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of March 5, 2012 No. ZR-22

About ensuring unity of measurements

(as amended on 09-06-2021)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on February 8, 2012

Chapter 1. Basic provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

1. This Law regulates the legal basis of ensuring unity of measurements in the Republic of Armenia, the relations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the sphere of ensuring unity of measurements and is directed to protection of the rights and legitimate interests of consumers against negative consequences of doubtful results of measurements, development of economy and scientific and technical progress.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in the Law

1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) national standard - standard which is acknowledged as the decision of national authority of metrology initial in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;

2) working standard - the standard used for calibration or checking of measuring instruments or measuring systems and also in case of determination (check) by the inspection body exercising metrological control, gage compliance to metrological rules and regulations;

3) standard - material measure, gage, standard sample or the measuring system provided for reproduction, establishment, storage and transfer to other gages of value or unit with the corresponding uncertainty;

4) traceability chain - chain of transfer of values of reference units to measuring instruments in which the sequence of transfer of values of units and comparison of uncertainty are provided;

5) metrological support - the necessary actions, technical means and procedures applied to ensuring reliability of results of measurement in the sphere of legislative metrology;

6) metrology - science about measurements and their application;

7) authorized body on metrology - the state body authorized by the Government which exercises public administration of ensuring unity of measurements in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;

8) ceased to be valid

9) gage - the device intended for measurements which can separately be used or together with additional devices;

10) calibration of gages - set of actions by means of which in certain conditions the area of distribution of the measured values of the calibrated gages in comparison with working standards and reference gages is determined;

11) checking of gages - the set of actions providing objective data that the gage meets the established requirements. Checking of gages happens selective, primary, repeated, obligatory periodic and voluntary;

12) examination of gages - the checking of gages performed according to the written offer or the requirement of court, prosecutor's office, the arbitration authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia of the inspection body exercising metrological control, the organizations protecting consumers and their rights;

13) measurement - set of the actions performed for the purpose of determination of value of size;

14) unity of measurements - such condition of measurements which results are expressed in the accepted units of sizes and the error with the known probability does not go beyond the set limits;

15) standard sample - the measure used during the checking, calibration, assessment of accuracy of gages, and also in case of determination of composition of substances, values of the sizes determining technical characteristics of their properties;

16) the certificate on approval of type - the document certifying approval of type of gage;

17) legislative metrology - the part of metrology including types of activity to which the requirements to measurements, units of measure, gages and methods of measurement established by the legislation extend;

18) legislative metrological supervision - approval of types of gages, preliminary and further checking of measuring instruments and metrological supervision and examination;

18. 1) metrological control - the control directed to observance of requirements of technical regulations in the sphere of ensuring release into the stream of commerce and (or) operation of unconfirmed type, not attorneys, the approved type and gages confided, but not meeting metrological rules and standards, for the purpose of prevention, identification and elimination of violations of the metrological rules and regulations established by the law and other legal acts regulating the sphere of ensuring unity of measurements, availability of the certified techniques of making of measurements, unities of measurements;

18. 2) the inspection body exercising metrological control - the inspection body exercising the metrological control authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (further - inspection body);

19) scientific keepers - persons responsible for storage of national standards.

Article 3. Legal regulation of the relations in the sphere of ensuring unity of measurements

1. In the Republic of Armenia the relations in the field of metrology and ensuring unity of measurements are regulated by this Law, international treaties and other legal acts.

2. If international treaties of the Republic of Armenia establish other regulations than provided by this Law, then regulations of international treaties are effective.

Chapter 2. Units of sizes, standards, gages, measurement techniques and calibration

Article 4. Units of sizes

1. In the Republic of Armenia units of size and scale of measurements of the International System of Units of the SI (SI) accepted by the International conference on measures and scales and guaranteed by the International organization of legislative metrology are applied.

2. On an equal basis with units of the sizes guaranteed by the first part of this Article stand-alone units of sizes in correlation can be applied to units of the international systems.

3. In the Republic of Armenia the special commonly accepted units necessary can be applied:

1) for international trade;

2) for air and sea navigation, health care, the military purposes and safety.

4. The Armenian name of units of sizes, scales of measurements, their designation, writing and rules of application establishes the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

5. In trade, advertizing, editions, textbooks it is forbidden to apply units other than the permitted units.

Article 5. Standards

1. The system of national standards is created for the purpose of storage, distribution of the permitted units and satisfaction of economic demand.

2. Units of sizes, national and working standards are technical basis of national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. They are initial in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and transfers of their measure to working gages of these sizes are intended for reproduction and storage of measures of units of sizes, and also.

3. National standards are stored by scientific keepers of National authority on metrology.

4. The measure of measurement is recognized national standard National authority on metrology according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.


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