of August 20, 2021 No. 893
Some questions of protection of the rights of the child and provision of service of patronage over the child
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
The standard agreement about patronage over the child;
2. Recommend to the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city public administrations, local government bodies to provide in each territorial community implementation and the organization of functioning of service of patronage over the child, rendered by family of the foster tutor, development of social services in support of the families with children which are in difficult vital circumstances.
3. Bring in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 24, 2008 No. 866 "Questions of the activities of guardianship and custody bodies connected with protection of the rights of the child" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2008, No. 76, the Art. 2561) and of May 26, 2021 No. 615 "Some questions of providing orphan children, the children deprived of parent guardianship, persons from their number by housing and supports of small group houses" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2021, No. 50, the Art. 3073) changes which are applied.
4. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 20, 2021 , No. 893
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of implementation and the organization of functioning of family of the foster tutor, provision of service of patronage over the child who is in difficult vital circumstances, implementation of measures for its protection and providing the right to leaving, education in the safe and favorable family circle.
Patronage over the child according to article 252 of the Family code of Ukraine is temporary leaving, education and rehabilitation of the child in family of the foster tutor for overcoming by the child, his parents or other legal representatives of difficult vital circumstances.
The patronage purpose over the child is ensuring protection of the rights of the child who because of difficult vital circumstances cannot temporarily live together with parents / legal representatives, provision to it and his family of the services directed to reintegration of the child into family or provision to the child of the corresponding status for adoption of further decisions taking into account the best interests of the child on providing its right to education in family or in the conditions as close as possible to family.
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Family code of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "About child care", "About providing organization-legal conditions of social protection of the orphan children and children deprived of parent guardianship", "About bodies and services for children and special facilities for children", "About social services", "About social work with families, children and youth", "About prevention and counteraction to domestic violence", "About local self-government in Ukraine".
3. Service for children district in Kiev and Sevastopol the state administrations, executive body city, district in the city (in case of its education), village, settlement council (further - service) annually based on accident analysis and the reasons of hit of children in difficult vital circumstances according to Item 13 of the Procedure for the organization of the provision of social services approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 1, 2020 No. 587 "About the organization of provision of social services" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2020, No. 57, the Art. 1781), determines the need of territorial community for implementation of service of patronage over the child with determination of quantity of foster families and provides offers to structural divisions concerning social protection of the population district in Kiev and Sevastopol the state administrations, executive body city, district in the city (in case of its education), rural, settlement councils (further - structural division concerning social protection of the population) which provides implementation of actions for planning and ensuring development of services of social maintenance of the families and children who are in difficult vital circumstances.
4. Search and primary candidate screen in foster tutors and their assistants (further - the candidate for assistants) are provided by service in cooperation with the center of rendering social services by the center of social services or other institution, organization providing social services in territorial community irrespective of pattern of ownership (further - social organization), or the specialist in social work if the social organization in community is absent, also with jobcenter.
Search of candidates for foster tutors and their assistants at the level of territorial community is performed by holding information campaigns, interviews and consultations with the persons who showed willingness to fulfill duties of the foster tutor, assistant to the foster tutor, in particular from among the unemployed.
Persons who conform to the requirements specified in Item 5 of this Procedure, but have no person who is ready to be the assistant to the foster tutor and to give help in care of child(children), arranged under patronage, submit to service the application for intention to become the foster tutor and assistance in search of the candidate for assistants to the foster tutor for rendering service of patronage over the child.
Service in case of receipt of such statement:
in cooperation with social organization or the specialist in social work if the social organization in territorial community is absent, jobcenter performs search of person ready to be the assistant to the foster tutor;
informs person who filed petition on results of its consideration.
Informing the public on essence and content of patronage over the child is provided to Minsotspolitiki, MKIP, Public service in cases of children, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city, district in Kiev and Sevastopol the state administrations, executive bodies rural, settlement, city, district in the cities (in case of their creation) councils, the state and municipal mass media, social institutions, organizations, non-governmental organizations, volunteers by placement of social advertizing, information and reference materials on the official websites on social networks, and also in the course of the professional activity by specialists of services for children, structural divisions concerning social protection of the population and organizations of social protection of the population, the centers of provision of administrative services, jobcenters and so forth.
5. 5. Person, including the physical person entrepreneur performing business activity by certain type of economic activity can be the candidate for foster tutors (KVED 97.00 and/or KVED 88.91, and/or KVED 85. 59) according to data from EGRPOU (further - person performing business activity) which showed willingness to fulfill duties of the foster tutor on professional basis and also:
can create to the arranged child proper conditions for accommodation, training and development, implementation of sanitary and hygienic procedures;
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