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of June 8, 2006 No. 149-XVI

About fish fund, fishery and fish breeding

(as amended on 21-12-2023)

The Parliament adopts this organic law.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of the law

This law establishes the legal basis in the field of fish fund, fishery and fish breeding.

Article 2. Field of regulation

This law regulates procedure and conditions of creation and protection of fish fund, reproduction, cultivation and catch of aquatic organisms, melioration of fishery water objects, development of fish breeding, determines the principles of activities of the bodies of the public power given authority on management of water biological resources.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this law the following specific concepts are used:

fishery melioration - implementation of measures for improvement of hydrological, hydrochemical and ecological condition of fishery water objects for the purpose of creation of conditions for reproduction, preserving and rational use of water biological resources;

fishery objects - ponds, lakes, stations of artificial reproduction and other reservoirs intended for reproduction and cultivation of fish and other water organisms;

spawning area - places/sites in fishery water objects where there is reproduction of fish and other water organisms;

catch - the amount of the fish caught in fishery water objects or other water organisms expressed in kilograms or pieces;

rybopriyemny Item - the room equipped according to sanitary standards for acceptance and storage on species of fish and other water organisms;

catch quota - the part of admissible catch by each type or group of types which is annually established for the physical persons and legal entities performing business activity and owning the certificate on commercial fishing;

fish farm - the main functional unit in fish breeding consisting of one or several fishery objects where the fish stock or commodity fish is grown up;

fish fund - set of populations of fishes and other water organisms;

zimovalny holes - the deepest site at the bottom of water object in which fishes and other water organisms during the winter period are concentrated;

fishery water objects - the water objects formed in the natural way or it is artificial, and also their flooded zones in which are available or conditions for reproduction and cultivation of fish and other water organisms can be created;

artificial fishery water objects - the lakes, ponds, water storage basins and other water objects formed by damming or odambirovaniye and intended for cultivation of fish;

natural fishery water objects - the rivers and their inflows, flooded areas, lakes and water storage basins formed in the natural way or in the meliorative purposes with their flooded zones;

the ticket for fishing - issued by the Agency of the environment - body issuer of allowing documents in the field of the environment (further - body issuer) the document for commercial, sports, amateur and recreational fishing in natural fishery water objects;

fishery - catch of fishes and other water organisms for the commercial, sports, amateur, recreational, meliorative, scientific and control purposes based on the certificate on provision of annual quota for commercial fishing, the ticket for commercial fishing, the ticket for sports, amateur and recreational fishing, permissions to fishing in the scientific and control purposes in places, during the period and fishing tools which are provided by the law;

meliorative fishing - catch of certain species of fish and other water organisms for the purpose of optimization of their quantitative and high-quality structure, and also improvement of condition of water ecosystems;

fishing in the scientific and control purposes - catch of aquatic organisms for the purpose of determination of condition of water biological resources, and also for control (determination) of quantitative and high-quality structure of populations for the purpose of regulation of fishery or determination of sanitary and epidemiologic condition;

reversible fishery in the scientific purposes - safe method of catch of aquatic organisms which allows repeated catch of fish without significant effect on its survival, providing long-term researches of communities of fishes;

sports, amateur and recreational fishery - catch of fish for private consumption, in the recreational, sports and tourist purposes;

the fish breeder - the physical person certified for implementation of works on fish farms;

fish breeding - the industry of the livestock sector of agricultural industry including work on cultivation, selection and reproduction of fish in fishery objects by means of use of special technologies;

fishing prohibition - prohibition during the certain period on the catch of aquatic organisms in fishery water objects established for the purpose of reproduction, protection, recovery and preserving water biological resources; water biological resources / aquatic organisms - community of live water organisms which existence (it is permanent or at certain stages of development) is impossible without stay in the water circle: the water vertebrata and invertebrates, seaweed, other plants living in natural state in water objects;

floating aquarium - the floating installation consisting of many-sided framework with mesh walls, intended for cultivation of fish or other water animals.

Article 4. Legal basis

The legal basis of regulation of the relations in the field of fish fund, fishery and fish breeding is constituted by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the laws, resolutions of Parliament, presidential decrees of the Republic of Moldova, ordinances and the orders of the Government, the international agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova, this law and other regulations in the field.

Article 5. Basic principles of management of water biological resources

Management of water biological resources is based on the following principles:

a) preserving water biological resources;

b) maintenance of biological potential and preserving biological diversity;

c) long-term use of water biological resources;

d) recovery and protection of water biological resources;

e) fishery development;

f) carrying out monitoring of quality of water and condition of water biological resources;

g) development of fish breeding;

h) publicity and openness of provision of the right to fishing in natural fishery water objects.

Article 6. Law scope

Operation of this law extends to the following fishery water objects within the territory of the Republic of Moldova:

1) natural fishery water objects:

a) the river Dniester with Chyorn's inflows, the Raut, Ikel, the Bull, Botna, the artificial fishery water objects except for built on them, the Dubesarsky water storage basin, the Goyansky gulf, the Kuchurgansky water storage basin, sleeve Turunchuk, Staritsa of Dniester;


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