of September 15, 2020 No. PP-4829
About measures for implementation of system of the safe, ordered and legal labor migration
For the last four years the attitude towards the citizens working abroad cardinally changed, dialogue with labor migrants is established, the new system on studying and the solution of their problems and realization of requirements is implemented.
The Fund of support and protection of the rights and interests of the citizens performing labor activity abroad is created (further - Fund), practice of life insurance and health of labor migrants, allocations of mortgage loans for members of their families is implemented.
At the same time acceptance of complex measures for enhancement of mechanisms of support of the citizens performing labor activity abroad, to ensuring reintegration of persons which came back from labor migration, to creating favorable conditions for occupation them business activity is required.
For the purpose of enhancement of activities of authorized bodies in the field of external labor migration, training of persons wishing to work abroad, to demanded professions, protection of the rights of citizens during their stay abroad, employment of the come-back labor migrants, and also social support of members of their families:
1. Recognize unsatisfactory activities of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships, the Agencies on external labor migration, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of the city of Tashkent, areas, areas and the cities on organized employment of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, to implementation of permanent dialogue with them and the organization of the system solution of their problems, to ensuring their employment upon return home.
2. Approve system of the safe, ordered and legal labor migration according to appendix No. 1 *, having determined it the main directions:
increase in scales of the organized direction of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad for implementation of temporary labor activity, expansion in the conferred purposes of range of tasks and powers of the ministries, departments and executive bodies on places;
development of international cooperation in the field of external labor migration, strengthening of ties with the organizations of compatriots and the Uzbek diasporas abroad;
effective establishing practice of training in professions and foreign languages of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan before departure for work abroad, implementation of system of issue of internationally acknowledged certificates confirming their professional qualification by it;
expansion of practice of financial and social support of the labor migrants who got into difficult situation, insurance of their life and health, the organization for them cultural and educational actions;
implementation of measures, directed to assistance and providing the rights of the citizens performing labor activity abroad, creation for them favorable conditions;
reintegration of persons which came back from labor migration including ensuring their employment, increase in professional qualification and stimulation of entrepreneurial initiatives.
3. Establish the following procedure for the organization of work of regional branches of the Agency on external labor migration:
The chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent perform the common directorship of regional branches, and also bear responsibility for effective implementation of the tasks assigned to them;
chiefs of regional branches at the same time are assistants to the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent concerning external labor migration;
chiefs of regional branches are appointed to position and dismissed by the chief of the Agency on external labor migration in coordination with the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokimama of areas and the city of Tashkent, and also the Ministry of employment and employment relationships;
The chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent at the expense of additional sources of local budgets take measures for strengthening of material and technical resources of regional branches, and also attraction to their activities of qualified specialists on the basis of civil agreements;
the financial incentive of employees of regional branches is performed depending on efficiency of the work on increase in share of organized labor migration and employment of persons which came back from labor migration carried out by them;
The agency on external labor migration gives methodical help to regional branches concerning labor migration, provides information on the labor market abroad and potential employers, and also promotes strengthening of their material and technical resources and encourages workers.
4. Provide to regional branches of the Agency on external labor migration the right:
sign agreements with foreign employers, and also send citizens abroad on the basis of the signed agreements;
cooperate with diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan and representative offices of the Agency on external labor migration abroad in questions of protection and support of the rights of the labor migrants performing labor activity in foreign states;
establish connection and hold negotiations with regional migratory and other state bodies of the foreign states;
cooperate with the organizations of compatriots abroad;
raise funds of technical assistance and grants of the foreign (international) financial institutions and other organizations allocated for development of the sphere of migration.
5. Approve:
The program of the measures realized by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent within system of the safe, ordered and legal labor migration according to appendix No. 2 *;
The program of the measures realized by diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad within system of the safe, ordered and legal labor migration according to appendix No. 3 *;
The main indicators of the work which is carried out in 2020-2021 in the field of external labor migration by the Ministry of employment and employment relationships, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent according to appendix No. 4 *;
The program of the cultural and educational events held in foreign countries in 2021 according to appendix No. 5*.
* Appendices No. No. 2, 3 and 5 are not given.
6. Establish procedure according to which since January 1, 2021 persons who are going abroad by organized labor migration to job placement study professions in the state and non-state educational organizations, except for persons meeting qualification requirements of the foreign employer.
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