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of August 3, 2006 No. 1081

About approval of the Procedure for providing the military personnel and members of their families by premises

(as amended on 06-01-2023)

According to article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for providing the military personnel and members of their families by premises which is applied.

2. To the central executive bodies which perform management of the Armed Forces formed according to the laws of Ukraine other military forming, to law enforcement agencies of special purpose, the Public special service of transport in which positions are completed with the military personnel to bring own regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.

Prime Minister of Ukraine



Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 3, 2006, No. 1081

Procedure for providing military personnel and members of their families with premises

General part

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of providing the military personnel with premises - persons officer (including persons who undergo military service of faces of officers), foreman and sergeant, ordinary structure (except the military personnel of conscription service) the Armed Forces formed according to the laws of Ukraine of other military forming, law enforcement agencies of special purpose and State special transservice, Gosspetssvyaz, prospecting bodies in which positions are completed with the military personnel including transferred to the reserve or in resignation, which remained to stay on the registry of the citizens needing improvement of housing conditions in military units, institutions, organizations and the organizations (further - military units) after dismissal (further - the military personnel) and members of their families.

2. Military personnel and members of their families are provided with the office premises meeting the requirements of the housing legislation.

In case of lack of office premises in military unit the military personnel of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure who passes military service under the contract and not married accommodate free of charge in specially adapted barracks in arrangement of military unit, and family - in family hostels. Domestic conditions in the specified barracks shall conform to requirements imposed to hostels which are intended for accommodation of lonely citizens.

Military personnel of officers who undergoes military service of faces of officers and not married in case of lack of office premises accommodate in the hostels intended for accommodation of lonely citizens, and family - in family hostels.

In case of lack of possibility of accommodation of the military personnel in specially adapted barracks in arrangement of military unit, hostels (family hostels) for the military personnel of officers, including for those which undergo military service of faces of officers military personnel of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure who passes military service under the contract, and members of their families the military unit leases housing or at the request of the serviceman pays it monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of premises according to the Payment procedure of monetary compensation by the serviceman of Armed Forces, National guard, Security service, Service of foreign intelligence, the State Border Service, Public service of special communication and information security and the Public special service of transport for the sublease (employment) of premises by them, the approved resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 26, 2013 No. 450 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2013, No. 50, the Art. 1794).

3. To members of their families housing for permanent residence is provided to the military personnel who has period of service on military service of 20 years and more and.

Military personnel who protected independence sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and are recognized in the procedure established by the legislation as persons with disability owing to wound, contusions, mutilations or diseases got in case of fulfillment of duties of military service (service duties) connected with direct participation in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out, during direct participation in implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, being directly in areas and during implementation of the specified actions, and members of families of the military personnel who protected independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and were directly involved in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out, in implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, ensuring their implementation, being directly in areas and during implementation of the specified actions, also died (were missing), died in owing to wound, contusions, mutilations or diseases got with direct participation in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out, during direct participation in implementation of actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in ensuring their implementation, being directly in areas and during implementation of the specified actions, are provided with the premises for permanent residence built (acquired) at the expense of means of the government budget and other stipulated by the legislation sources or monetary compensation for the premises ought to them for obtaining taking into account the privileges established by the laws.

Providing the military personnel and members of their families with housing for permanent residence is performed by provision once during the whole time of passing of military service of housing which is new built, eliminated office, released or acquired at physical persons or legal entities, loan granting for construction (purchase) of housing.

Premises are provided to the military personnel in borders of the regulations established by the legislation.

4. The central executive bodies which perform management of the Armed Forces formed according to the laws of Ukraine other military forming, law enforcement agencies of special purpose, prospecting bodies, State special transservice and Gosspetssvyaz in which positions are completed with the military personnel:

issue regulatory legal acts concerning providing the military personnel with housing, and also annually determine amounts of the office housing and housing provided to the military personnel for permanent residence;


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