of August 4, 2021 No. 805
About approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of investment projects with considerable investments and the list of data which are entered in the register of investment projects with considerable investments
According to paragraph one of part four of article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "About the state support of investment projects with considerable investments in Ukraine" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve enclosed:
Procedure for maintaining the register of investment projects with considerable investments;
2. Provide to the Ministry of Economics creation and contents of the register of investment projects with considerable investments within anticipated expenses in the Government budget of Ukraine for the corresponding year and/or at the expense of other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2021 , No. 805
1. This Procedure determines the procedure of maintaining the register of investment projects with considerable investments (further - the register).
2. In this Procedure the term "public registrar" is understood as the official of Ministry of Economics performing the registration and other actions provided by this Procedure.
Other terms in this Procedure are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About the state support of investment projects with considerable investments in Ukraine", "About public electronic registers" and "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services".
3. The register is the state information and communication system providing collection, accumulating, protection, accounting, reflection, processing of register data of rather investment projects with considerable investments.
The owner of the register is the state on behalf of Ministry of Economics. Holder and the administrator of the register is the Ministry of Economics which performs normative legal regulation, organizational and methodical, information support of forming and maintaining the register and access to it, and also provides functioning and performs administration of the register according to the Law of Ukraine "About the state support of investment projects with considerable investments in Ukraine" and this Procedure.
4. The Ministry of Economics provides open and free access to the list of the data entered in the register.
The register is kept in state language.
5. Administrator of the register:
1) performs actions for creation, implementation, maintaining and administration of the register, and also is responsible for preserving register data and information;
2) is performed by ensuring information security in the register;
3) provides verification in the register of information determined by the legislation;
4) establishes requirements to hardware and to the software of the register;
Provides 5):
electronic information exchange between the register and other automated systems, electronic information resources and the state registers;
possibility of access in format of open data to information containing in the register;
implementation of the analysis of data in the register;
accomplishment of other functions provided by this Procedure.
Ensuring the functions determined by this Item is performed by the administrator of the register according to the laws of Ukraine "About public electronic registers", "About personal data protection" and "About information security in information and communication systems".
6. Identification of users is performed with use of means of the qualified digital signature or by connection through the integrated system of electronic identification.
7. The public registrar enters in the register the data specified in the list of the data entered in the register of investment projects with considerable investments, No. 805 approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2021 "About approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of investment projects with considerable investments and the list of the data entered in the register of investment projects with considerable investments" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2021, No. 64, the Art. 4024), with the changes made by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 12, 2024 No. 29, in the form of entries in the register based on information containing in special investment agreements and information obtained within monitoring of accomplishment of conditions of special investment agreements and according to Item 8 of this Procedure.
8. For entering of data into the register in paper or electronically with use of the Single state web portal of electronic services, including through the information systems of state bodies and local government bodies integrated with it, together with the letter in any form move in Ministry of Economics:
the investor with considerable investments data about the amount of the actual brought considerable investments into investment objects, the beginning of functioning of investment objects (in particular, acceptance/commissioning finished with construction of facilities), actually created new workplaces and the size of the average salary of workers, information on accomplishment by the investor with considerable investments of the obligations provided by the special investment agreement, monthly to the 10th of the accounting period;
the investor with considerable investments (if form of the state support in accordance with the terms of the special investment agreement is release from compensation of losses of forestry and landscape production of the investor with considerable investments for implementation of the investment project with considerable investments according to the Land code of Ukraine) - information on calculation of the amount of losses of forestry and landscape production not later than within five days after signing by the subject of managing who is contractor on land management according to the Law of Ukraine "About land management", calculation of the amount of losses of forestry and landscape production;
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