act of readiness);
e) implementation by the contractor of the actual accession and creation of the act of connection (technological accession) containing information on differentiation of property accessory and operational responsibility of the parties on standard form according to appendix No. 4 (further - the act of connection);
3(1). The procedure for provision and effective period of preliminary specifications is determined according to the Section X of these rules.
4. In these rules when calculating the maximum hour consumption of gas the gas scoping conditions characterized with the temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, pressure of 760 mm of mercury are used. and humidity of 0 percent.
5. Connection of the gas-using equipment or capital construction projects to network of gas distribution is performed based on the agreement on connection.
6. The agreement on connection is signed between the applicant, the contractor and the single operator of gasification or the regional operator of gasification.
If connection of the gas-using equipment or capital construction projects is performed to the network of gas distribution belonging to the regional operator of gasification or to network of the main subscriber which is technologically connected with the network of gas distribution belonging to the regional operator of gasification, the agreement on connection is signed between the applicant and the regional operator of gasification (contractor).
Under the agreement on connection:
the contractor shall perform connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment or capital construction projects to network of gas distribution taking into account providing maximum demand (hour consumption of gas), specified on connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment or capital construction projects to network of gas distribution (further - specifications);
the applicant shall pay services in connection (technological accession);
the single operator of gasification or the regional operator of gasification provides connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment or capital construction project to network of gas distribution.
7. The application about connection is submitted by the applicant in case:
a) need of connection (technological accession) of the gas-using equipment or capital construction project to network of gas distribution;
b) increases in the maximum hour consumption of gas of the gas-using equipment, except for the case provided by the subitem "an" of this Item.
8. In case of carrying out replacement (reconstruction) the gas-using equipment of the connected capital construction project in lot lines on which the capital construction project, not attracting change of the parameters which are earlier specified in the act of connection and (or) the maximum consumption of gas before equipment in place, and lack of need of the actual accession except the case specified in the paragraph the second this Item is located the applicant sends to the contractor the notification on the forthcoming replacement (reconstruction) of the gas-using equipment of the connected capital construction project not later than 10 working days prior to works on replacement (reconstruction) of the gas-using equipment with indication of changes of parameters of the gas-using equipment.
In case of carrying out replacement (reconstruction) the gas-using equipment in case of which its maximum hour consumption of gas does not exceed the parameters specified in the specifications issued by the contractor and (or) the maximum hour consumption of gas of the installed earlier gas-using equipment the applicant sends to the contractor the notification on the forthcoming replacement not later than 10 working days prior to works on replacement (reconstruction) of the gas-using equipment with indication of the maximum hour consumption of gas of the installed gas-using equipment.
Requirements of this Item are not applied to case of replacement of the gas-using equipment by the contractor.
9. The agreement on connection is public and consists according to the procedure, established by the Civil code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the features determined by these rules. The agreement on connection is signed in writing (on paper or in the form of the electronic document).
The agreement on connection can be signed in the form of the electronic document in personal account of the applicant or subsystem of single personal account in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (further - the single portal) or on the regional portal of the state and municipal services (functions) (further - the regional portal) or on paper in 3 copies (on one for each of the parties).
9(1). In case of the conclusion (change) of the agreement on connection the applicant interacts with the contractor by any available method at its sole option (the mailing, the electronic message to the e-mail address of the applicant (in the presence), personal account of the applicant, subsystem of single personal account on the single portal and (or) the regional portal).
10. For the conclusion of the agreement on connection the applicant directs addressed to the single operator of gasification or the regional operator of gasification the request about connection with the inventory of investment.
The applicant has the right to submit the request about connection to the contractor at office of the contractor, or through personal account of the applicant, or through the multipurpose center of provision of the state and municipal services (further - the multipurpose center), either through the single portal or through the regional portal if technically possible of acceptance of the corresponding requests, or the letter sent to the address of the contractor.
Access to personal account of the applicant, and also to subsystem of single personal account on the single portal and (or) the regional portal for making of the actions provided by these rules can be performed by the applicant with use of the federal state information system "Single System of Identification and Authentication in the Infrastructure Providing Information and Technological Interaction of the Information Systems Used for Provision of the State and Municipal Services Electronically" (further - single system of identification and authentication) using the strengthened qualified digital signature (concerning legal entities, individual entrepreneurs) or the simple digital signature (concerning physical persons - provided that in case of issue of key of the simple digital signature the personality of physical person is identified in case of personal acceptance).
In case of absence at the applicant of personal account of the applicant the contractor has the right to register it and to tell the applicant procedure for access to personal account of the applicant, including receipt of initial access to personal account, registration and authorization of the applicant.
The contractor at offices of servicing of applicants shall provide to the applicant access to personal account of the applicant on a grant basis.
