of May 26, 2021 No. 786
About management system state programs of the Russian Federation
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on management system by state programs of the Russian Federation.
2. Determine that the realization of state programs of the Russian Federation since 2022 is enabled according to the Provision approved by this resolution.
3. To federal executive bodies and other main managers of means of the federal budget who are executives in charge of state programs of the Russian Federation:
during 2021 to provide development of state programs of the Russian Federation according to the Provision approved by this resolution;
in 2022 to provide submission of annual statements about the course of realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation for 2021 according to the Procedure for development, realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2010 No. 588 "About approval of the Procedure for development, realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation" and the Rules of development, realization and efficiency evaluation of separate state programs of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2017 No. 1242 "About development, realization and about efficiency evaluation of separate state programs of the Russian Federation".
4. To the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:
in a month from the date of entry into force of this resolution to develop in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Russian Government Office and to approve methodical recommendations about development and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation;
provide submission in 2022 of the summary annual report on the course of realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation for 2021 according to the procedure established by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2019 No. 903 "About approval of Rules of forming of the summary annual report on the course of realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation, introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and recognition voided separate provisions of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation";
develop and provide to the Government of the Russian Federation till November 1, 2022 the project of regulatory legal act about approval of rules of forming of the summary annual report on the course of realization and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation;
perform in 2021 in the test mode loading and monitoring of indicators and actions of state programs of the Russian Federation in the state automated information system "Management".
5. To federal executive bodies, except for the federal executive bodies specified in Item 3 of this resolution in 3-month time from the effective date this resolution:
introduce drafts of the acts directed to reduction of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in compliance with this resolution to the Government of the Russian Federation;
provide reduction of departmental acts in compliance with this resolution.
6. Determine what in case of specifying in public contracts (agreements, contracts, agreements), signed for the purpose of implementation of actions of the state programs of the Russian Federation approved till April 1, 2021 of codes of classification of budgets expenses and (or) references to these state programs of the Russian Federation modification of the specified public contracts (agreements, contracts, agreements) for the purpose of change of such codes and (or) references is not required.
7. Recommend to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation to consider regulations of the Provision approved by this resolution in case of establishment of procedure for development and implementation of state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation.
8. Recognize invalid acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to appendix No. 1 since January 1, 2022 according to the list according to appendix No. 2 since January 1, 2023.
9. Approve the enclosed changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Russian Prime Minister
M. Mishustin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2021 No. 786
1. This Provision establishes rules of development, realization, monitoring and efficiency evaluation of state programs of the Russian Federation.
This Provision does not extend to the state program of arms provided by the Federal Law "About the State Defensive Order".
2. The state program of the Russian Federation represents the document of strategic planning containing complex of the planned actions (results) interconnected on tasks, implementation terms, contractors and resources and instruments of state policy providing achievement of the priorities and purposes of state policy in the corresponding directions of social and economic development and ensuring national security of the Russian Federation including directed to achievement of the national purposes of development of the Russian Federation determined by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474 "About the national purposes of development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030" (further - the national purposes).
3. In this Provision the following types of state programs of the Russian Federation are allocated:
the state program of the Russian Federation which subject is achievement of priorities and purposes of state policy, including the national purposes, within specific industry or the sphere of social and economic development and ensuring national security of the Russian Federation (further - the state program);
the state program of the Russian Federation which subject is achievement of priorities and purposes of state policy of cross-industry and (or) territorial nature, including the national purposes affecting spheres of implementation of several state programs (further - the comprehensive program).
The decision on implementation of the state program as the comprehensive program is made by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the procedure, stipulated in Item the 29th this provision.
4. In structure of state programs (comprehensive programs) according to spheres of their realization are subject to inclusion of activity of federal state bodies and (or) other main managers of means of the federal budget and budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation (further - activities), except for activities according to the list according to appendix.
In comprehensive programs their realization of activity corresponding to spheres (industries) included in structure of state programs which list affirms the Government of the Russian Federation, and also activities according to the list according to appendix as the case established by the Government of the Russian Federation in addition are subject to analytical reflection.
