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of July 29, 2021 No. PP-5202

About measures for implementation of the special resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya zone of ecological innovations and technologies"

(as amended on 04-01-2024)

For the purpose of ensuring practical execution of the priority tasks determined in the special resolution of the United Nations General Assembly of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya by zone of ecological innovations and technologies", transformations of the region Priaralya from zone of ecological and humanitarian crisis in zone of ecological innovations and technologies:

1. Take into consideration that at the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan the special resolution "About the Announcement of the Region Priaralya Zone of Ecological Innovations and Technologies" is adopted at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly of May 18, 2021 (further - the special resolution).

2. For the purpose of realization of the tasks determined in the special resolution and also transformation of the region Priaralya to zone of ecological innovations and technologies to approve the offers of the Ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of innovative development and Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan providing:

a) creation of the favorable atmosphere and development of institutional base for structural and transformational transformations in the region Priaralya by political and legal innovations (responsible - the Ministry of innovative development).

To the minister of innovative development I. Abdurakhmanov:

create in the city of Nukus "Academy of young scientists" and "Technopark of youth" on support of young scientists, owners startup projects and researchers;

provide opening of laboratory with genetic bank of seeds of plants, business accelerator and training center under the International innovative center of Priaralya;

b) ensuring ecological stability, digitalization and realization of innovative approaches to rational use of natural resources in the region Priaralya (responsible - the State committee on ecology and environmental protection).

To provide to the chairman of the State committee on ecology and environmental protection A. Maksudov:

electronic mapping and creation of the database of the objects of plant and animal life which are under the threat of disappearance;

c) implementation of innovative technologies and development mechanisms of the social sphere and support of the population in the region Priaralya (responsible - the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty).

To provide to the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and reducing poverty I. Norkulov:

implementation of technologies of recognition for person;

development of autonomous technology of desalination of drinking brine water with use of renewable energy resources;

d) wide use in the region Priaralya of economic and financial innovative mechanisms, large-scale implementation resource-saving, "green" and circular (wasteless, regenerative and effective) modern innovative technologies in economy industries (responsible - the Ministry of investments and foreign trade).

To the first deputy minister of investments and foreign trade A. Voitov:

implement in the Republic of Karakalpakstan on the area of 2,5 of thousand hectares system of dozhdevalny irrigation for cultivation of cotton, grain, sesame, corn and forage crops;

modernize test laboratories (food, agricultural industry, electrical equipment, light industry) and to adjust services of logistics in delivery of samples in laboratory;

e) development of science, carrying out scientific research, providing legal protection of creation of intellectual property items, and also support of local and international cooperation in implementation of scientific and innovative developments in the region Priaralya (responsible - the Ministry of innovative development).

To the minister of innovative development I. Abdurakhmanov:

create the ecological map of Karakalpakstan and develop on this basis of the mechanism of the effective organization of ecotourism;

form the complex center of the biochemical analysis of the highest educational institutions for the purpose of determination of point of site class of the salted soils;

e) development of international cooperation and attraction of foreign investments for realization of the tasks determined in the special resolution and this resolution (responsible - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

To the deputy minister of foreign affairs G. Fozilov:

promote development of cooperation with the donor countries, the international organizations, financial institutions, funds and the companies allocating funds of the external help in mobilization of resources in Multipartner trust fund on human safety for the region Priaralya under the auspices of the UN;

create videos about social and economic and environmental issues in the region Priaralya and place them in foreign mass media and social networks;

g) forming and coordination of internal financing sources of innovative projects in the region Priaralya (responsible - the Ministry of Finance);

To the Minister of Finance T. Ishmetov:

provide allocation of necessary means in parameters of the Government budget for 2022 and the next years on financing of the actions determined in "Road map" and the list of the innovative projects approved by this resolution;

render practical assistance to large subjects of entrepreneurship of the city of Tashkent in projects implementation, the ecological innovations and technologies directed to implementation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

3. Approve

"Road map" on realization of the tasks determined in the special resolution of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya by zone of ecological innovations and technologies" (further - "Road map"), according to appendix No. 1;

The list of priority innovative projects on realization of the tasks determined in the special resolution of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya by zone of ecological innovations and technologies" (further - innovative projects), according to appendix No. 2;

structure of the Interdepartmental commission on implementation of the special resolution of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya zone of ecological innovations and technologies" (further - the Interdepartmental commission) according to appendix No. 3;

structures of the interdepartmental working groups on ensuring timely and high-quality execution, monitoring and control of the actions determined in "Road map" and innovative projects (further - working groups), according to appendix No. 4.

4. Determine the main objectives of the Interdepartmental commission:

the organization of execution of the tasks and actions determined in this resolution and the special resolution, hearing and discussion of reports of executives in charge;

assistance in attraction of financial resources of the donor countries, the international organizations, financial institutions, funds and the companies on realization of the tasks and actions determined in this resolution and the special resolution;

the organization of works on increase in awareness of the world community and the public about results of realization of the tasks determined in this resolution and the special resolution;

effective coordination of activities of working groups, quarterly hearing of their reports on results of the implemented works and determination before them specific objectives.

5. To render khokimiyats of areas and city of Tashkent together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan practical assistance in projects implementation, the ecological innovations and technologies directed to implementation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan by initiative subjects of entrepreneurship of areas and the city of Tashkent.

6. To the ministry of innovative development (I. Abdurakhmonov), to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (G. Fozilov), to the Ministry of investments and foreign trade (A. Voitov, B. Abidov), the International innovative center of Priaralya (N. Mirzamuratov) to take measures for the organization and carrying out in November, 2021 of the international conference devoted to questions of transformation of the region Priaralya to zone of ecological innovations and technologies.

