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of July 27, 2021 No. 359

About approval of Security guidelines in case of operation of technology pipelines

(as amended on 22-02-2024)

According to the subitem 128) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701, I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Security guidelines in case of operation of technology pipelines.

2. To provide to committee of industrial safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after sixty calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Yu. Ilyin

It is approved

Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan


It is approved

Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Approved by the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2021, No. 359

Security guidelines in case of operation of technology pipelines

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Security guidelines in case of operation of technology pipelines (further - the Instruction) disaggregate procedure for ensuring safe operation of the technology pipelines intended for transportation of gaseous, vaporous and liquid circles in the range from the residual pressure (vacuum) of 0,001 Megapascal (0,01 of kilograms of force on square centimeter) up to the conditional pressure of 320 Megapascal (3200 kilograms of force on square centimeter) and working temperatures from minus 196 degrees Celsius to 700 degrees Celsius.

2. Pipelines of the organizations having hazardous production facilities having signs, stipulated in Clause 70 Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection" on which transport raw materials, the semifinished products, ready-made products, vapor, water, fuel, reagents, substances providing conducting engineering procedure and operation of the equipment, and also the interfactory oil pipelines and gas pipelines which are on balance of the organization belong to technology.

3. When calculating thickness of walls of pipelines the increase to the settlement thickness of wall gets out to compensation of corrosion depreciation proceeding from condition of providing necessary settlement service life of the pipeline and speed of corrosion.

Depending on the speed of corrosion of the staly circle are subdivided on:

1) nonaggressive and a little aggressive - with corrosion speed to millimeter 0,1 in year (steel resistant);

2) so-so aggressive - with speed of corrosion of 0,1 - millimeter 0,5 in year;

3) highly aggressive - with corrosion speed over millimeter 0,5 in year.

At corrosion speed 0, - - millimeter 0,5 in year and over millimeter 0,5 in year steel is considered ponizhennostoyka.

4. In case of the choice of materials and products for pipelines it is considered, the following:

1) the settlement pressure and settlement temperature of the transported circle;

2) properties of the transported circle (aggression, vzryvo-and fire danger, harm);

3) properties of materials and products (durability, cold resistance, firmness against corrosion, svarivayemost);

4) the negative temperature of air for the pipelines located in the open air or in not heated rooms. For settlement, negative air temperature in case of the choice of materials and products for pipelines it is necessary to accept:

average temperature of the coldest five-day week of the area with security of 0,92, if the working temperature of wall of the pipeline which is under pressure or vacuum, positive;

absolute minimum temperature of this area if the working temperature of wall of the pipeline which is under pressure or vacuum becomes negative from air impact.

5. For pipelines and fittings the project organization establishes useful life in the project documentation.

Chapter 2. Technology pipelines with conditional pressure up to 10 Megapascal (100 kilograms of force on square centimeter)

6. Pipelines with pressure to 10 Megapascal (100 kilograms of force on square centimeter) inclusive depending on class of danger of the transported substance (vzryvo-fire danger and harm) are subdivided into groups A, B, B and depending on working parameters of the circle (pressure and temperature) - into five categories (I, II, III, IV, V).

Classification of pipelines is given in appendix 1 to this Instruction (further - Classification of pipelines by pressure of Ru10 меньше равноMegapascal (100 kilograms of force on centimeter square)).

7. Categories of pipelines determine set of specifications to design, installation and amount of control of pipelines.

8. The class of danger of technology circles is determined by developer of the project based on classes of danger of the substances containing in the technology circle and their ratios.

9. Categories of pipelines are established by developer of the project for each pipeline and are specified in the project documentation.

10. Depending on service conditions, higher is accepted (what determined by working parameters of the circle) category of pipelines.

Designation of group of a certain transported circle includes designation of group of the circle (And, B, In) and the designation of subgroup (and, c) reflecting class of danger of substance.

Designation of group of the pipeline in general view corresponds to designation of group of the transported circle. The designation "pipeline of group of A(b)" designates the pipeline on which the circle of group of A(b) is transported.

The group of the pipeline transporting the circles consisting of different components is established on the component determining references of the pipeline to more responsible group. In case of content in mix of dangerous substances 1, 2 and 3 classes of danger and if concentration of one of them is most dangerous, determine group of mix by this substance.

If the most dangerous component on physical and chemical properties is part of mix in insignificant quantity, the decision on reference of the pipeline to less responsible group or category is accepted by the project organization.

The category of the pipeline is established in the parameter determining its references to more responsible category.

For vacuum pipelines not the conditional pressure, but absolute working pressure is considered.

The pipelines transporting substances with the working temperature equal or exceeding temperature of their self-ignition or working temperature are lower minus 40 degrees Celsius, and also incompatible with water or oxygen of air under normal conditions belong to the I category.

11. Quality and technical characteristic of the materials and finished products applied to production of pipelines is confirmed by the quality certificate (further - the certificate), established in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About technical regulation". The materials and products which do not have certificates are allowed to be applied only to pipelines II and below categories, after their check and testing.

Material of details of pipelines corresponds to material of the connected pipes.

12. Pipes and shaped details of pipelines are made of the steel having technology svarivayemost with the flowability limit attitude towards strength of no more 0,75, by relative lengthening of metal in case of gap on fivefold samples at least 16 percent and with an impact strength not lower than 30 Joules on centimeter square 3,0 (kilogram of force on centimeter square) at the minimum settlement temperature of wall of element of the pipeline.

13. The seamless pipes executed from ingot and also shaped details for these pipes are applied to pipelines of groups A and B of the first and second categories, on condition of carrying out their control by method of ultrasonic defectoscopy of 100 percent on all surface.

