of July 13, 2021 No. UP-6260
About additional measures for full support of youth and further increase in its public activity
In the country on the way of achievement of such great purpose as creation of new Uzbekistan, rendering care and attention to our main support - resolute and self-sacrificing youth, and also creation of the conditions and opportunities necessary for complete realization of its capabilities and potential in all spheres, is the priority direction of state policy.
Special value found implementation of the large-scale measures aimed at providing with decent work and source of the income, training in modern professions and IT technologies, broad attraction to entrepreneurship of the young men and girls who ended general averages, professional and highest educational institutions and entering independent life, and also the substantial organization of leisure of youth.
Only for the expired period of 2021 the direction of 300 billion sum on the solution of vital problems of 430 thousand young men and girls, provision of 2,3 of one trillion sum of soft credits on entrepreneurial projects over 9,2 thousand to representatives of the younger generation, allocation of 61 thousand hectares of land area for occupation agriculture more than 230 thousand young people living in the rural zone on the basis of absolutely new system of work with youth - "Youth notebook" and "Youth programs", demonstrate expansion of scale of works in this direction.
For the purpose of realization of the new initiatives and the ideas pushed at the Forum of youth and students of Uzbekistan which took place on June 30 the current year, and also ensuring unconditional execution of the tasks determined in the State program "Year of support of youth and strengthening of health of the population":
1. Give in August, 2021 one-time financial support in the amount of 500 thousand sum on each child aged up to 18 years from the families included in "Iron notebook" at the expense of means of the Government budget.
To the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas, the city of Tashkent, areas (cities), heads of sectors and territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of support also families waved - proceeding from the number of children aged up to 18 years from the families included in "Iron notebook" to provide forming of pay-sheets, and also timely and address delivery of money to them as financial support through district (city) departments of support also families waved.
2. Establish procedure according to which:
to children from the families included in "Iron notebook", and in the public highest educational institutions for the first academic year in 2021/2022 academic year the full amount of the paid contract at the expense of means of the Government budget becomes covered by the student;
to children from the families included in "Iron notebook" and "Female notebook", and also the youth included in "Youth notebook", for the first time marrying the unsecured credit at the rate to 33 million sum for construction of additional housing in the premises is allocated;
for the purpose of strengthening of social protection of young families in addition subsidies for acquisition of housing with the initial contribution and interest payments within the program of mortgage are allocated to 2 thousand young families.
3. Determine that since September 1, 2021 to the students studying in the highest educational institutions of the republic at paid and contractual basis the educational credits in the amount of the main interest rate of the Central bank with condition of return to seven-year term, since seventh month, after the termination of term of training are allocated.
To the Ministry of Finance (T. A. Ishmetov) together with the Central bank (M. B. Nurmuratov) and the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education (A. H. Toshkulov) to two weeks to introduce the draft of the regulatory legal act providing procedure for allocation of the educational credits.
4. To the Ministry of Finance (T. A. Ishmetov) in two-month time to introduce the bill providing to the Cabinet of Ministers:
application of tax benefits to the taxable salary and other income of the physical persons directed to covering of the educational credits allocated by commercial banks for training in the highest and professional educational institutions;
income tax exemption, the levied from the salary and other income of the physical persons directed during each tax period to proportional covering of the mortgage loans obtained by young families and percent added on them before achievement by spouses or one of them the established age.
5. Implement allowance payment procedure to official pay rate of the young specialists performing activities in the state bodies, the organizations and organizations which graduated from the foreign highest educational organizations (bachelor degree, magistracy) or received academic degree (PhD and other academic degree equated to it) in the foreign highest educational organizations included in top-500 the list of the authoritative international rating organizations at the expense of means of the Government budget - for the established posts containing at the expense of the Government budget, and also extrabudgetary funds of the relevant organizations - for the established posts containing at the expense of means of off-budget funds according to appendix No. 1.
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