7. To the ministry of investments and foreign trade (A. Voitov) together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (G. Fozilov) and the Ministry of innovative development (I. Abdurakhmonov):

render assistance to the ministries, departments and the organizations, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in attraction and the direction of means of the donor countries, the international organizations, financial institutions, funds and companies allocating funds of the external help on financing of innovative projects;

in two-month time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the order of the Government providing approval of the concept "The region Priaralya - zone of ecological innovations and technologies" and multilateral "Road map" on sustainable development of the region Priaralya.

8. Recommend to chambers of Oliy Majlis to establish constant and efficient parliamentary control behind effectiveness of implementable measures within this resolution and the special resolution.

9. To provide to national news agency of Uzbekistan and National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan together with the ministries, departments and the organizations permanent extended coverage in mass media of essence and content, the purposes and tasks of this resolution, and also the achieved results within its realization.

10. Assign to the minister of innovative development I. Abdurakhmonov, the Minister of Finance T. Ishmetov, the chairman of the State committee on ecology and environmental protection A. Maksudov, the first deputy minister of investments and foreign trade A. Voitov, the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and reducing poverty I. Norkulov, the deputy minister of foreign affairs G. Fozilov, and also the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan K. Sariyev the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.

Discussion of course of execution of this resolution, implementation of coordination and the control of organization activity responsible for its execution to assign to the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan S. U. Umurzakov.

To inform the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on effectiveness of the performed measures annually till January 1.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


Appendix № 1

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 29, 2021 No. PP-5202

"Road map" on realization of the tasks determined in the special resolution of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of May 18, 2021 "About the announcement of the region Priaralya by zone of ecological innovations and technologies"

Name of actions

Realization mechanism



Financing sources

Executives in charge

I. Creation of the favorable atmosphere and development of institutional base for structural and transformational transformations in the region Priaralya by political and legal innovations

Responsible: 1st working group (I. Yu. Abdurakhmonov)


Creation of "Academy of young scientists" in the city of Nukus.

1. Development and introduction of the regulatory legal act on the organization of activities of Academy.

September, 2021

On the basis of the design estimates

Fund of science funding and support of innovations

Ministry of innovative development (I. Abdurakhmonov),

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (K. Sariyev)

2. Allocation of the respective buildings and constructions for placement of Academy.

October, 2021

3. Reconstruction and repair of the buildings and constructions allocated to Academy, forming of material and technical resources.

March, 2022

4. Establishing activities of Academy.

May, 2022


Establishing activities of Youth technopark in the city of Nukus for support of young scientists, owners startup projects and researchers.

1. Ensuring assignment for the organization of activities of Youth technopark.

October, 2021

On the basis of the design estimates

Fund of science funding and support of innovations

Ministry of innovative development (I. Abdurakhmonov),

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (K. Sariyev)

2. Work on creation of Youth technopark.

September, 2022

3. Forming of material and technical resources of Youth technopark.

November, 2022

4. Establishing activities of Youth technopark.

December, 2022


Creation under the International innovative center of Priaralya of laboratory with genetic bank of seeds of plants, training center of business accelerator and technopark in the Nukus district.

1. Ensuring assignment for building construction of laboratory according to the design estimates.

September, 2021

On the basis of the design estimates

Means of the Government budget

International innovative center of Priaralya (N. Mirzamuratov)

2. Construction of the building of laboratory of the International innovative center of Priaralya.

March, 2022

3. Establishing activities of training center of business accelerator and placement it in the laboratory building.

April, 2022

4. Forming of material and technical resources of training center of business accelerator and laboratory of the innovative center.

May, 2022


Construction of new modern housing estate in the Nukus district on the basis of the concept "Smart village" (Smart village).

1. Development of the concept of construction of new modern housing estate "The smart village" (Smart village) and consideration of offers on selection of the parcel of land for construction in accordance with the established procedure.

September, 2021

100 billion sum

Means of initiative subjects of entrepreneurship

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (K. Sariyev),

khokimiyat of the Nukus district,

initiative subjects of entrepreneurship

2. Execution of the corresponding documentation for construction of new modern housing estate "The smart village" (Smart village).

March, 2022

3. Carrying out construction works in housing estate "The smart village" (Smart village).

During 2022

4. Development of actions for implementation of the concept "Smart village" (Smart village) in other areas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

During 2023


The organization of activities of the scientific and test site and laboratory of ecophysiological researches of the International innovative center of Priaralya in cooperation with the Karakalpak department of Academy of Sciences.

1. Determination of the territory for creation of the scientific and test site and laboratory of ecophysiological researches.

December, 2021

On the basis of the design estimates

Fund of science funding and support of innovations

Ministry of innovative development, (I. Abdurakhmonov),

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (K. Sariyev),

Academy of Sciences (B. Yuldashev)

2. Creation of laboratory of ecophysiological researches.

July, 2022

3. Carrying out on the scientific and test site of researches of mechanisms of adaptation of desert and salt-resistant plants to climatic and hydrological conditions, and also faunae to changes of environment and equipment of laboratory of ecophysiological researches.

September, 2022

4. Establishing activities of the scientific and test site and laboratory of ecophysiological researches.

October, 2022


Expansion of garden of desert and salt-resistant ornamental plants "My garden in the Aral sea" in Muynaksky district.

1. Attraction of financial resources of foreign donors for financing of the project.

2. Expansion of the territory of garden of plants.

3. Extended coverage of the project in mass media.

During 2021-2022

574 million sum

Fund of support of innovations of Priaralya for the International innovative center of Priaralya

International innovative center of Priaralya (N. Mirzamuratov),

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (K. Sariyev),

Academy of Sciences (B. Yuldashev),

Ellikkalinsky botanical garden


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