Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 15, 2021 No. 1689-IX

About features of provision public (electronic public) services

(as amended on 17-07-2024)

This Law determines bases of provision of electronic public services, public services, complex electronic public services, the automatic mode of provision of electronic public services.

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law terms are used in such value:

1) the automatic mode of rendering electronic state service (further - the automatic mode) - provision of electronic public service by software of information and telecommunication systems, without additional study by the subject of rendering electronic state service in real time or with the condition suspensive based on the statement (the address, request) the subject of the address including submitted electronically with use of information and telecommunication systems (including with use of the Single state web portal of electronic services);

2) electronic public service - the service provided by the public authorities, local government bodies, the companies, organizations, the organizations which are in their management including administrative service (including in the automatic mode) which is provided with use of information and telecommunication systems based on the statement (the address, request), sent electronically with use of information and telecommunication systems (including with use of the Single state web portal of electronic services), or without submission of such statement (the address, request);

3) electronic display of information containing in documents, - the reflection of information containing in documents, created by means of information and telecommunication systems (including the Single state web portal of electronic services) according to the procedure, established by the law or the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

4) the digital signature which is based on the qualified digital signature certificate, - the advanced digital signature which is based on the qualified digital signature certificate or the qualified digital signature, created according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic confidential services";

5) complex public electronic service - electronic public service as a result of which to the subject of the address based on one statement (the address, request) on receipt of several electronic public services by one or several subjects of provision public (electronic public) services or in the automatic mode software of information and telecommunication systems (including with use of the Single state web portal of electronic services) provide several electronic public services;

Public service - legally or socially important action of the subject of provision public (electronic public) services, including administrative service, in the statement (the address, request) of the subject of the address or without such address as a result of which are acquired pass 6), the rights stop and/or obligations are performed by the subject of the address, the corresponding material and/or non-material benefits are provided to the subject of the address;

7) event which is the basis for provision public (electronic public) services - life situation which approach is the unconditional basis for provision public (electronic public) services which list is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

8) the principle of provision public (electronic public) services by default - the principle according to which the subject public (electronic public) services provides in the cases determined by the legislation, public (electronic public) services without obtaining from public authorities, local government bodies, the state registrars, subjects of state registration, the state and municipal companies, organizations and the organizations according to the procedure and the cases determined by the legislation, data and/or documents (except judgments and executive documents), necessary for provision corresponding state (public electronic) services, provided that such bodies, officials, the companies, organizations and organizations did not direct to the subject of provision public (electronic public) service such data or documents to the time established by this Law;

9) system of electronic interaction of electronic resources - information and telecommunication system which on the basis of single rules and protocols of data exchange provides information transfer and/or data between information and telecommunication systems;

10) the subject of the address - physical person, physical person entrepreneur, the legal entity, the other person who addresses for obtaining public (electronic public) services;

11) the subject of provision public (electronic public) services - public authority, local government body, their officials, the state, municipal companies, organizations, the organizations and other subjects authorized according to the legislation to provide public (electronic public) services.

2. Other terms are used in this Law in the values given in the laws of Ukraine "About administrative services", "About electronic confidential services", "About information security in information and telecommunication systems", "About information", other legal acts of Ukraine.

Article 2. Law coverage

1. Operation of this Law extends to the public relations connected with provision public (electronic public) services.

2. Operation of this Law does not extend to the public relations which are determined by part two of article 2 of the Law of Ukraine "About administrative services".

Article 3. The legislation in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services

1. The legislation in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, other laws of Ukraine adopted according to it regulatory legal acts, governing the relations in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services.

2. If the international treaty of Ukraine which became effective in accordance with the established procedure establishes other rules, than stipulated by the legislation Ukraine in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services, rules of the international treaty are applied.

Article 4. State policy in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services

1. State policy in the sphere of provision public (electronic public) services is based on the principles:

1) supremacy of law;

2) equality before the law;

3) opennesses;

4) transparency;

5) recurrence of use;

6) technological neutrality and portability of data;

7) focus on citizens;

8) inclusivity and availability;

9) safety and confidentiality;

10) decision supports;

11) administrative simplification;

12) preserving information;

13) efficiency evaluation and effectiveness.


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