5. Development and the realization of state programs (comprehensive programs) is enabled proceeding from the following principles:
a) ensuring achievement of the national purposes taking into account influence of actions (results) of state programs (comprehensive programs) on achievement of the corresponding indicators of the national purposes;
b) providing priorities of social and economic development and the homeland security of the Russian Federation established by documents of strategic planning;
c) inclusion in structure of the state program (comprehensive program) of all tools and actions in corresponding to industry and the sphere (including measures of organizational nature, implementation of control and supervising activities, enhancement of normative regulation of industry, tax, customs, tariff, credit and other tools);
d) ensuring consolidation of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget, the budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, expense estimation of consolidated budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and non-budgetary sources directed to realization of state policy in the respective spheres and influencing accomplishment of the actions (results) planned in state programs (comprehensive programs);
e) coordination of state programs (comprehensive programs) with state programs of subjects of the Russian Federation and development programs (other programs) of the state corporations, state-owned companies and joint-stock companies with the state participation influencing achievement of indicators and accomplishment of actions (results) of state programs (comprehensive programs);
e) accounting of indicators of efficiency evaluation of activities of management officials (heads of the supreme executive bodies of the government) of subjects of the Russian Federation and indicators of the national purposes;
g) allocation in structure of the state program (comprehensive program):
the projects determined, created and realized according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2018 No. 1288 "About the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation" (further - regulations on project activities);
the process actions realized continuously or on periodic basis;
h) fixing of the official responsible for realization of each structural element of the state program (comprehensive program);
i) marking possibility as a part of the state program of actions (results) corresponding to spheres of implementation of comprehensive programs;
j) momentariness of data entry when forming state programs (comprehensive programs) and their monitoring.
6. Development and implementation of the state program (comprehensive program) are performed by federal executive body or other main manager of means of the federal budget determined by the Government of the Russian Federation as the executive in charge of the state program (comprehensive program) (further - the executive in charge), together with collaborators and participants of the state program (comprehensive program).
Collaborators of the state program (comprehensive program) are federal executive bodies, other state bodies and the organizations which representatives are determined by heads of federal projects, departmental projects, and also the federal executive bodies and the organizations which are the main managers of means of the federal budget and budgets of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation responsible for development and realization of complexes of process actions of the state program (comprehensive program).
Participants of the state program (comprehensive program) are the federal executive bodies, other state bodies and the organizations participating in implementation of federal projects, departmental projects and complexes of process actions.
7. Forming, representation, coordination and approval of passports of state programs (comprehensive programs), and also complexes of process actions, requests for their change, plans and reports on their realization, other documents and information developed in case of implementation of state programs (comprehensive programs) (except for federal projects and departmental projects), are performed in subsystem of management of state programs of the state integrated management information system by public finance "The electronic budget" (further respectively - the subsystem of management of state programs, the Electronic Budget system) in process of input in trial operation of its components and modules in the form of the electronic documents signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of persons, representatives in accordance with the established procedure to act on behalf of the executive in charge (the collaborator, participant) state program (comprehensive program).
Forming of functional requirements to subsystem of management of state programs is performed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and in coordination with the Russian Government Office.
Before input in trial operation of the corresponding components and modules of subsystem of management of state programs forming, coordination (approval), change, approval and submission of the specified documents and information are performed in the document form on paper, signed by persons, representatives in accordance with the established procedure to act on behalf of the executive in charge (the collaborator, the participant) of the state program (comprehensive program). Exchange of the documents containing the data carried to the state secret and data of confidential nature is performed on paper and electronic carriers in accordance with the established procedure.
Executives in charge, collaborators and participants of state programs (comprehensive programs) provide marking in the Electronic Budget system of all structural elements of state programs (comprehensive programs) and their actions (results) relating:
to spheres of implementation of comprehensive programs (for state programs);
to implementation of national projects (programs) (further - national projects);
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