The contractor shall inform the applicant throughout all procedure of technological accession on placement in personal account of the applicant, in subsystem of single personal account on the single portal or the regional portal of the documents which are subject to registration in the course of connection (technological accession) in case of application about connection (technological accession) by the applicant through personal account of the applicant, subsystem of single personal account on the single portal and (or) the regional portal.
Information and technical interaction of the single portal and the single operator of gasification is performed by means of single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. Access to subsystem of single personal account on the regional portal is provided with use of single system of identification and authentication.
Access to personal account of the applicant on the official sites of the regional operator of gasification and the contractor is performed according to the procedure, established by the owner of the specified websites.
Access to personal account of the applicant on the official site of the single operator of gasification is provided including with use of single system of identification and authentication.
For the purpose of receipt of access to personal account of the applicant on the official site of the single operator of gasification with the consent of physical persons and legal entities, and also individual entrepreneurs the single system of identification and authentication provides automatic transfer of gasification of the following data to the single operator:
about physical person:
surname, name and middle name (in the presence);
birth date;
data of the identity document;
insurance number of the individual ledger account;
contact telephone number;
e-mail address;
registration address;
actual residence address;
about the legal entity:
full name;
identification taxpayer number;
primary state registration number;
contact telephone number;
e-mail address;
postal address;
data on the authorized person of the applicant:
surname, name and middle name (in the presence);
birth date;
data of the identity document;
insurance number of the individual ledger account;
contact telephone number;
e-mail address;
about the individual entrepreneur:
full name;
identification taxpayer number;
primary state registration number of the individual entrepreneur;
contact telephone number;
e-mail address;
registration address.
The applicant has the right to submit the request about connection personally. In case of impossibility of submission of the request about connection personally the applicant has the right to direct it by proxy the representative. In that case the contractor, either the single operator of gasification, or the regional operator of gasification shall accept such request.
The list of the gas-distributing organizations, and also settlements in which gas distribution networks of the specified gas-distributing organizations are laid is posted on the official sites of the single operator of gasification, the regional operator of gasification with indication of postal addresses and the location of offices of the gas-distributing organizations to whom applications about connection can be submitted. The gas-distributing organizations post on the official sites on the Internet the list of settlements in which their gas distribution networks, with indication of postal addresses and the location of offices of servicing of applicants by the specified gas-distributing organizations to whom applications about connection can be submitted are laid. The gas-distributing organizations quarterly, no later than the 5th following for expired quarter, send to the address of the single operator of gasification, the regional operator of gasification of the data on settlements in which gas distribution networks of the specified gas-distributing organizations with indication of postal addresses and the location of offices of the gas-distributing organizations to whom applications about connection can be submitted are laid, or inform on lack of changes in earlier provided information.
Submission of requests about connection and documents is electronically performed by the applicant with use of the identifier and the password issued by means of personal account of the applicant. Information on procedure for issue and use of the identifier and the password is posted on the official sites of the single operator of gasification, the regional operator of gasification and the contractor.
The request about connection and the documents attached to it electronically can be signed by the simple digital signature which key is received according to the Rules of use of the simple digital signature when rendering the state and municipal services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2013 No. 33 "About use of the simple digital signature when rendering the state and municipal services", either the strengthened qualified digital signature, or the strengthened unqualified digital signature of physical person which certificate of key of check is created and is used in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems by provision of the state and municipal services electronically.
The applicant bears responsibility for reliability and completeness of the documents attached in electronic form to the request about connection, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The single operator of gasification, the regional operator of gasification and the contractor shall provide acceptance from the applicant in the electronic form of documents provided by these rules (including possibility of free receipt by applicants of the identifier and the password), signing (variation) by the applicant and contractor of such documents, possibility of informing the contractor and applicant on the actions made by the applicant and the contractor, provided by these rules, and possibility of receipt by the applicant of data on the main processing stages of requests about connection, including information on receipt date of the request on connection and its registration number, on the direction to the applicant of the agreement on connection signed from the contractor and specifications, date of the conclusion of the agreement on connection, the course of accomplishment by the contractor of specifications, the actual accession, and also about creation and signing of the act of readiness, about creation and signing of the act of connection, on the official site, and also through the single portal and (or) the regional portal without use of the software which installation on technical means of the applicant requires the conclusion of license or other agreement with the owner of the software providing collection from the consumer of such software of payment without use of special hardware according to these rules.
