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of April 6, 2021 No. 546

About rates of export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union

(as amended on 29-08-2024)

1. Approve enclosed:

rates of export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union;

Regulations on calculation and application of rates of the export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

2. This resolution becomes effective since August 1, 2021, except for paragraph two of Item 1 of this resolution and Item 7 of the Provision approved by this resolution which become effective since September 1, 2021, and is effective till August 31, 2026 inclusive.

Russian Prime Minister

M. Mishustin

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2021 No. 546

Rates of export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union <1>


Code of the CN FEA EEU

Name of line item

Rate of export customs duty

(percentage of customs value, or in Russian rubles, either in euro, or in US dollars, or calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>)

1512 11 910 1

in primary packages net - amount of 10 liters or less

calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>

1512 11 910 9


calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>

1512 19 900 2

sunflower oil or its fractions in primary packages net - amount of 10 liters or less

calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>

1512 19 900 9 <3>




1517 90 910 0 <3>

sunflower oil or its fractions in primary packages net - amount more than 10 liters


nonvolatile origins of vegetable oil liquid, mixed

calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>



calculated in accordance with the established procedure <2>



<1> For the purposes of application of rates of export customs duties goods are determined only by codes of the CN FEA EEU.

<2> The rate of export customs duties calculated according to Regulations on calculation and application of rates of the export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union, the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation from ________ No. ___ "About rates of export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union".

<3> for the purposes of application of rate of export customs duty for the specified line item it is necessary to be guided by code of the CN FEA EEU and the name of line item.

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2021 No. 546

Regulations on calculation and application of rates of the export customs duties on the sunflower oil exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union

1. Rates of export customs duties on the sunflower oil classified in subsubline items 1512 11 910 1, 1512 11 910 9, 1512 19 900 of 2 of 1512 19 900 9 and 1517 90 910 0 CN FEA EEU, exported from the Russian Federation out of limits of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - sunflower oil), are calculated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation by the following formula:




St - rate of export customs duty;

Цэ - the indication price for 1 ton calculated according to Item 5 of this provision;

The Central Bank - the basic export price important 82500 rubles for 1 ton;

Tskr - arithmetic-mean value of the US dollar exchange rate to ruble of the Russian Federation established by the Central bank of the Russian Federation in 5 working days preceding settlement date of rate of export customs duty on sunflower oil.

In case of the negative value of St received when calculating according to this Item, value of this indicator is accepted equal to zero.

2. When calculating rates of export customs duties on sunflower oil rounding is made to the first decimal sign in the smaller party.

3. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation performs monitoring of the prices of sunflower oil by observation of the price indicators expressed in US dollars for 1 ton.

Information source for carrying out monitoring are the data posted on the official site of "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS" public joint stock company and (or) National Mercantile Exchange joint-stock company on the Internet (further - Internet network).

4. The period of monitoring is the calendar month preceding month of the calculation of rates of export customs duties on sunflower oil specified in Item 6 of this provision.

5. Indication price of sunflower oil is calculated as arithmetic average of the daily prices received as a result of monitoring for all days of the period of monitoring and rounded to the first decimal sign according to mathematical rules of rounding.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of the 25th day of every month and if calculating date drops out for the weekend or holidays, in the last working day preceding days off or holidays performs:

calculation of rates of export customs duties on sunflower oil according to Item of 1 this provision;

placement of information on indication prices of sunflower oil on the official site of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in Internet network;

placement of information on the calculated rates of export customs duties on sunflower oil on the official site of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in Internet network.

7. The calculated rates of export customs duties on sunflower oil:

are applied since the 1st following behind day of their placement on the official site of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in Internet network;


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