14. Also holodnodeformirovanny pipes are applied to the pipelines transporting the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, and also substances relating to group A (a) seamless goryache-. Application of electrowelded pipes with a nominal diameter more than 400 millimeters for pipelines transporting substances relating to group A (a) and the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases at speed of corrosion of metal to 0,1 of millimeters/year, with working pressure to 2,5 Megapascal (25 kilograms of force on square centimeter) and with the temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius, undergone heat treatment, absolute control of welded seams (method of ultrasonic diagnostics or raying), in case of positive results of mechanical testing of samples from welded connections in full is also possible including on impact strength.

15. Pipes with the normalized the chemical composition and mechanical properties of metal are applied to pipelines (group B).

16. Pipes are tested the manufacturer trial hydraulic pressure or have specifying in the certificate on the guaranteed size of trial pressure.

Hydrotesting of seamless pipes are not carried out if they were exposed on all surface to control by nondestructive methods.

17. Pipes electrowelded with spiral seam are applied only to direct sites of pipelines.

18. Electrowelded pipes for transportation of substances of groups of A(b), B (a), B(b) established in Classification of pipelines by pressure of Ru10 меньше равноMegapascal (100 kilograms of force on centimeter square), the gases except for liquefied by pressure from above 1, Megapascal (((kilogram of force on square centimeter) and groups of B(v) and In pressure over 2,5 Megapascal (25 kilograms of force on square centimeter), with working temperature over 300 degrees Celsius are applied in the thermoprocessed condition, and their welded seams are subject to absolute nondestructive control (method of ultrasonic defectoscopy or radiography) and testing for bend or impact strength.

Application of not thermoprocessed pipes, is allowed with ratio of outer diameter of pipe to wall thickness, equal or more than 50 for transportation circles which are not causing corrosion cracking of metal.

19. The electrowelded pipes contacting with the environment causing corrosion cracking of metal irrespective of pressure and thickness of wall are applied in the thermoprocessed condition, and their welded seams are full-strength to the main metal and are subjected to absolute control by nondestructive methods (ultrasonic defectoscopy or radiography).

20. Pipes from carbonaceous semi-quiet steel are applied to circles of group B, at thickness of wall no more than 12 millimeters, in areas with settlement temperature of outside air not lower minus 30 degrees Celsius, when ensuring temperature of wall of the pipeline in use are not lower minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Pipes from the carbonaceous boiling steel are applied to circles of group B, at thickness of wall no more than 8 millimeters and pressure no more 1, Megapascal (((16 kilograms force on square centimeter), in areas with settlement air temperature is not lower minus 10 degrees Celsius.

21. The design of flanges and materials for pipelines is chosen taking into account parameters of working environments.

22. Flat welded flanges are applied to the pipelines working with conditional pressure of no more 2,5 Megapascal (25 kilograms of force on square centimeter) and temperature of the circle is not above 300 has some. The flanges provided on the conditional pressure of 1,6 Megapascal are applied to pipelines of groups A and B with conditional pressure up to 1 Megapascal (10 kilograms force on square centimeter) (16 kilograms of force on square centimeter).

23. To the pipelines working with conditional pressure over 2,5 Megapascal (25 kilograms of force on square centimeter) irrespective of temperature, and also with working temperature above 300 degrees Celsius irrespective of pressure flanges, welded end-to-end are applied to pipelines.

24. Flanges, welded end-to-end, are carried out from forgings or bandage procurements.

Execution of flanges, welded end-to-end, by rolling of procurements on the leaf plane for the pipelines working with conditional pressure no more 2, Megapascal (((25 kilograms of force on square centimeter), or giba of shod strips for the pipelines working with conditional pressure of no more 6,3 Megapascal (63 kilograms of force on square centimeter), is followed by absolute control of welded seams radio graphic or ultrasonic graphic approach.

25. The choice like sealing surface of flanges is established in appendix 2 to this Instruction.

26. For the pipelines transporting substances of groups A and B of technology objects I of category of potential of explosion application of flange connections with smooth sealing surface, except as specified applications spiralno of the wound laying with restrictive ring is not allowed.

27. Fasteners for flange connections and materials for them are chosen depending on operating conditions and brands staly flanges.

For connection of flanges at temperature above 300 degrees Celsius and is lower minus 40 degrees Celsius irrespective of pressure to apply hairpins.

28. In case of production of hairpins, bolts and nuts, the hardness of hairpins or bolts is higher than the hardness of nuts on 10 - 15 NV at least (hardness by Brinell's method).

29. It is not allowed to manufacture fasteners of the boiling, semi-quiet, Bessemer and automatic staly.

30. Material of procurements or ready fasteners from high-quality carbonaceous, heatproof and heat resisting alloyed by staly are subject to heat treatment.

For the fasteners used with pressure to 1,6 Megapascal (16 kilograms of force on square centimeter) and working temperature to 200 degrees Celsius, heat treatment it is allowed not to carry out fasteners from carbonaceous steel with carving with a diameter up to 48 millimeters.

31. In case of use of fasteners from staly austenitic class at working temperature of the circle over 500 degrees Celsius to make carving by method of nakatka, it is not allowed.

32. Materials of fasteners are chosen with the coefficient of linear expansion close to coefficient of linear expansion of material of flange in case of difference in values of coefficients of linear expansion of materials no more than 10 percent.

Apply materials of fasteners and flanges with coefficients of linear expansion which values differ more than for 10 percent it is allowed in the cases proved by calculation on durability or pilot studies for flange connections at working temperature of the circle no more than 100 degrees Celsius.

33. Laying and pro-masonry materials for consolidation of flange connections are chosen depending on the transported circle and its working parameters according to the project documentation.


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