of July 6, 2021 No. UP-6257
About measures for creation of environment of the intolerant relation to corruption, cardinal reducing corruption factors in the public and public administration, and also to broad involvement of the public in this process
In the country consecutive measures for implementation of the system of the prevention and uncompromising struggle based on the advanced international standards with corruption are taken.
In particular, necessary conditions for implementation of effective and efficient public control in public administration by ensuring openness, publicity and transparency in activities of state bodies and organizations, and also establishments of accountability of officials before the population are created.
The separate body - anti-corruption Agency, responsible for identification and systems analysis of corruption risks, elimination of factors, them generating is for the first time created. In public authorities and large business entities activities of divisions of internal anti-corruption control are adjusted.
The effective mechanisms directed to prevention of corruption and abuses in many spheres, such as issue of the state registration plates on vehicles, rendering notarial and other state services, withdrawal of the parcels of land, control of observance of traffic regulations take root with wide use of opportunities of digital technologies.
At the same time, despite the taken system measures, corruption manifestations in such directions as use of budgetary funds, public procurements, capital construction, receipt of licenses and permissions, allocation of bank loans, employment remain.
For the purpose of increase in system effectiveness of anti-corruption and the early prevention of corruption manifestations, broad involvement of the public in this process and forming of the circle of the intolerant relation to corruption:
1. Note that corruption at the present stage of development of the country is one of the most serious threats for the state and social development of Uzbekistan.
Determine priority task of heads and employees of state bodies of all levels the intolerant relation to any manifestations of corruption and uncompromising struggle with it.
To the Prosecutor General's Office, anti-corruption Agency (further - the Agency), to Service of state security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to mobilize all forces and means for ensuring inevitability of responsibility for any manifestations of corruption.
2. For the purpose of transformation of public administration to the sphere, free from corruption, taking into account opinions and proposals of the general public:
a) provide maintaining by the Agency "The open electronic register of persons found guilty of making of corruption crimes" (further - the Register);
b) it is forbidden to the faces included in the Register:
revenues to public service and rewarding with the state awards;
promotion of the candidates for the positions chosen and appointed in special procedure;
membership in public councils and interdepartmental collegiate organs under state bodies;
participation of the subjects of entrepreneurship founded by them and (or) with their participation in public procurements and the agreement on public-private partnership as the participant (contractor), and also the tenders and the competitive biddings connected with privatization of the state assets;
implementation of activities on executive positions in the organizations with the state share more than 50 percent and state educational institutions.
3. To the agency together with the Prosecutor General's Office, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, the National center for human rights and the Ministry of employment and employment relationships in three-months time to introduce the bill directed to implementation in practice of the Register and the related restrictions to Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Determine that the Register joins persons who committed corruption crimes after entry into force of the law provided by paragraph one of this Item.
4. Implement since January 1, 2022 system of obligatory declaring of the income and property of government employees, heads and deputy managers of the organizations with the state share more than 50 percent, the state companies and organizations, their spouses and minor children.
Establish procedure according to which:
evasion of the government employee from provision of the declaration and introduction of obviously false information by it are the basis for its discharge from public service and attraction to the responsibility established by the law;
since January 1, 2022 the government employee is forbidden to open and own accounts, to store cash, to own real and other estate outside the republic territory (except for the government employees working abroad and the property acquired before revenues to public service).
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