11. In the request about connection directed by the applicant addressed to the single operator of gasification, or the regional operator of gasification the following data are specified:
a) the applicant's details (for legal entities - full name and the state registration number of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, date of its entering into the register, the postal address, contact telephone number and the e-mail address (in the presence), for individual entrepreneurs - the state registration number of entry in the Unified State Register of Private Entrepreneurs, date of its entering into the specified register, the postal address, contact telephone number and the e-mail address (in the presence), for physical persons - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), series, number and date of issue of the passport or other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the postal address, contact telephone number and the e-mail address (in the presence);
b) the name and the location of capital construction project which needs to be connected (technologically to attach) to network of gas distribution and also cadastral number of the parcel of land (in case of application about connection through the single portal) on which are located (will be located) capital construction projects of the applicant which need to be connected (technologically to attach) to network of gas distribution;
c) nature of gas consumption;
d) terms of designing, construction and step-by-step putting into operation of capital construction project (including on stages and queues) (except for applicants whose connection is performed according to the Section VII of these rules);
e) the planned distribution of the maximum hour consumption of gas separately on different drawn-off points (if them a little) with reasons for need of connection of several points (except for applicants whose connection is performed according to the Section VII of these rules);
e) number and date of issue of the specifications received earlier by the applicant (if specifications were provided to the applicant earlier) which effective period at the time of application about connection (technological accession) did not expire number and date of issue of the preliminary specifications received by earlier perspective applicant (if preliminary specifications were issued to the perspective applicant earlier) which effective period at the time of application about connection did not expire;
g) details of the approved boundary-setting plan or data on availability of general lay-out of the parcel of land or parcels of land on the cadastral plan of the territory (when implementing construction, reconstruction of object of federal importance, object of regional value or object of local value on the parcel of land or the parcels of land formed of the lands and (or) the parcels of land specified regarding 7.3 articles 51 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation).
12. The applicant has the right to appeal to the contractor to perform actions for connection (technological accession) within borders of its parcel of land, and (or) on designing of network of gas consumption, and (or) on gas pipeline construction from lot lines to capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the gas-using equipment, and (or) on construction or reconstruction of the internal gas pipeline of capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the metering device of gas, and (or) on delivery of the gas-using equipment, and (or) on delivery of the metering device of gas.
Compulsion of the applicant to the conclusion of the agreement on connection providing implementation of actions for connection (technological accession) within borders of its parcel of land and (or) on designing of network of gas consumption, and (or) on gas pipeline construction from lot lines to capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the gas-using equipment, and (or) on construction or reconstruction of the internal gas pipeline of capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the metering device of gas, and (or) on delivery of the gas-using equipment, and (or) on delivery of the metering device of gas, is not allowed.
13. If the applicant appealed to the contractor to perform actions for connection (technological accession) within borders of its parcel of land, and (or) on designing of network of gas consumption, and (or) on gas pipeline construction from lot lines to capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the gas-using equipment, and (or) on construction or reconstruction of the internal gas pipeline of capital construction project, and (or) on installation of the metering device of gas, in the agreement on connection are specified calculation of the size of connection fee (technological accession) within lot lines of the applicant, and (or) calculation of the size of cost of services in installation of the gas-using equipment, and (or) calculation of the size of cost of services in construction or reconstruction of the internal gas pipeline of capital construction project and (or) for installation of the metering device of gas, which sizes are established by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of the prices (rates) according to the Basic provisions of forming and state regulation of gas prices, rates for services in its transportation and payments for technological connection of the gas-using equipment to gas distribution networks in the territory of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2000 No. 1021 "About state regulation of gas prices, rates for services in its transportation and payments for technological connection of the gas-using equipment to gas distribution networks in the territory of the Russian Federation", and according to methodical instructions for calculation of the amount of payment for technological connection of the gas-using equipment to networks of gas distribution and (or) the standardized tariff charges determining its size approved by federal executive body in the field of regulation of rates.
14. In the case specified in Item 12 of these rules the contractor within 5 working days from the date of obtaining sends appeals to the applicant the notification on need of ensuring access to capital construction project for determination of the size of connection fee (technological accession) within lot lines of the applicant, and (or) cost of services in installation of the gas-using equipment, and (or) cost of services in installation of the metering device of gas, and (or) cost of services in construction or reconstruction of the internal gas pipeline of capital construction project, and (or) cost of the gas-using equipment, and (or) gas metering device cost.
The contractor sends the specified notification to the applicant by any available method at its sole option (the mailing, the electronic message to the e-mail address of the applicant (in the presence), personal account of the applicant, subsystem of single personal account on the single portal and the regional portal).
The notification directed in electronic form is signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of the authorized person of the contractor.
15. In case of non-realization by the contractor of sales activity of the gas-using equipment and (or) metering devices of gas to the applicant the notification on impossibility of rendering the specified services goes within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the request about connection.
The contractor sends the specified notification to the applicant by any available method at its sole option (the mailing, the electronic message to the e-mail address of the applicant (in the presence), personal account of the applicant, subsystem of single personal account on the single portal and (or) the regional portal).
The notification directed in electronic form is signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of the authorized person of the contractor.
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