Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  March 31, 2023 according to Item 32 of the Section X of the Law of Ukraine of December 13, 2022 No. 2849-IX


of November 16, 1992 No. 2782-XII

About printing mass media (seal) in Ukraine

(as amended on 22-05-2022)

This Law creates the legal basis of activities of printing mass media (seal) in Ukraine, establishes the state guarantees of their freedom according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About information" both other acts of the current legislation and international legal documents recognized by Ukraine.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Printing mass media (seal) in Ukraine

In this Law printing mass media (seal) in Ukraine are understood as the periodic and proceeding editions appearing under the permanent name with frequency of one and more numbers (releases) within year based on the certificate on state registration.

Appendices to printing mass media in the form of editions of newspaper and journal type are the separate periodic and proceeding printing editions and are subject to registration in accordance with general practice.

The printing editions specified in parts one and the second this article of the Law can turn on in the structure other data carriers (plates, diskettes, recorder and videotapes, etc.) which distribution is not forbidden by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Printing mass media are considered published if it is signed to issue and are printed with any circulation. The distribution sphere of printing mass media is not limited.

Article 2. Freedom of activities of printing mass media

Freedom of expression and free expression in printed form of the views and beliefs are guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and according to this Law mean the right of everyone freely and independently to look for, receive, fix, to store, use and distribute any information by means of printing mass media, except the cases determined by the law when restriction of this right is necessary for the benefit of homeland security, territorial integrity or public order for the purpose of prevention of conflicts or criminal offense, for public health care, for protection of reputation or the rights of other people, for prevention.

Printing mass media are free. Creation and financing of state bodies, organizations, organizations or positions for censorship of mass information is forbidden.

The requirement of preliminary approval of the messages and materials spread by printing mass media and also prohibition of distribution of messages and materials from officials of state bodies, the companies, organizations, the organizations, or associations of citizens is not allowed, except cases when the official is the author of the distributed information or the this interview.

The state guarantees economic independence and provides economic support of activities of printing mass media, prevents monopoly abuse in the market from publishers and distributors of printed materials. The measures aimed at providing economic support of activities of printing mass media are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 3. Inadmissibility of abuse of freedom of activities of printing mass media

Use of printing mass media is forbidden for:

appeals to seizure of power, violent change of the constitutional system or territorial integrity of Ukraine;

propaganda for war, violence and cruelty;

incitement of racial, race, regional, religious strife;

distribution of pornography, and also for the purpose of making of acts of terrorism and other penal acts;

promotion communistic and/or national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian modes and their symbolics;


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